View Full Version : D.A.B Radio <-- please help

21-08-07, 10:19 PM
I have been looking to get a DAB radio for about 3 weeks now. But why i was looking on the internet for one to buy. I come a cross a web site that say with in 6-7 year all DAB radios that are on sale now will be no good as they are changing the signel. Has anyone else heard this:confused:

Is it worth me going out this weekend to buy one or not?

PS: Thank you to anyone that can help. :thumb:

21-08-07, 10:26 PM
I think for the price of a D.A.B radio now it's not worth the worry over if they change it or not, It'll have died before any change over, they don't make them like they used too lol

21-08-07, 10:34 PM
Thank for your help. The DAB radio i have been looking at is about ?80 pounds So i think i might go out and get it this weekend.

Ive been looking for a D.A.B radio I can use why im at the gym..

Sorry something i have just read was the new DAB radios could be out with in the next 2 to 3 year.. So is it worth waiting or should i just go out and get one?

22-08-07, 12:12 AM
hmm,.. didnt know. ?80 for 2-3 years worth of use?? if ude use it often, then i think thats good moneys worth...?

22-08-07, 08:08 AM
I had to get a DAB alarm clock a while back as I was living in a steel framed building that wouldnt let normal FM through. Its excellent, good signal usually DAB stuff has a few more features like multi alarms etc.

We just got the GF a DAB/CD/Alarm (a black pure thing for about a ton), the sound quality is awesome, has programmable alarms so you dont have to turn number 1 off at weekends etc.

DAB frequencies will slip down to the FM ones as the FM transmitters are turned off/dissused so its only going to be a software update. I dont think they can feesably find a new set of frequencies to play with that would render all current DAB's useless... but i guess time will tell.

in the short term though well worth it for stuff like Chill etc.

22-08-07, 01:46 PM
DAB is a quality investment, the channels that it frees up is unbelieveable, something for all tastes. I have dab in my room, kitchen, at work (garage) and im my car. I can safely say that i wont go back to the standard stuff.

Yeah the switch over is coming, look at whats going on with TV switch over, radio will follow shortly.

22-08-07, 04:10 PM
would you be able to update the software on the old D.A.B radios So they will still work??? If so how hard will it be to do?

....Thank you all for your help...