View Full Version : myspace

03-07-07, 08:19 PM
feck mo! How confusing is it!

I had to get Alex to make my profile for me :tard: or am i just tarded :wtf: and is it easy???

03-07-07, 08:23 PM
Its easy, you're a tard :D

Some of the pimp sites produce awful coding though, so no wonder its confusing to some

03-07-07, 08:23 PM
well it confused the feck outta me :S

03-07-07, 09:31 PM
screwed me you for a while then it just seemed to click into place, now I'm always adding random crap to mine

03-07-07, 09:52 PM
i cant get my head round it either mike, although i just think that makes me to cool for myspace ;)

ill sit down one day and work it out, maybe

03-07-07, 09:56 PM
i cant get my head round it either mike, although i just think that makes me to cool for myspace ;)

ill sit down one day and work it out, maybe

a few hours later and im getting there lol with a little help from others hahahaha lol lol

03-07-07, 10:09 PM
i wont even attempt to do mine as i not got a clue...lol

03-07-07, 10:14 PM
i think its only easy if you are a 13yr old girl

04-07-07, 01:19 AM
no its piss easy, altho having said that my little sister helped me lol

big gra
04-07-07, 01:20 AM
no its piss easy, altho having said that my little sister helped me lol

says it all really!

04-07-07, 01:22 AM
yes but once she had showed me the site to get a back ground from, which i then modified it got easier.

04-07-07, 08:26 AM
hmmmmm you are one of the chosen few who CAN make the nova build guide from my sig site work, yet you require a little girl to work myspace for you... that really says it all about myspace! lol

04-07-07, 08:39 AM
Creating a profile on there is a piece of pish, you just fill in the boxes. Its making it look spanky thats the harder bit.

Although if you just use the myriad of sites out there to build gash content then you should have no problem. Thats if you find one that works as it should - I've lost count of how many times I've used pre-built content then had to manually adjust it because it fcuked up my profile lol

04-07-07, 10:27 AM
Its making it look spanky thats the harder bit.

i found that the easy bit, all u have to do is read the code and deleted there logos and changed the pics for pics of my car :)

04-07-07, 11:51 AM
Once you get the hang of it it's easy! You learn how to make drop down boxes and all that shizz nizz! If you type into google "myspace tools" I'm sure it would come up with sh!te loads!

04-07-07, 11:57 AM
its not fecking easy tho lol bemused me for ages lol hence i had to get Alex (Untaimed Gir^) to sort it out for me as none one was on MSN at the time lmao!

Bleh, give me a blown engine and some spanners anyday.....

04-07-07, 12:15 PM
as i said in earlier post i could never do that..
so last nite looked into it..got as far as putting name in lol
to complicated

04-07-07, 12:16 PM
It's not!!!

04-07-07, 12:18 PM
is for me as i'm thick when it comes to pc's..
give me a roof to do all day long..lol

04-07-07, 12:20 PM
Use this website (http://www.mygen.co.uk)...it's simple!:)

04-07-07, 12:23 PM
cheers i'll give that one a go tonight when it's bit quiter.:thumb:

04-07-07, 04:09 PM
your a tard for wanting a profile on myspace though lol

04-07-07, 04:19 PM
lol lol
true.just something to do when its a rainy day..