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View Full Version : legal advice required please

Dan 130
28-05-07, 09:54 PM
hopefully someone in the know could help me ??

what it is , my mate was following me in his car and apparently we was speeding they got there reading from some kind of stopwatch in there skoda
but the have done us for the same speed and couldnt proove which car was speeding if any, they said that it was covered over 200 yards the only possible way that THEY could of got exactly the same reading for both cars is if we was on top of each other sureley should they of shown me a picture or a printout r summit PLEASE HELP :thumb:

28-05-07, 09:56 PM
a stopwatch ?? did you admit speeding when pulled over ? ive known them say to someone they were speeding then when the guy admitted it the booked him

seems like there trying to scare you tbh

oh, and was you actually speeding ?

28-05-07, 09:57 PM
There evidence wouldn't hold up in court.

What are they goign to say? It will just be your word against theres and then the case will prob get closed.

28-05-07, 09:58 PM
Also was it traffic cops or normal cops?

28-05-07, 09:58 PM
hahaha guildford. i got banned driving down the bypass there lol.

technically they should have a proper read out. a stop watch is prone to human error and this should not be legit.
first things first, did you admit to speeding?
if so, you cant defend it now. once admitted, you are agreeing to breaking the law. so it will make no odds.

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:00 PM
Thats All It Was , Well A Fancy Stopwatch In There Dash It Wasnt On A Gun Or Camera Or Anything Thats Why It ****ed Me Off Plus I Dont Want A 60 Quid Fine And Three Points For Nothing And No I Didnt Admit To Speeding Cheers Peepz Keep It Coming I Need To Know Whether To Take It To Court Or Not

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:01 PM

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:01 PM
i dont know what they were they were in an undercoer skoda octavia rs *******s

28-05-07, 10:05 PM
they'll take you to court, not the other way round. you'll have to wait for the summons, also id make a note of everything from when it happened as court dates take months to come through and you will have forgotten it by the time your stood infront of the magistrate

28-05-07, 10:05 PM
Hmm well if it's just your word against theres then i would go court because you could end up with it just being closed due to lack of evidence or something else...

If it was traffic cops then they will try and **** you over for anything. Basicly when a traffic cop catches someone breaking the law of the roads of whatever, they get like a tick in a box when it's cleared so they get more pay.

That is why you rarely get a normal cop pulling you when driving because it's not worth there time and effort to go through with the case and file the report as they arn't a traffic cop.

28-05-07, 10:06 PM
sounds like a laser gun which measue m/s. in which case you dont have a hope in hell.

28-05-07, 10:06 PM
w4nkers...was it the silver one or black?
did he give you a ticket or anything with his id number on it?

28-05-07, 10:07 PM
no point taking it to court mate,me and a mate was speeding doing 94mph in a 70 and i decided to take it on the chin. mate took it to court and they decided it was anoth for 6points ,he now cycles every were

28-05-07, 10:08 PM
theres also that, denying it and getting caught lands you in more trouble

was you speeding ??

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:09 PM
it wasnt a gun the only reason i am debating taking it to caught is because i will loose my license if i get these three points as i already have 6 points from when i was sixteen im my motocross bike bearing in mind i was on common land and deep in the woods they gave me 6 for riding with no insurance

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:11 PM
im honestly not sure but im positvie i wasnt doing 43 because i know where they sit on the road and am allways farily carefull

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:11 PM
w4nkers...was it the silver one or black?
did he give you a ticket or anything with his id number on it?
yeah and it was a black one

28-05-07, 10:12 PM
Sometimes if you admit to everything etc...admit your guilty and tell them how much you regret it, they mite just give you hours of comunity service if they still do that lol .. and a hefty fine.

28-05-07, 10:15 PM
they cant do you for 43 as that is bollox.if they was timing it.
they are talking sh1te.take it to court as they have no solid evadence.

28-05-07, 10:17 PM
my mate got a 28day ban. his only aloud 6 and in a space of a month think he got around 15. a 280bhp r5 probly wasnt a best first car but he said how sorry etc he was and they were lighter on him, when me and my mate were caught were wernt on a gun either fella, they follow u for a certain distance and then they get ya.

