View Full Version : PVS Show results!!

03-06-07, 09:54 PM
Firstly I would just like to say "thank you" to all the guys and gals who i talked to today at PVS. Your comments made all the hard graft worth while!

I would like to say a BIG thank you to Craig for sorting out the stand and tickets!!

Would also say thanks to the Novaload crew who nominated me for Best of Club Stand .

I moved my car down to the Total Vauxhall stand and had a Best of Club show down with every other Best of Club Stand car.

I WON !!!!!!:) :) :) :)

Barton (Editor of TV) did the judging with Dougie (TV writer) and was really impressed.

TV have also agreed to a photo shoot later this year!!!

BIG thanks to everyone who came to chat !!


03-06-07, 09:55 PM
nice one joff well done

03-06-07, 09:56 PM
Well done on the win ...

The work that has gone into your car is amazing.

Good luck with it in the future.!

03-06-07, 09:57 PM
nice one joff, to right for you to win

03-06-07, 09:58 PM
Well done kidda!!

03-06-07, 09:58 PM
Well Done Joff! Thats top stuff mate!

Dan 130
03-06-07, 09:59 PM
congrats it must feel so good knowing all your hard work was worth it well done mate your car did look sexual lol

04-06-07, 09:09 AM
I was well pleased for you when I heard you had won over the PA system. Well deserved:thumb:

04-06-07, 09:14 AM
nice to see "one of ours" coming out on top. Look forward to many more 'png' people winning prizes in future :D

04-06-07, 09:22 AM
Well done!!! Wicked achievement!!!

nova ian
04-06-07, 09:22 AM
Well done joff, well deserved after all the effort thats gone into, looked well.

Enjoyed looking through the photos too. Good work


04-06-07, 09:28 AM
I WON !!!!!!:) :) :) :)

cant believe you won..... you stole it off me lol mine was the only nova in the 'best club car' compo until you turned up lol

nice job though mate

04-06-07, 10:01 AM
well done joff, you deserve to win

prefered it red tho :p

04-06-07, 10:06 AM
Nice one Joff. Mikie and I said you'd walk it! TBH you deserve it for doing it all yourself, and the dedication in rebuilding that car twice from a bare shell, along with countless engines, seats, bumpers, etc etc along with the fact that you have had absolutrly NO formal training as a mechanic!

Can I just take the opportunity to make the point to everyone on the site that Joff is one of the nicest people I have ever met on the club circuit, and I am proud to say I've known him for ten years. He is always ready with words of encouragement, shared ideas (and shares my pasties! LOL!) and is happy to share any ideas he has, any contacts he makes etc etc.

Well done, Joff, There should have been a trophy for best build up thread on the interweb, you'd have f*ckin walked it!

PS it IS Lira in Malta!! LOL!!!

04-06-07, 10:51 AM
Well done Joff! that's excellent news. There was never any doubt in our minds that your was the best car there so it have been stupid of us not to put you up as best car in club.

Ste L
04-06-07, 10:54 AM
well done joff, cant wait for the feature, should be a good one :D

04-06-07, 11:06 AM
Nice one Joff. Mikie and I said you'd walk it! TBH you deserve it for doing it all yourself, and the dedication in rebuilding that car twice from a bare shell, along with countless engines, seats, bumpers, etc etc along with the fact that you have had absolutrly NO formal training as a mechanic!

Can I just take the opportunity to make the point to everyone on the site that Joff is one of the nicest people I have ever met on the club circuit, and I am proud to say I've known him for ten years. He is always ready with words of encouragement, shared ideas (and shares my pasties! LOL!) and is happy to share any ideas he has, any contacts he makes etc etc.

Well done, Joff, There should have been a trophy for best build up thread on the interweb, you'd have f*ckin walked it!

PS it IS Lira in Malta!! LOL!!!

Congratulations, well deserved

04-06-07, 11:27 AM
Damm it, I never saw the car at the show.

04-06-07, 11:36 AM
Very glad to hear this, totally deserved IMO, and was good to meet you at last Joff!

