View Full Version : Nova turbo insurance

17-05-07, 11:55 AM
whos with what company? so far tried HIC quote was ?770 with the different turbo and all mods, agreed value of ?4500, not sure if thats good or bad but in used to paying ?300 for the escort gtilol

17-05-07, 11:57 AM
Depends how old you are I guess.

17-05-07, 12:00 PM
1400 on mine, P2 LET, all mods declared cage brakes, seats, harnesses etc etc im 20, 1 yr NCB, 3 points. SS9 postcode which is 2nd best you can get.

17-05-07, 12:00 PM
greenlight are pretty good for modified cars from what ive heard, you have to have at least 1 years no claims and be over 21 tho

17-05-07, 12:01 PM
im 23 5yrs ncd good postcode private garage

Lee H
17-05-07, 01:10 PM
Mine is ?690 fully comp with everything declared. I've got 6 years no claims, 25 years old and live in the ****test area you could possibly choose to insure a car in. Thats with Brentacre.

Rick Draper
17-05-07, 01:54 PM
Break it dan! Think of the escort cosworth!

17-05-07, 03:50 PM
LASHEDNOVA which company are you using

craig c20let
17-05-07, 05:41 PM
i got a quote of ?1500 from adrian flux with all mods declared, im 21 with a years no claims.
what other companies would you suggest trying?

17-05-07, 06:02 PM
Im with flux (broker) highways (insurance)

17-05-07, 06:42 PM
I'm paying ?472.50 fully comp, agreed value of ?5k, like for like replacement on mods, wind screen, legal cover ect ... with a limeted milage of 5000
Thats with Adrian Flux, its my second car and its kept in a private garage, i've got a clean licence and full protected no claims and before you ask ... yes i'm old !! lol
Also costs me ?180 tpft to insure my 106 diesel run about.


17-05-07, 06:44 PM
I pay ?123 a year roughly for mine, but that's for laid up cover and have paid that for the last 4 years while it's been stuck in the garage.. Always good incase some tw@t breaks in the garage and nicks anything and also building no claims up, so i have about a million years no claims and i'm an old *******. So hopefully won't be to expensive to change it to full cover with limited mileage. I'm with HIC broker and Highways insurance.

17-05-07, 11:13 PM
sounds good Rich! the thing that put me off hic is that once its paid, you cannot claim any thing back! so if i had it insured 1 month and it blew up, ive lost over ?700 on insurance as it cant be cancelled!
(expect it to blow up before one month is up thoughlol )

18-05-07, 08:05 AM
I've just changed my laid up cover to full insurance - limited mileage fully comp. Age 35, 9 years NCB in an HU11 postcode

Best quotation was approx ?423 for the full year, however I insisted on agreed value of ?10k which bumped the premium up for the full year to ?603

This is with Adrian Flux, however I am now struggling to get written confirmation that the policy is on an agreed value - they don't seem to reply quickly!


18-05-07, 08:37 AM
?400 fully comp on K95 OL1 postcode (scary postcode anything with OL in it LOL!) agreed ?5000 value cat1 security, 9 years NCD 34 years old.

Loads of companies were rediculous, some wouldn't cover me!

18-05-07, 09:37 AM
i will deffo try flux then, as i realy dont like the idea of not being able to cancell the policy with hic

Rick Draper
18-05-07, 06:27 PM
IIRC i am sure i have seen somewhere that HIC and Flux are the same company now.

18-05-07, 06:29 PM
hic are now part of flux, but with flux u can deffo cancel your policy, and get some ??? back

18-05-07, 06:32 PM
feck me! its ?1200+ for me on a standard Nova LET at 21!