View Full Version : Writing a cv

01-07-07, 07:10 PM
My job search may be looking up! a few places in the area i have moved to have asked for my cv.Trouble is i dont have one or any idea how to write one as ive never been out of work since i left school!!
Has anyone got any advice/ideas?? even a template link???
Really struggling here any help greatly appreciated:thumb:

01-07-07, 07:11 PM
theres a thread on this in prem :thumb:

EDIT: Called CV Tips by Novadex

01-07-07, 07:13 PM
Just write about yourself - i.e focus on hobbies, skills and experiences. Obviously put in any qualifications but make them as brief as possible as people arent always impressed by qualifications but more by you as a person. Thats what iv been told anyway.

Hope this helps


01-07-07, 07:14 PM
Nice one cheers mate:thumb:

01-07-07, 07:15 PM
there not interested in your hobbies. Only skills and relevant experience (so i suppose some hobbies could be included)

And qaulifications that are relevant, not sh1t like im a Level 3 City & Guilds chef if your going for a Mechanics job. That only proves you make a bostin cuppa.

big gra
01-07-07, 07:17 PM
say how you did in school, any qualifications, previous employment, and other hobbies!

01-07-07, 07:17 PM
lol lol thanks:thumb:

01-07-07, 07:18 PM
Yeah fair comment, just the mistake alot of people make with CV's is just listing lots of bollocks qualifications and not presenting themselves as a person. Totally depends on the job your applying for and the employer i suppose.

01-07-07, 09:36 PM
as said in the prem thread.

2 Pages TOPS.
Key info at the top (contact details)... If you have a gay email addy like mruk_love_u_longtime34453435@fagsville.com get a normal one from google etc like firstname.surname
Socialising IS NOT a hobby.... its fairly well assumed you have friends lol.
Irrelvant quals are of use as it shows diversity/your new willingness to learn.
Just dont list crap quals... I get less questions asked for only having 2 A Levels rather than listing that I got a crap grade in Maths.

02-07-07, 12:04 AM
I work in Human Resources so I get loads of CVs sent to me all of the time. The most common CV layout I see and one that seems to work is something like this

Name and contact details at the top. As Stuart said, get your self a sensible e mail address because it looks professional and businesses prefer to use e mail these days. Don't give your age or date of birth, new Age Discrimination laws mean that an employer is not allowed to ask your age during a selection process so it would be silly to volunteer the information.

Write a brief personal statement, basically a paragraph or two listing your qualities. The kind of things I would expect to see here are: punctual, hard working, flexible (being able to work on for half an hour is something that can really help), good with computers (most jobs need them these days), good with people... and any other things you think a potential employer would like about you. And whatever you do, DO NOT INCLUDE A PHOTO OF YOUR SELF!

Your qualifications: quite straight forward really but don't list any GCSEs or A Levels that you failed.

Work experience: List as many as you can but this does depend on how many you've had. Make sure you give approximate dates of employment too. As already said, you want to keep the document under 2 pages, so if you have loads of previous jobs, take some of the older ones off. Try not to leave gaps in employment dates if you can help it. Under each job write a brief description of what your duties were, try not to be too technical or use jargon as future employers may not know what you are talking about.

Hobbies can be important as it can show that you are naturally motivated. So things like working on your Nova can be useful and may even spark conversation during your interview.

Finally, if your a non smoker, tell them. And if you have a clean driving license tell them that too. If you have points on your license just say full UK driving license.

Hope this helps.


02-07-07, 08:28 AM
ahhh didnt know about the Age thing... best get that off my CV, although that means I'll be inundated with phone calls from agencies on jobsite.

02-07-07, 11:39 AM
Thank you everyone for all ya help ive finished writing my best copy for it now so gonna send it off and cross everything and hope for the best!!
Will let ya know if im successful:thumb: lol