View Full Version : Water Pump

06-02-02, 10:57 PM
Just wondering ...........

How hard is it to change? what does it involve? If i cant do it how much am i lookin at gettin charged by a garage?

Cheers all :P

07-02-02, 12:09 AM
Not that hard at all really....just follow the instructions in the Haynes. If you've not got a Haynes, then get one....it's the bible!

Basically, you have to remove the alternator belt so that you can take off the bottom pulley (on the end of the crank shaft).
Then you have to remove the timing belt cover, then the timing belt, and once that's out of the way the water pump is easy to get to.
Drain the cooling system, then remove the three bolts holding it in and pull it out.
Fit the new one, using a NEW sealing ring and re-fit all the other bits.....making sure timing marks are lined up on the cam shaft and lower pulley of course, and re-fill the cooling system then hope it doesn't leak ;)

My description is a bit simplified, but it's not that hard a job really.
Since it's the winter though (and cold), unless you've got a nice warm garage to work in, ask for a quote from a garage!
Up to you in the end...save money and get cold fingers, or sit back and pay someone do it for you.

07-02-02, 08:11 AM
i was quoted about 100 quid parts n labour for the water pump and a cam belt fitted.
not that bad really - if you got 100 quid anyway.

the name is misleading - because i am not called wisewood.

07-02-02, 11:18 PM
Or you get the bits and I'll fit 'em wisewood, for the sum of a set of wheels ;)

08-02-02, 09:21 AM
haha... dont worry rich i will get some cash to be able to buy them bits eventually...
althoguh by then i may have had to sell all my cars to get some cash. lol.

the name is misleading - because i am not called wisewood.

09-02-02, 05:19 PM
cheers lads! sorted now, a bloke i know said he will do it for ?50 that will do! :)

10-02-02, 08:42 PM
Nice one Maimpreza ;)
