View Full Version : is hamilton gonna do it again

Dan 130
17-06-07, 05:14 PM
the boy is an awsome driver he comes out with so much aggresion i think he is gonna smash indianapolis, he gets so close to the wall coming onto the straight i unbelievable put your opinions down :thumb:

17-06-07, 05:23 PM
world champ this year i think, used to watch him karting, he is so cool and collective, awsome driver, he has got alonso worried thats for sure:D

17-06-07, 05:29 PM
agreed! Alonso isnt in the best frame of mind right now with young Hamilton gunning for him lol and every one else lol

Dan 130
17-06-07, 05:30 PM
lol alonso is jealous in my opinion he earns like 10 million a year or something stupid then hamilton comes out and starts showing him up lol genious

17-06-07, 05:31 PM
he is a worried man, watched lewis since he was 10 reminds me of a german! lol

17-06-07, 05:32 PM
maybe ron has been pestering hamilton for so long that the threat of being rons special boy if he slows down is incentive to drive like a loon...

17-06-07, 05:35 PM
be interesting to see if he starts to get a bit cocky now he is winning, he used to be very cocky karting

Dan 130
17-06-07, 05:39 PM
in certain circumstances if your bloddy good you are entitled to a certain amount of cockyness

17-06-07, 05:40 PM
dam right

Jim Mcrae
17-06-07, 05:41 PM
all good racing drivers are cocky! Schumacer, and malsel for example. You can't be a winner and a nice guy it seems

17-06-07, 07:10 PM
dont you need a personality to be cocky? so thats schumacer out of that list then lol

17-06-07, 07:35 PM
well he did it class driver

General Baxter
17-06-07, 07:35 PM

17-06-07, 07:49 PM
hamilton is in a different class to the others.
he aint even been on the last 2 tracks until race weekend.
look at his outcome..

NO 1....

17-06-07, 08:53 PM
I just hate that the average person in the street only got interested because he is doing really well.
He was incredible last year in gp2
& not bad in euro f3 the year before

Dan 130
17-06-07, 09:18 PM
I just hate that the average person in the street only got interested because he is doing really well.
He was incredible last year in gp2
& not bad in euro f3 the year before

this is a fair point but up until know he has only just been put in the public eye so unless you have been watchinghim through his karting ,gp2,and euro f3 career then you wouldnt of known about him:D

17-06-07, 09:19 PM
yay he's done it again