View Full Version : speed camera detectors

31-07-07, 06:14 PM
basically i'm thinking of buying a camera detector but unsure which one to go for lol

anyone got any advice on them and which one to go for etc, or do u think they are a waste of money?


31-07-07, 06:18 PM
got one used it once didnt think it was that good wouldnt recommend

31-07-07, 06:22 PM
I've got a snooper, an old model about 3 years old now and I wouldn't live without it especially in areas I don't know. Much prefer it to road angels. Although quality satnavs now come with them.

31-07-07, 06:22 PM
alright mate i work at halfords n i sell these all the time, they ok up to when it don't pick up a camera, and you get three points and a fine. you can buy scrammblers from america, they good as they mess up all guns and camera's no speed can be taken, but the dow side is ten years in prison if caught.

31-07-07, 06:25 PM
they ok up to when it don't pick up a camera, and you get three points and a fine.

You just have to keep them up to date, ie, before a long journey to somewhere you dont know or every couple of weeks.

31-07-07, 06:28 PM
Although quality satnavs now come with them.

Fixed camera, mobile camera and red light camera locations loaded on to my dad's TomTom works a treat - Just alerts you when you're within a certain distance driving towards one. And the bonus is you get satellite navigation out of it for a similar price to the decent camera detectors.

31-07-07, 06:53 PM
You just have to keep them up to date, ie, before a long journey to somewhere you dont know or every couple of weeks.

i had a customer come in about a week ago he kept updated regular as clockwork, yet it didn't pick up a camera, that he says was there for ages.

31-07-07, 06:55 PM
i had a customer come in about a week ago he kept updated regular as clockwork, yet it didn't pick up a camera, that he says was there for ages.

thats becuase there is no substitute for local knowledge ;)

31-07-07, 06:55 PM
tbh you dont need one. just keep an eagle eye out... makes you look further ahead when driving too which is a good thing.

Im a gadget freak but I flat out refuse to have shatnav and camera detectors as there is no need and im sure its part of a govt conspiricy to control you all

31-07-07, 07:11 PM
Yep, I'm not sure I like the idea of having something in my car that knows exactly where I am (or at least my car is) at all times.

Anyway, if you have a detector you tend to start relying on it more and more - and it only takes one copper out of place, or a cunningly hidden cam, or a local elderly villager who's been given a speed gun by the police (lots of them round here!) to get you.

31-07-07, 09:04 PM
The only thing I really used mine for was as a method of counteracting a mildly inaccurate speedo.

Came in handy for setting the max limit too for SPECS in roadworks on motorways, it gets really easy for your speed to drift when there's not much traffic about.

31-07-07, 09:14 PM
also im sure the govt release far far far more camera locations than there really are so the speed camera detector users are slowing down more... kinda like passive speed limiting and the user pays for it :D

Lee H
31-07-07, 10:19 PM
I have a Road Angel but only ever use it if i'm going somewhere out of the area as it hassle carrying it around when you leave the car and you daren't leave anything in the car.

01-08-07, 04:13 PM
Or a local elderly villager who's been given a speed gun by the police (lots of them round here!) to get you.

Can you still get fined then even tho they're not an "official" police person?
Surely this authority could be abused?

01-08-07, 04:19 PM
I believe so, the police apparently write to you with a stern telling off if you get nicked by them - if you repeatedly get nicked then they take it further and prosecute.

I think as they give the locals proper "training" in how to use the guns they're considered proper users. The "your'e not a copper, you can't nick me" argument doesn't hold water as specials can get people for speeding and theyr'e officially not proper police.

01-08-07, 04:34 PM
ah right, i often see the OAP's round here using them and i'll know i can get away with it once now!

01-08-07, 05:28 PM
you essentially get an automotive ASBO...and therefore a criminal record lol far worse than points on your license