View Full Version : low rev splutter

31-07-07, 11:32 PM
dose anyone have an idea with why my car splutters at low rev's between 0 and 2500rpm, its a 2l 16v xev. ecow**k

i had the imob removed from the ecu and got it runnin, i ad the exshust built today and drivin the car back it was, splutterin we i pulled off and changed gear in the lower rev range, if i go passed 2500rpm it dosn't splutte, it gose well realy well. wen it ticks over i can hear the induction suckin on its own without reving it, the fuel pump relay keeps cliking as if its going on and off. the fuel pump relay gets hot to.

can anyone help please ta:thumb:

01-08-07, 12:24 AM
Maybe the fuel relays fooked.
It should only click once when you start the engine.

01-08-07, 12:33 AM
i have some spaire i will give it ago, i should ov thought of that myself.:wall:

02-08-07, 12:27 AM
ive tryed the feul pump relay and still on look, it splutters like fooook at low rev's still, it up to 3500rpm to not 2500 like i said yesterday.

dose anyone have any ideas

02-08-07, 12:32 AM
What fuel pump do you have fitted

02-08-07, 01:06 AM
a calibra 2l 8v feul pump

02-08-07, 01:24 AM

02-08-07, 01:55 AM
probably something like the crank sensor on the way out. ecotech's are prone for there sensors

02-08-07, 12:29 PM
my money is on the camshaft sensor, think thats the only thing ive ever worked on, on vectras

02-08-07, 12:56 PM
come on try and type like someone who atleast showed up for school for one day.

02-08-07, 03:10 PM
if its hard to start up it will be the camshaft sensor , mine was doing the same and it was a air leak from the inletmanerfold , get some brake cleaner in a can , have the car running and spray it around the inlet and t/b cos the bushs in the t/b were some times to . if not try a airflow sencer too , i hope this helps mate

02-08-07, 08:01 PM
ive repaired the camshaft sensor before because a wire split.
it starts up first turn ov the key too. tanks for all the help lads.
i will try lookin for air leaks on the manifold next and let you no wot happening.:thumb:

as i say lads thanks for the help it much apreshiated;)

02-08-07, 08:12 PM
Is the ecu light on?

03-08-07, 02:11 PM
were,s the ecu light on a nova!:thumb:

03-08-07, 03:04 PM
Middle of the clocks on bottom.
Assuming you have it wired.

04-08-07, 01:02 PM
wot wire is it for the ecu light ive never wired one up before:confused:

04-08-07, 01:04 PM
Brown/Blue, in the small plug next to the ecu.

05-08-07, 11:11 AM
long live were do i plug the brown and blue wire in at the back ov the clocks plz mate.

05-08-07, 12:49 PM
You wire it to the brown/blue on the clocks.

05-08-07, 01:52 PM
thanks long live i will get it conected and let you no wots happening ta.

Clean 2.0 nova
05-08-07, 04:55 PM
wen it ticks over i can hear the induction suckin on its own without reving it, the fuel pump relay keeps cliking as if its going on and off. the fuel pump relay gets hot to.

can anyone help please ta:thumb:

My Ecotec seams to suck like mad through the air filter on tick over, I don't know if this is normal or is a result of far less restriction than O.E. Maybe try some kind of restriction on this like a bag around it - I maybe talking crap. Also is it spluttering with bonnet up, i.e. not taking in too much heat from exhaust

With reference to the fuel pump cutting in / out this can't be right. Try permanently powering fuel pump as a test in order to see if fueling is cause or effect.

12-08-07, 01:45 PM
sorry i have not been in touch ive bin in the sin bin becouse im realy bad ive been txt typein again(ups). right ive tryed to wre the ecu in but cart find a blue/brown wire at the back ov my clocks.

my engine seems to suck like a b*****d too. wen ticking over, the feul pump relay still clicks on and off and the rev's drop aswell. it also still splutterin bad wen i drive it slow to,can anyone help ta.

Clean 2.0 nova
12-08-07, 07:41 PM
With reference to the fuel pump cutting in / out this can't be right. Try permanently powering fuel pump as a test in order to see if fueling is cause or effect.

Tried this yet^^^.
What type of instrument panel are you using - is there space for a ECU light. If not just wire the ECU signal to a bulb or even a volt meter just for test purposes.

12-08-07, 07:56 PM
how do i wire the bulb up chap.( i think i have nov gsi clocks or diesal clocks they have a white background)

also wen i turn the engine off and take the key out after having it runn 10mins it will still try ond runn on its own i think its called (pre ignition), wot could corse this apart from timing being out, but it ran fine in the calibra i had the engine out of. also do i need the silver pipe that sits on top of the manifold, because iv took it off and blocked the holes with weld.

iv tryed a permanent feed to the feul pump to and it didn't stop the relay clickin on and off.

16-08-07, 07:14 PM
dose anyone no, if a valve is stickin would it make me car splutter at low rev's. the engine was sittin in the garden for a while under a cover, before i put it in the nova. it ran finbefore i took it out of the calibra.

i havent rebuilt the engine yet eather.

22-08-07, 05:34 PM
:thumb: ive sorted the induction suking problem, it was the idle controll valve, i just need to sort out the slight splutter at low rev's, if any of you lads can help it would be a big help thanks.;)