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View Full Version : 1988 Nova 1.3 SR for sale

05-06-07, 03:49 PM
I am selling my Nova on ebay but am open the Offers!

Search for Nova SR in cars and it's a red E reg.


(Can't post a URL on here)

05-06-07, 04:26 PM
Pics? or item number?

05-06-07, 05:23 PM
If you go to migweb and look for 1800GTE username it's on there with pics etc.

If you want me to email you some pics then email me at GazLC81ataol.com

Stupid thing won't let me post URL's until I have 15 or more posts!

05-06-07, 08:04 PM
Please also read the rules

05-06-07, 11:15 PM
Think i'm keeping it.

I looked for a half decent standard one for ages and will only want another if I sell this but doubt there are many as good for sale for this money.

Dan as an administrator can I ask you something. I have been a member of this site under s different name for about a year or so and have never been able to post under my old name which was Gaz1.3SR. Don't think it was ever activated. Can it still be done?