04-06-07, 11:45 AM
Congrats, definently a worthy feature car, awesome build, awesome machine :)

04-06-07, 11:48 AM
Conrgtaz fella, shame i didnt get there to see it! Good luck with photoshot too!

04-06-07, 01:12 PM
definently deserved. tbh your wip thread pics dont do it justice whn you see in the flesh. awsome car mate.

im glad i parked next to it, i have loads of pics of my car Lol.

04-06-07, 02:54 PM
the nova is so nice , nice fella to chat to as well
well done matey top work !!!

04-06-07, 02:58 PM
congrats mate, wish id been there...

04-06-07, 03:00 PM
well done:) you deserve it

04-06-07, 03:54 PM
Well done mate, stunning motor.. well deserved!

karl Rowntree
04-06-07, 05:32 PM
Not quite sure what i was up too yesturday as its all abit of a blur, but didnt manage to find the novaload stand until the end of the day and then everyone had gone home!

Sorry joff, didnt get chance to take a look at your car, but congrats on the win (makes all the hard work worth it doesnt it mate) look forward to seeing it soon.


04-06-07, 05:39 PM
Well done joff all the hard work payed off! I will have to pop through for another look next time i am passing if thats ok?

04-06-07, 05:43 PM
prefered it red tho :p

You were daring people to tell him that sunday morning lol
Well done, looking through the photo album a lot of hard work has gone into that :thumb:

04-06-07, 05:51 PM
Great news fella, there was some tuff compotition to.. that yellow kadette and that mk2 cav was mint

04-06-07, 06:29 PM
Excellent news Joff, extreamly well derserved.


04-06-07, 06:38 PM
well done fella. you can see the quality in the finsh of the car and looks awsome

04-06-07, 06:41 PM
Well done Joff you definately deserved it !

womble sri
04-06-07, 07:20 PM
congratulations joff you deserved after all the blood sweat and tears the years creating the beast

craig green
04-06-07, 08:34 PM
it Was Always In The Bag!

Well done Joff! :thumb:

womble sri
04-06-07, 08:40 PM
well done craig too for organising the stand 33 novas when i counted

04-06-07, 08:40 PM
Excellent news joff! well deserved, i can't beleive how awsome your car is in the flesh!

Mrs Joff-Turbo-Nova
04-06-07, 09:33 PM
Hi All,

Yes - it's Joff's wife!!!

I don't normally do this, but wanted to say thanks to all you folks out there who have kept Joff's thread going and been interested in his build. He has worked so hard on his car for a number of years - as most of you will know!;) When he first started it was "only going to take a few months" - then our son came along, say no more!!!

Perhaps now I'll get the spare room back??? It has been piled high with various boxes, seats, and at one point the whole of the car barring the shell!!! I learned very early on that I had to have lots of patience when it came to the car!!!

There have been many trials and tribulations (when it kept cutting out as we were driving along and he couldn't work out what was up - during it's red phase!) as well as "eureka" moments (when he finally got the flocking thing to work).

Perhaps the most interesting was the look on Joff's face one afternoon last week as our son went running through the garage wielding a metal pipe. Thought at one point I was going to need paramedics lol

Yes it is very difficult to get him out of the garage (when we were house hunting he wouldn't even look at a place if it didn't have a double garage!) and yes there are "words." There's bound to be?!? When Patrick and I go anywhere without Joff and we're asked where he is (standing joke!) even he knew from an early age "Daddy's in the garage - again!"

Nevertheless Joff, we are all very proud of you - that includes me, Patrick, your Mum (should have heard her scream when I told her!!!) and Dad (silent approval, man to man!) and all our other friends and family. When Joff rang me to say he'd won "best club car in show" I was well pleased and sent text messages to all our friends. They were all very impressed too. As one said - perhaps it's been worth all the time he's spent in the garage after all? (This was after I'd moaned that he wanted picking up from the motorsport place on Thurs (who sorted the suspension geometry) cos it was taking longer and he had "stuff to do!")

Well done :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: Daddy''s Blue Car is AWESOME!!!

