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Dan 130
05-06-07, 01:50 PM
its now dan 130 rather than mallinova its more normal so if im getting bits off anybody it still me just diffrent name cheers :thumb:

05-06-07, 01:53 PM

Dan 130
05-06-07, 01:57 PM

05-06-07, 02:05 PM
OMG im so excited im gonna cum...

05-06-07, 02:07 PM
I thought you had changed your name to elizabeth via deed poll then.

05-06-07, 02:13 PM
I thought you had changed your name to elizabeth via deed poll then.

not untill the adams apple has gone

05-06-07, 02:26 PM
There was a proper transvestite on holiday at our hotel complex in Majorca.

I could tell from the following... in order of less obvious to most obvious

Choice of clothes
Crappy cheap wig
Bright lipstick that clashed with whatever it was wearing.
Manly hands
Manly walk
The way it scoffed its food
Hairly legs
Adams Apple
Gruff man voice

Alas I tried hard to get a picture and even considered going and asking for an autograph as it looked so much like the "ladies" from little britain.

05-06-07, 02:30 PM
we were all sat outside a pub once that was next to a canal, saw this 'bird' on a bike in the distance, wearing a bright blue dress. my mate spots 'her' and says "whos wants to sniff the seat on that, eh lads" we all keep quite and as 'she' went past hairy legs, adams apple, bodybuilder type phsyique

never laughed so much in my life

05-06-07, 02:32 PM
Classic... also I thought of you while I was on holiday.... buying a ltr of vodka for ?2.69.

They even come in plastic bottles to keep the weight down in the suitcase.

05-06-07, 02:33 PM
dont do vodka, sends me nasty

brandy all the way

05-06-07, 02:43 PM
They even come in plastic bottles to keep the weight down in the suitcase.

lmfao. Is this the first time you have been abroad? They've been doing that for years. Even in Tunisia 4 years ago they did that.

05-06-07, 02:48 PM
lmfao. Is this the first time you have been abroad? They've been doing that for years. Even in Tunisia 4 years ago they did that.

Not the first time I've been abroad but the first time I've bothered shopping for drink to bring back. We had 8 spare Euros so ended up with 2 1ltr bottles :D

05-06-07, 02:58 PM
lol @ 8 spare.

When we went to tunisia we judged the spending money perfectly. The final thing we bought was a pizza & chips from the restaurant next door to the hotel - it left us with about 30p worth of tunisian currency - so we left it as a tip. Job done. We spent EXACTLY ?100 pounds worth of currency in a week between the two of us.

05-06-07, 03:00 PM
That reminds me, I've still got a fistful of dibdobs left from Oman. Only about ?2 worth though (yet still about 15 notes and a bagful of coins), so no point changing it.

Wonder if I could sell it on ebay lol

05-06-07, 03:04 PM
We were all inclusive so only took 50 Euros as we didnt really need any money.
It turned out that I had to withdraw another 50 as I wanted to buy a BB gun so spent the change on the vodka.

05-06-07, 03:09 PM
lol @ bb gun. everyone always has to buy at least one when they go abroad. its like the law.

PMSL @ dibdobs.
Tunisia was like that - we caught a local bus there one day - it took us about 5 miles to a town further inland - it cost the two of us about 5 pence in real money.

The three-wheeled tuc-tuc thing we got on from the bus station to the shopping area cost us about ?4 lol

05-06-07, 03:19 PM
lol @ bb gun. everyone always has to buy at least one when they go abroad. its like the law.

I saw a whole case of them and spent ages deciding which to get.
Already got a .17 air pistol which is pretty good.

The one I bought was an air soft sub machine gun with electronic sight, silencer (apparently this improves the range and accuracy) and a laser sight. Its made of plastic but it still ****ing hurts.

We needed to test it rather sharpish so we took it back to the hotel room for assembly. I then told my gf to shoot me on the back (with a t-shirt on) which I felt but didnt hurt. So I dropped my 3/4 lenght trousers and boxers and asked her to shoot me on the ass. I was promptly running round the room screaming like a girl.

I had 6000 bb's delivered for it the other day so I can mess around with it in the flat. :D

05-06-07, 03:27 PM
pmsl. nice weapon. cant be too careful when it comes to home defence.

05-06-07, 03:49 PM
Would love to walk into my local Post Office with it and some tights on my head.

05-06-07, 03:54 PM
i tried to rob my local chip shop with a sig sauer P228 bb gun once. Ordered myself a chip buttie and all the cash in the till - presenting said weapon from inside pocket.

They just laughed at me and said "that'll be a pound please andrew" lol