View Full Version : undercover police

James P
29-06-07, 08:28 PM
has anyone else got loads of undercover police cars around there area?
down here they all have black skoda octavias vrs. (fast as f**k)

i was just driving around normally today when out of know where this old bid driving a nisan micra doing 30mph in a 40, pulled out infront of me. so i over took her not seening the skoda (undercover) in the distance coming the other way. straight away they must of though i was driving stupid? so they tryed to do a sly turn at the end of the road but id seen them do it so i put my foot down and overtook about 5 cars then went home and got out my car. 5mins later they went past my house really slowly......????
what do you recon will happen?

29-06-07, 08:29 PM
so i put my foot down and overtook about 5 cars then went home and got out my car. 5mins later they went past my house really slowly......????
what do you recon will happen?

:roll: Jeb

James P
29-06-07, 08:30 PM
what does that meen?

29-06-07, 08:31 PM
Why the hell did you do that? Worst that could have happened is they give you a stern talking too. Boo Hoo.

Instead, you risk an evading police charge, plus god knows what if youd crashed trying to get away.

29-06-07, 08:32 PM
they will be on the look out for you now...
just too let you know they have a silver one to and a blue zafira:thumb:

29-06-07, 08:32 PM
what does that meen?

It means this (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jeb+end)

29-06-07, 09:21 PM
there are quite a few round here, i dont drive like a tool anymore so they dont bother me.

big gra
29-06-07, 11:52 PM
theres loads round me, they even have a supechipped jag that you wouldent outrun if you tried!! they have normal cars like a toyota yaris and a ford focus!

29-06-07, 11:56 PM
nothing right now beats the little smart car going around enfield with a huge CCTV camera on it :eek:

30-06-07, 12:02 PM
what do you recon will happen?

Nothing will happen immediately if they didn't deal with it straight away, but if they remember your car and see you out again, they might tug you just to be awkward. When I got pulled (after not stopping immediately) a few years ago, the policeman had a good look over the car for the tax, test and insurance, as well as the roadworthyness of the car, such as tyres, bulbs and picky MOT type things. He didn't find anything wrong with the car though and couldn't do me for speeding as he was driving from the other direction, so we agreed that I was doing 45 in a 30 and he give me a section 59.

30-06-07, 12:14 PM
why did you agree to speeding even tho it couldnt be proved ??

30-06-07, 12:22 PM
why did you agree to speeding even tho it couldnt be proved ??

was about to say that!! As soon as you admit it, they then have cause to prosecute

30-06-07, 12:32 PM
why did you agree to speeding even tho it couldnt be proved ??

Because I was a noob, hadn't been driving long, was ****ting it and didn't know the what the rules were!! I think we've all been there. Whereas now, I wouldn't be pulled over in the first place!

30-06-07, 03:21 PM
If they don't get you on camera tell them you dont know what speed you were doing! All they will is ask is 'why dont you know?'. Just tell them you were more interested in whats on the road ahead than your speed they can't argue with that.

Jim Mcrae
30-06-07, 03:25 PM
Yeah, their round here to, mainly in volvo T5s also very fast. They came up to me as i was parking and said step out of the veichel, i was like, yeah, whatever as they were in plain clothes, then she whipped her badge out and i was like, oh s*ite! lol comence boll*cking, about some nosence that i came round a bend 'wayy to fast and nearly lost it, if i was i traffic cop you would be in loads of trouble!!' their everywhere i tells ya.

30-06-07, 03:47 PM
the police round here have astras volvos focus's etc.. but there still a 2.0l cav gsi goin round lol.. a undercover one lol.. think it attends all the race meets lol

30-06-07, 04:20 PM
couple of scoobies, omega's, Skoda's, they needed the big toys heres as the duel carrageway runs through Chezzy, from M1 J29 right through to Sheffield and you can get silly speeds as it has long streight sections, not that I would know about speeding on them:roll:

James P
30-06-07, 04:42 PM
i hate them. and my cars bright green so im pritty much f**ked now. gota put it bak to being road worthy

30-06-07, 10:37 PM
Thames Vally police are very loyal to Vauxhall which is useful. You only see Astra panda cars and Omega patrol cars, and most of their unmarked cars are omegas or vectras.