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04-04-02, 01:58 PM
Ive a 1.3 sr and when the car is in idle the engine doesn?t maintain the rpm, the engine doesn?t stop but the rpm go up and down, if I pull the manual choke the rpm go up and the engine seems to do this ?up and down? less, if I push the acelerator and leave the rpm at 2000, 2500, 3000, etc? this problem dissapears (or I can?t appreciate it). This prob started yesterday, ive to say that ive driving with not much fuel (in reserve), I say this cos a friend told me that when you drive with not much fuel the dust of the fuel tank can go to you the carb or the filter (the car is very old, 15 years, so the fuel tank must be...) and to solve this he told me I had to push the aceleartor hardly 2 or 3 times and the the dust ?dissapears?, ive done this but the problem is still there. The air filter is ok, so ?what?s the prob? ?should I change the fuel filter (I don?t know if its dirty, I can?t see the inside)? Sorry about my english and thanks..

04-04-02, 02:11 PM
if its over revving its unlikely to be the fuel filter (i doubt). I would advise getting a haynes manual and referring to that. This problem has come up on here shitloads of times and I have had the problem myself. My car runs fine now after changing the carb and spraying wd40 on the idle control valve (i think that is what its called, but it sort of looks like a spring type thing on the side of the carb. I'm not technical at all and know very little about all this. Thats why I advise referring to haynes.

hope this helps

04-04-02, 06:45 PM
could be one of a hundred things. You could try getting a carb cleaner and changing the fuel filter. My cars a 1.2 and doesnt have a fuel filter but I fitted one anyway - a little clear thing with a filter paper in it - the amount of black shite its caught from the tank in the last 6 months is amazing! Failing that check your ht leads, dizzy cap, plugs etc... worth a check regardless. When was it last serviced?
Haynes is a good place to start - based on wot u describe the fault finding bit in haynes leads to either carb, incorrect idle speed or dizzy area.


oh now, that is interesting!

04-04-02, 10:24 PM
All the engine was checked in summer, fuel filter, air filter, carb, etc.. the dizzy cap, plugs and leads had less than 2 years and less than 3k km (1800 miles aprox). I filled the tank with 'bad' (dirty) fuel and all the places wherer the fuel goes by were dirty (this happened to a lot of people where i live, chap fuel, but dirty :( (i saw the fuel filter an it had something like white honey), but after this the car was ok, ill change the fuel filter and clean the carb, what can i clean it with? WD40?

07-04-02, 08:48 AM
no - buy proper carb cleaner. Wynns do a carb cleaner - or you can buy an additive to put in your petrol - Valvoline do a good one.

oh now, that is interesting!