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06-07-07, 03:41 PM
just got this email:

From:Miss Joanne Dikko
Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire
Dear One

An official notification of funds deposited in the bank.
This is to inform you that I will like to you to assist me
To trasfer my inheritance fund which my late father left
for me in suspense account i will like you to be part of this great
transaction worth ofUS$9.5Million.is Just for your assistance
in fund transfer and investment establishment in your base
for long time mutual relationship.
For the purpose of clarification of who am dealing
send all these:-

1) Your Full Name:
2) Your Address:__________
3) Your Telephone Number:
4) Your Fax Number: _________
5) Your Mobile Number:
6) The Name of the Closest Airport to your City of
7) Your Age:________
8) Your Country:______

On receipt of your information I will send you the
full details . Please reply me directely on this my private mail box for more details.



Miss Joanne Dikko

and my responce is:

I am more than happy to help you with you problem in this your time of need, if you would send me your full address and number I'll contact my bank to accept your funds into my account, but I will need to charge your a small amount for this service so as I am not out of pocket at my end, and to let me know that this isn't one of those scam things you see on TV, I would hate for someone in you position to be ripped off by a scammer claiming that they will let you use their account and then run off with your money never to be seen again.
I'm am really glad you came to me so I could help in every way that i can.

below is my details for your assurance:

1) Your Full Name:
Isacc Hunt
2) Your Address:666 Eat**** Andie,
3) Your Telephone Number:
(+44) 999
4) Your Fax Number:(+44)999
5) Your Mobile Number:
6) The Name of the Closest Airport to your City of
Residence:****head Int.
7) Your Age:92
8) Your Country:Bolloxastan

do they still think this works?

06-07-07, 03:45 PM
"Knobsackshire", very mature lol

06-07-07, 03:47 PM
was the only thing I could think off at the time lol

06-07-07, 03:49 PM
lol excellent

06-07-07, 04:13 PM
I had emails like this when I was selling my BMW on autotrader with someone willing to pay ?3000 for a ?1000 car, if I took a cheque and then cashed it then I sent the car. Obviously I didn't sell it to them but I did recieve a cheque when I told them my address and said I'd go along with it. The cheque was fake as owt and was a completely different size to any other cheque I've ever seen! My advice is to waste their time and **** them about something chronic.

Kinky Monza
06-07-07, 04:34 PM
lol love it!

06-07-07, 04:43 PM
Had a load of those too when I was selling my hatch. Strung them along something ace, making them say "I have the horn for your Vauxhall" line was the best lol

06-07-07, 04:44 PM
just got a reply, sayin they are going to phone me to discuss the transaction in more detail. I'd post it up but it would take ages to read through, tons of bullsh!t in it lol

just got to think of a good reply now lol

06-07-07, 05:44 PM
and the reply:

Dear Joanne Dikko,
I was so excited to get your letter and to know that you put so much trust in me. I will surely not let you down, especially after you have shown your good faith in this proposed transaction by transferring into my bank account in the UK the sum of
$9.500,000; this is only about 1% of the total sum you are offering me for my help, right?
My bank is ..... You don't need to know the account number; I told my bank to expect the money. They will know which account to put it in. I am already expecting a few hundred thousand dollars from many other persons like you, living on the African continent, who found my e-Mail address by chance and who, like you, are offering me hundreds of thousands [even millions (!!!)]of dollars just to help them with their financial predicament.
It is surprising how many people in Africa have so much "hidden" money. Anyway, as soon as I am informed by my bank that the transfer of $9.500,000 is in place, I will get back to you we can work out the other details of your proposed transaction. Naturally, this has to be in strict compliance with all U.S. laws.
Respectfully yours in anticipation,
P.S. I am forwarding a copy of your communication to:
United States Secret Service,
Financial Crimes Division,
419 Task Force, 950 H Street,
Washington, DC, 20001-4518, USA.
P.P.S. The last person who attempted a scam of this kind, from an African country, currently is in prison.
P.P.P.S you are using your Yahoo e-Mail privileges in an attempt to run a SCAM in the UK, I am asking Yahoo's Abuse Service to remove you from their list of e-Mail subscribers. Yahoo does not tolerate this kind of thing.

p.p.p.p.s did you think i was really that stupid? you are not the first to think of this crap and trust me you will not be the last, but I for one will do my best to screw with people like you as much as possible

Better luck next time !!!

06-07-07, 07:34 PM
I had emails like this when I was selling my BMW on autotrader with someone willing to pay ?3000 for a ?1000 car, if I took a cheque and then cashed it then I sent the car. Obviously I didn't sell it to them but I did recieve a cheque when I told them my address and said I'd go along with it. The cheque was fake as owt and was a completely different size to any other cheque I've ever seen! My advice is to waste their time and **** them about something chronic.

clever guy, now they have your address

07-07-07, 12:11 AM
the world is a sad place.

the internet is even sadder.

Or at least a little sticky...

07-07-07, 01:48 AM
clever guy, now they have your address

Old rented accomodation. Bothered!