The Wife


05-06-07, 10:39 AM
hes also a damm nice bloke, didnt mind one bit when i was pestering him while he was cleaning it lol

05-06-07, 10:50 AM
well done joff :thumb:

05-06-07, 11:09 AM
Or wen you told him it looked better red ay draps?

this award was definatly in the bag from the moment u pulled up next to all the chavvy cars lol altho i thought the mk2 cav and yellow kadette was gona giv you a run for ya money

05-06-07, 05:18 PM
Or wen you told him it looked better red ay draps?

this award was definatly in the bag from the moment u pulled up next to all the chavvy cars lol altho i thought the mk2 cav and yellow kadette was gona giv you a run for ya money

chavvy cars.... i hope you wern't refering to mine lol

05-06-07, 05:28 PM
Hi All,

Yes - it's Joff's wife!!!

I don't normally do this, but wanted to say thanks to all you folks out there who have kept Joff's thread going and been interested in his build. He has worked so hard on his car for a number of years - as most of you will know!;) When he first started it was "only going to take a few months" - then our son came along, say no more!!!

Perhaps now I'll get the spare room back??? It has been piled high with various boxes, seats, and at one point the whole of the car barring the shell!!! I learned very early on that I had to have lots of patience when it came to the car!!!

There have been many trials and tribulations (when it kept cutting out as we were driving along and he couldn't work out what was up - during it's red phase!) as well as "eureka" moments (when he finally got the flocking thing to work).

Perhaps the most interesting was the look on Joff's face one afternoon last week as our son went running through the garage wielding a metal pipe. Thought at one point I was going to need paramedics lol

Yes it is very difficult to get him out of the garage (when we were house hunting he wouldn't even look at a place if it didn't have a double garage!) and yes there are "words." There's bound to be?!? When Patrick and I go anywhere without Joff and we're asked where he is (standing joke!) even he knew from an early age "Daddy's in the garage - again!"

Nevertheless Joff, we are all very proud of you - that includes me, Patrick, your Mum (should have heard her scream when I told her!!!) and Dad (silent approval, man to man!) and all our other friends and family. When Joff rang me to say he'd won "best club car in show" I was well pleased and sent text messages to all our friends. They were all very impressed too. As one said - perhaps it's been worth all the time he's spent in the garage after all? (This was after I'd moaned that he wanted picking up from the motorsport place on Thurs (who sorted the suspension geometry) cos it was taking longer and he had "stuff to do!")

Well done :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: Daddy''s Blue Car is AWESOME!!!

The Wife

I think we should say a thanks to you aswell for being patient with him and letting him do it otherwise it may have never happened ! :thumb:

I think it looks to be a promising year now with the merger, Joff winning the competition after NL not having a stand for years, its a good way to start it off and im proud that he chose to represent our club ! :thumb:

Then there's the 25th next year and also possibly being accepted into VBOA.

We're about to take off and the sky is the limit !!! lol

05-06-07, 05:58 PM
That's a very touching message from Mrs Joff-Turbo-Nova. We're all very proud to have such a dedicated enthusiast like Joff in our club and it is most touching that winning best car meant so much to his friends and family who it seems have been through a lot during this most spectacular of builds.

Big round of applause for Mrs Joff me thinks.

05-06-07, 06:00 PM

im probably being stupid here, but whats VBOA

05-06-07, 06:04 PM
im probably being stupid here, but whats VBOA

Vauxhall Bedford Opel Association

05-06-07, 06:16 PM
aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh...... so i was being stupid lol

05-06-07, 06:44 PM
That's a very touching message from Mrs Joff-Turbo-Nova. We're all very proud to have such a dedicated enthusiast like Joff in our club and it is most touching that winning best car meant so much to his friends and family who it seems have been through a lot during this most spectacular of builds.

Big round of applause for Mrs Joff me thinks.

Thats exactly what i was thinking, and i wholeheartedly agree with Draper (i think was him who said it) about how much of a genuinely sound guy Joff is.

He had never net me before and yet as im kinda local to him didnt mind one bit me popping round a few months back to have a look at the beast in the (albeit half built) flesh lol, he really is an inspiration to anyone and everyone who is the the car scene, was well impressed when i heard your name over the tannoy saying you had won, very very well done Joff!:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: