View Full Version : taking on a project

22-07-07, 08:43 PM
has anyone on here taken on other peoples projects, i was thinking of doing this and have been to see a few but always worried as i spot things that they have messed up and dont no what else they have done,

seems like it would be back tracking fixing there stuff before you start on getting it done,

although you yo do seem to be getting alot for your money if that makes sense, what do you all think should i just keep looking for a mint shell to start from scratch and i no that what has been done has been done right

or should i take on an unfinished project as the last one i went to look at had a wide arch kit which i really do want to do

22-07-07, 08:47 PM
depends on what you want from the car really, to build one up from scratch on your own is alot of work, but equally if you buy an unfinished project and you have to re-start that its twice as much work. think carefully aswell as to why th eprevoius owner has got rid, probably becuase its a lost cause unless your lucky

22-07-07, 08:59 PM
the one i went to look at was because he was working away to much which was honest just noticed a few plates that had been welded in......poorly, with a few holes that need patches, but i sore alot of rust underneth which scarred me as i would hate to put alot of time into it to find out that it wont pass an mot without tons of welding

tony k
22-07-07, 09:29 PM
best bet is mate find out what you wanna do ie bodywork,engine or other bits the go from there as its not easy mate theres always alot of head scratchin and swearing when this stuff goes on the best way my mate done his is he sat in with a pen and paper and wrote eveything down even when he was doing the car if he thought of something he would write it down just look for a clean one mate there still out there just got to find them

22-07-07, 09:43 PM
was thinking of a 1.6gte/gsi engine so dont really matter what engine is in the nova as i wouldnt mind having a go at this myself.

was wanting to do i wide arch kit