View Full Version : susp top mounts.

17-03-02, 02:17 PM
does anyone know the difference between standard, performance and rosejointed suspension top mounts? Obviously the price differs but what is the best option for road use. Also do the standard top mounts wear out easy because I know the actual struts need replacing every so often. I want my suspension alot tighter as its a real harsh ride. I have replaced springs, struts, bushes but its still harsh as hell.

cheers for the help.

17-03-02, 02:30 PM
If you have replaced all those part with uprated stiffer ones then that will create a stiffer or harsher ride. When things wearout they go loose and soft so when replaced it tightens things up.
If you see what I'm getting at..........


17-03-02, 03:21 PM
:p unless you have -60mm springs and they are older than 2 years like mine!
The coils get less strong and hit together make CD skip all the ay down the road!
Check in paint is worn off them if are replace them or get those little rubber spring asseters to solve problem!;)

After a year of replaceing everything else and asking most people on here!
Thats what is I found was wrong with mine!

auto XS springs are shit as mine have lasted just 20months!(not quite 2years!Standrad ones were 13yers old!)

17-03-02, 05:46 PM
the springs are relatively new and they are a 30mm drop so really it shouldnt be as bad as it is I dont think. Also the suspension was bad when I got the car so thats why I think it must be an original part that is worn. the thing is do I replace the top mounts or get some of those things that slide in the spring to control the bumpyness of the ride??? I would have to buy the struts aswell as you cant get the top mounts seperatley thats about 45quid inc delivery, And I'm not sure about those other things ,I'll have to check it out.

woe ist me:(

17-03-02, 11:00 PM
If you want a soft or unharsh ride you will need to go back to std tyres, springs and dampers. The moment you start to change it for more performance orientated stuff ie lower profile/wider tyres, lower springs etc the harsher it will become. This is because there is less give in everyhting and the spring travel is greatly reduced. The net result is that if you hit a bump there is less deflection in all these parts and less absorption of the bump = harsher ride.
What you are seeking to do by "tightening it all up" is to actually encourage a harsher ride but you will improve cornering ability. Getting a rose jointed top mount will have no effect on making the ride softer - its to do with improving feel, handling and reliability in extreme situations such as rallying/racing etc

18-03-02, 09:05 AM
I understand what a hard + soft ride should feel like and yes I have lowered it and put wider wheels on so it will be harder, but it feels rickety and always has done even when it had std shocks and wheels. This is why I think it may be a worn original part.

18-03-02, 09:43 AM
you can get the top mounts sepratly they are ?36+VAT a side from vauxhall dealers or ?20 the pair from: www.tuning.co.uk then go to performance then suspension!

Those rubber things u mention, I was thinking about gettting them but have decide to go up to -40mm big ramps at work now!Bugger!!!!

18-03-02, 10:36 AM
I cant find any top mounts at www.tuning.co.uk for ?20 a pair.

18-03-02, 01:37 PM
you not looking go on it, click on NOVA then FASTROAD, then suspension! then scroll down and it's in the text under the bit where it says on cars over 60,000 their bushes etc will be past the best before date! You have to call them and order them or E-mail but then you have to chat to them for a bit to get it sorted!

18-03-02, 01:39 PM
you not looking go on it, click on NOVA then FASTROAD, then suspension! then scroll down and it's in the text under the bit where it says on cars over 60,000 their bushes etc will be past the best before date! You have to call them and order them or E-mail but then you have to chat to them for a bit to get it sorted!
Exact quote "Also check out your strut top mountings for another source of vagueness - a new standard pair will only cost you ?20. Think about it!!""

look with both eyes!

18-03-02, 01:48 PM
a ha! nice 1 fella , i just opened my right eye and there it was!! I can afford to spend 20 quid so i'll mail em. Ive been trying to find seperate top mounts for beards ...cheers matey.

19-03-02, 03:08 PM
no prob's M8

19-03-02, 09:45 PM
im changing my suspension at the moment. Ive upgraded most of the running gear. TCA, Roll Bars, Adjustables, Strut Braces, Poly Bushes and a few other bits. Would fitting the standard topmounts back be pointless or is there not much difference.

Advice please fellas

21-03-02, 11:16 PM
Just bought top mounts from rallydesign.. eccentric alloy ones with spherical bearings.. very tough but no give in them at all...


22-03-02, 05:14 PM
B-)Well my advice is this:
they'd be old and worn out, if older then 5-8 years,so new ones would be an improvement for sure,but if can afford it:
The rally ones or roese jointed ones from the place i've mention above would be the mack daddy choice but then can you afford it?
Too rich for my blood thats for me that for sure!:O