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View Full Version : Need Help (V5) etc...

03-08-07, 11:19 AM
Hello All,

I purchased my car about 2 years ago and changed the Vehichle registration details, but like an idiot I didnt chase DVLA to get my log book back.

All I have is the V5C/2 (the bottom bit which you tear off) ... Is it possible to get my car MOT'ed / Taxed using that part? Or will I need the top bit?

If I need the full V5, how do I go about getting it back :confused:

Thanks in advance,

03-08-07, 11:57 AM
You don't need the V5C to MOT your car.

If you have a reminder form for the tax, you can use that, again no V5C required. However, if its been SORNED or you have no reminder, then you can use the new keeper supplement (plus insurance certificate and MOT) BUT its only valid for two months from purchase date - yours is two years old so no longer valid, you'll need to get a replacement V5C from the DVLA. More info here (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/HowToTaxYourVehicle/DG_4022117) :thumb:

03-08-07, 12:19 PM
Thanks as usual RJ ;)