View Full Version : 17's and the speedo

07-05-02, 06:33 PM
i have put 17's on me nova and the speedo is way out. at 115mph the speedo is reading about 98. this is a bastard when driving past speed cameras and through town as i have no idea what speed i am doing is there a solution to this or do i just drive around really slowly

08-05-02, 12:21 PM
just an idea but how about going to a garage and putting it on a rolling road, they may be able to reset the dials etc. dont know how much they would charge but at least it would cheaper than fines and save on points

08-05-02, 03:32 PM
What engine are you running? My 1.4 was like that. Its fine now..

Keith Mac
08-05-02, 08:51 PM
Take the plastic cover off your clocks and find a nice quiet road and a car with std wheels on it. you can move your speedo needle until you get the calibration right (by following the car at a set speed).

09-05-02, 02:32 PM
it is a 1.3. what do you mean by your speedo is fine now. did it fix itself or did your wheels shrink

09-05-02, 02:57 PM
nah he put in a bigger engine :D:D