View Full Version : 6 Points

31-05-07, 01:15 PM
hi people

Just a quick question, i was in court the other day and got 6 points for driving without due care! as i have not been driving 2 years i pressumed this was a ban where by i have to re-take my test.
however a few days later i recieved my full licence back through the post with the 6 points marked on. i have been told by a friend that i have been given a chance!? he seems to think that if you get banned you get send back a green provisional, and its made very clear you must re-take your test?
Obviously i dont want to take this a true without checking first.
Can anyone help me, from there own past experiance

thanks Ed

Dan 130
31-05-07, 01:16 PM
no you can have six points with one offence as i have the same but if you were to get two speeding fines you would loose it then

31-05-07, 01:18 PM
yes but i have not been driving for longer than 2 years so you can only have 6 points!!!???

31-05-07, 01:19 PM
If they've given you your license back then it's obviously all good, you can go out and drive like a nobber again. :thumb:

Stupid system though, if MALLINOVA is correct, you get banned for two small offenses but let off for one big one? :wtf:

31-05-07, 01:21 PM
yes i did drive like a nobber but it was over a year ago. i have learnt my lesson.

Dan 130
31-05-07, 01:23 PM
yeah i have only been driveing a year all it is if you have one offence with 6 points your ok if you have two offenc's with 6 points they brevoke your license so no your not banned

Dan 130
31-05-07, 01:25 PM
If they've given you your license back then it's obviously all good, you can go out and drive like a nobber again. :thumb:

Stupid system though, if MALLINOVA is correct, you get banned for two small offenses but let off for one big one? :wtf:

not nessacerily big or small, if you have 6 points from two convictions they will take it if only one conviction and 6 points you alright

chris gsi
31-05-07, 01:25 PM
i might be wrong but i thought you can have upto 6 points and 1 more and you will be banned

31-05-07, 01:25 PM
and if they were to brevoke your licence you would not get it back?
i did get done for 2 offences but only got the points for 1. got a fine for both though???

Dan 130
31-05-07, 01:28 PM
you are lucky you only got one conviction then if they revoke your license you have to do your theory and test again what were the offences??

31-05-07, 01:29 PM
not nessacerily big or small, if you have 6 points from two convictions they will take it if only one conviction and 6 points you alright

I was assuming the "system" would deal out points proportionate how large the offense was. For example, a particularly bad offense would result in more points than a mild one.

31-05-07, 01:34 PM
its the judges discretion to re-voke your license ;)

Dan 130
31-05-07, 01:35 PM
I was assuming the "system" would deal out points proportionate how large the offense was. For example, a particularly bad offense would result in more points than a mild one.

well i know that when i got my conviction in10 for riding my motocross bike offroad:wtf: but they could of given me 8 and i got 6 the court did it so i couldnt loose my license so im pretty certain if you have 6 points with only a single conviction your alright it possibly may differ in other cases but me and my mate got exactly the same

Dan 130
31-05-07, 01:37 PM
its the judges discretion to re-voke your license ;)

after 2 years possibly but in your probation period of your license if you get more than 6 points it gets revoked as that is what the law states unles your giving the judge:wisewood: lol

31-05-07, 01:38 PM
after 2 years possibly but in your probation period of your license if you get more than 6 points it gets revoked as that is what the law states unles your giving the judge:wisewood: lol

they can also just ban you, re-voke your license without giving points - basically anything they want, they take all factors into consideration so to them no 2 cases are the same

Dan 130
31-05-07, 01:41 PM
that is also right if you drive for a living or something like that they can be more leniant but just whack up the fine lol

31-05-07, 01:59 PM
im confused now. i got done for due care and failing to report. they told me in court that i would get the points for the worst offence. 6 for the due care. but they have sent my licence back in full if the take your licence surly u dont get it back!!!???.
can someone giv me a answer or do i need to call dvla.

31-05-07, 01:59 PM
giving the judge some wisewood?

31-05-07, 02:02 PM
im confused now. i got done for due care and failing to report. they told me in court that i would get the points for the worst offence. 6 for the due care. but they have sent my licence back in full if the take your licence surly u dont get it back!!!???.
can someone giv me a answer or do i need to call dvla.

You have not been banned. You would be made aware in very clear terms if you had your licence revoked.

As it is only one offence, they have not revoked your licence. Anything else, even an SP30 doing 31 in a 30 caught on a gatso and they'll take further action.

Chill. If they've returned your licence, you can still drive... unless it says "VOID" in big red letters on it lollol which is unlikely... they don't do that.

31-05-07, 02:05 PM
thanks m8. that was the answer i was lookin for:)
:D :D :D :D :D

31-05-07, 02:07 PM
i'm pretty sure other people have answered it along the way too.

31-05-07, 02:07 PM
you will have your license revoked mate i got 6 points for in10 for letting my brother drive my car uninsured and they send your license back with the points added then in about a month you get a letter saying you must send your full license back due to gaining six points in the first 2 years and they give you 5 days to send it back along with your pass certificate etc. so carry on driving until they send you that letter but it will be revoked.

31-05-07, 02:10 PM
id ring the DVLA to check, my mate has his license re-voked but didnt know (he is a bit dim tho)

31-05-07, 02:27 PM
i just herd that from sum1 els aswell!!!! f*ck sake.

Dan 130
31-05-07, 02:34 PM
you will have your license revoked mate i got 6 points for in10 for letting my brother drive my car uninsured and they send your license back with the points added then in about a month you get a letter saying you must send your full license back due to gaining six points in the first 2 years and they give you 5 days to send it back along with your pass certificate etc. so carry on driving until they send you that letter but it will be revoked.

although are cases were in diffrent circumstances i didnt get mine revoked:wtf:

31-05-07, 02:38 PM
how long ago did you get your licence back with the points on?

31-05-07, 02:51 PM
a week?

31-05-07, 05:05 PM
if you have got 6points within 2 years you wil have to retake your test again , after 2years your points go upto 12 so you can have 6points and still drive, the court send your lience back to you , BUT , you have to send it to the dvla ... so if you got 6points within 2years of driving then you have been banned , if i was you i would ring dvla up and ask

Ash C
31-05-07, 05:16 PM
you will have your license revoked mate i got 6 points for in10 for letting my brother drive my car uninsured and they send your license back with the points added then in about a month you get a letter saying you must send your full license back due to gaining six points in the first 2 years and they give you 5 days to send it back along with your pass certificate etc. so carry on driving until they send you that letter but it will be revoked.

Thats exactley what i was going to say. i ended up with over 6 points and they do send you a letter asking for your license back to revoke it. and they told me to carry on driving until i recieved the letter.

you can apply for your provisonal straight away though and start learning to drive again. i think it took me 2 -3 months to retake my license again.

31-05-07, 05:17 PM
My cousin asked me this the other day, and it confused me.
Is the law UPTO and including 6 points allowed(i.e. if you get 7 your license gets revoked), or is it 6 points and they revoke your license?

31-05-07, 05:35 PM
i always thought that you were allowed 5 and the 6th you were banned

31-05-07, 06:03 PM
u will get a letter a couple of month after you have been into court sayin the are rovoking your licence and you are not allowed to drive five days after the letter was issued. i know this for sure as it happened 2 me and my sister!

31-05-07, 06:04 PM
Get outside and enjoy driving while you can then! lol

31-05-07, 06:04 PM
and it is not up to the judge to revoke your licence its up to the dvla because my judge said i could keep my licence but the dvla still revoked it 3 month later.

31-05-07, 06:11 PM
lol thats what i did i went everywhere!