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:17 PM
yeah but i dont think i should have to go through anything if it was my mate speeding because i think they was behind us in which case they could of only got hhis speed AARRGGH i dont know what to do

28-05-07, 10:17 PM
hang on, who did they pull ??

28-05-07, 10:18 PM
was it a 40 zone?

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:21 PM
they pulled both of us and have done us both for speeding based on one reading

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:21 PM
was it a 40 zone?

nah 30 but not entirly sure where they apparently caught us speeding

28-05-07, 10:30 PM
ya fcuked

28-05-07, 10:32 PM
ya fcuked


Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:32 PM
ya fcuked

lol cheers since ive had this nova ive been pulled about 6 times lol only had it about three months:eek:

28-05-07, 10:34 PM
I'll give it 1 week before you will strip the nova and see it on here for sale lol

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:37 PM
there isnt any bacon in the world that would make me do that this thing is getting finished lol

28-05-07, 10:55 PM
if its a speedo type thing in the dash with a stopwatch style reading its read from a radar inside the car i got caught on one of these deviced overtook a fully marked car at XXXmph! Said how sorry i was and i got let of the hook big time! Just be polite and say your in the wrong etc etc

Dan 130
28-05-07, 10:58 PM
yeah thats it there is so much room for inaccuracy imo so dont know what to do

28-05-07, 11:01 PM
was it properly installed in the dash? and did it give a read out in m/s, then converted it into mph. i fo sounds like one of them laser type guns which are far far from inacurrate unfortunately.

28-05-07, 11:09 PM
have they given you any documents like a producer or anything?
sounds v dodgy getting both cars on one reading,

if not wait to see if a nip comes through the post

Dan 130
28-05-07, 11:17 PM
was it properly installed in the dash? and did it give a read out in m/s, then converted it into mph. i fo sounds like one of them laser type guns which are far far from inacurrate unfortunately.

erm as far as i can remember its sort of where the center vents would go in all fairness i dont care how clever it is , its impossible to get the same readings so same distance , same time , same place ,and same speed we would have to be on top of each other

29-05-07, 12:38 PM
true, fight it mate, if your going to loose your license over these 3 points, then appealing against it aint gonna make it anmy worse.

29-05-07, 12:57 PM
Hmm well if it's just your word against theres then i would go court because you could end up with it just being closed due to lack of evidence or something else...

If it was traffic cops then they will try and **** you over for anything. Basicly when a traffic cop catches someone breaking the law of the roads of whatever, they get like a tick in a box when it's cleared so they get more pay.

That is why you rarely get a normal cop pulling you when driving because it's not worth there time and effort to go through with the case and file the report as they arn't a traffic cop.
LMFAO Ok. Your word against a copper - who do you think the court is going to believe? Blame the government for the tick in the box ethos, its them who have introduced targets for forces to meet. Clearly the government didn't consider the notion that if nobody speeds, nobody can get caught.

And as for normal cops not pulling people over thats toss - its nothing to do with them not being bothered about the paperwork, its because they don't have the equipment to catch and record your speed. If they see you visibly going fast they'll stop you and have a word, but nothing more as they can't prove exactly how fast you were going.

Anyway. Sounds like the device they nicked you with was a VASCAR, which is essentially a "stopwatch and calculator" lol Bit of info here (http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/speed03.htm) about it. Also, did they issue you with any form of ticket?

29-05-07, 01:32 PM
Your best defence should you take it to court is the same reading-2 cars...They have essentially stated that the 2 cars would have been travelling at EXACTLY the same speed- such a generalisation without appropriate, i.e. camera evidence will not hold up in court.

Basically if they filmed it you could be fudded!!

But if your gonna loose your license anyway, then theres nothing to loose by taking it to court, except maybe a bigger fine+legal fees..

Dan 130
29-05-07, 01:37 PM
cheers rj that looks like what it was i know what you mean about taking it to court the magistrate will allways side with police but like the link says there is deffinateley alot of room for error to the point of upto 33mph that is alot