View Full Version : Engine probs! !

31-03-02, 08:18 PM
just fitted a re-conditioned 1.6 GTE lump on twin carbs to me nova 1.4SR and come across a slight problem:

the engine is all fitted up, but when I've been trying to start it the starter motor turns slowly as if i've got a flat battery, and won't fire up the engine. I know its not the battery as I brought a brand new one today and it just done the same. I even wired up another battery out of me old mans 2 litre carlton in parralel to my new one - still the same thing! the starter motor works fine if you take out the plugs though, I think the timing is o.k ish (everything is lined up), I'm getting a good spark off all the plugs and petrol is getting to the carbs o.k. I know that recondtioned engines are quite tight at first, but I'm stuck as to how to get the damn thing started. What things should I be looking at?

Cheers lads

31-03-02, 08:51 PM
Try bump starting it! that might help free up the engine a little!

If loving my pint is wrong, i dont wanna be right!

01-04-02, 09:00 AM
av u ad the starter motor properly checked cause it mite spin when not under load and seem ok, but when under load it mite be a diff story, id say get that properly checked, thats all i cant fink off, if it starts ok when u bump start it then turn it off and same fing again, id say the starter motor.

01-04-02, 08:32 PM
sounds like a shit engine to body earth to me

SNAKES-WITH-TITS Website http://network54.com/Realm/Snakes_with_tits

01-04-02, 10:59 PM
don't think it is the starter motor now, sprayed some easy-start into the carbs and it fired up o.k. only problem is it needs some every time i wanna start it!

03-04-02, 12:10 AM
Carbs - set them up

Tappets - they'll free up with the oil pressure

Engine - might be tight, can you trun it by hand with the plugs out?

Plugs - have you got the firing order correct, easy mistake, done it myself once.

Bad earth to the G/box

VauxMD - "Do it once, do it right!"

03-04-02, 06:58 PM
cheers lads, managed to sort that problem out, only to find another one :(. the carbs are idling ok, but there bogging down under acceleration (or so the krypton tuner bloke said). He was saying that the CO levels should rise when you nail the throttle, but mine weren't! something to do with no extra fuel being pumped into the chambers. I cant test it tho cos me gear linkage has snapped and i'm waiting for a new one from vauxhall. We took out the fuel pressure regulator and tried that but still the same. I know the carbs are o.k cos I stripped them down and gave em a service, and the electric fuel pump can more than cope with the fuel delivery (facet one). where do i go from here?