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tony k
18-09-08, 09:52 AM
it does fit most size doors lol.

quality, sod work im off to get one now lol

18-09-08, 09:56 AM
It will fit any front door/back door/car door just make sure the drill has a good charge first lol.

tony k
18-09-08, 12:22 PM
It will fit any front door/back door/car door just make sure the drill has a good charge first lol.

thats good to know mate will put mine on charge now,gonna try it out tonight on some scumbags door lol

18-09-08, 12:24 PM
I mite have to sell the idear to JML lol.
The New any door opening kit..

tony k
18-09-08, 12:31 PM
i think your onto something here,you could be a miiiiillionaire very quick with this product lol

18-09-08, 12:32 PM
I supose you would be if the first door you opened was to a bank lol.
Now best let this go back to your thread mate sorry to spam it.

tony k
18-09-08, 12:34 PM
yeah could do,nah thats ok mate needs abit of spicing up at the mo

18-09-08, 12:41 PM
There you go then lol.

tony k
18-09-08, 12:46 PM
yeeeeeeeeeee lol

18-09-08, 01:18 PM
just read the whole thread mate, looks like a proper good project, might see it around some day as im not too far from you. im looking to do an LET next year some time aswell similar project to this, keep it up

tony k
18-09-08, 07:48 PM
just read the whole thread mate, looks like a proper good project, might see it around some day as im not too far from you. im looking to do an LET next year some time aswell similar project to this, keep it up

thans for the comment mate,i will get there one day (dont know how long tho) lol

tony k
18-09-08, 08:00 PM
forgot to post this up yesterday as had a bit of a busy day.with ernie coming down,plus had to get my fiesta m.o.t done. so only had a little time down the garage so stuck one of the fans on,i got bigger ones as im gonna run one on the front and the other behind just wanna be different really plus they was cheap


tony k
27-04-09, 01:08 PM
hi peeps i havent updated my progress at the moment cos of moving to a new house soon which has a garage with electric,other than my old poxy council one,just been putting money away so when i move i can buy a few bits,i will put some pictures up when i move,hoepfully in 6 weeks time,i cant wait really finally i get out of s***** bethnal green,get to start over again lol

tony k
05-05-09, 10:15 PM
well i was at work today bored yet again lol,so i thought as im staying at my mum and dads tonight,i might go down the garage to actually do something for a change lol.so first thing first,trail fit the exhaust i bought off r1ch,oh and fit the rosejointed linkage and cav shifter,well it all started out well until i got to fit the cav shifter as my tap measure decided he didnt want to roll out,so i had to do it by eye,which wasnt too bad,as i couldnt be a***d to drive back to me mum and dads to get one (lazy bugger),then i drilled two holes,then the drill died on me,i forgot to charge the thing up oops,so i used my junior hacksaw just to get it to open,so i could peel the metal over (will sort out later).hers a few pics of what i got down but its only a trial fit as will be fitted properly next time


tony k
05-05-09, 10:23 PM

tony k
05-05-09, 10:26 PM

plus the floor aint sataying that colour once i have moved its gonna get painted the same colour as the car or might paint it diamond white,but not sure yet

tony k
17-05-09, 10:32 AM
little update i went down to game1 one yesterday to buy his engine as it works off better in my way as i still have to buy my pipes,plus my ecu and a few other bits,anyway i met him at around 6:45pm yesterday had a chat for a bit as you do lol,then he took me out for a blast god this car goes,so i happy now that this engine is going into mine,plus i bought the exhaust off him aswell makes sense saves all the messing around making one up or go and get one made up,im also thinking of goin back to normal wind up windows can be botherd with electric,or might might get the polycarbinated ones,thats it for now ntil i pick the engine up from him,plus now ive gotta take mine out of,but gotta wait till i get some spare time to do it,so thats it for now

tony k
29-05-09, 01:24 PM
not a big update yet as till tomorrow as taking my engine out .getting engine bay bits finished off ready to fit the the one i bought off game1(matt),theres still things ive still gotta get done before the engine goes in,finish off the braided brakelines (just got the back to finish,then cut an angle on the clutch cable bracket the one on the bulk head,get my wilwood brakes,get all the bushes,new wheel bearings,erm sort some wiring out,run the fuel lines and swirl pot, gotta get a fuel filter whats a decent one but whats a good one,the fit the engine oh and run some good power cable inside the car to the battery,still dont know where to fit it yet but got time to think about it,thats all really not alot, but need the time as moving to new house soon,will get updates from tomorrow

tony k
28-06-09, 10:39 PM
finally a little update,as moved house as you may know on moving, everything you have packed or think oh yeah i put that in that box,you never find lol,well a few weeks ago i took the engine out my nova,to make way for game1`s engine,as was a better way to go in the end,i only got a few picks taken as my phone didnt have alot of battery on it(i talk on it too much) lol


tony k
28-06-09, 10:51 PM
also at the new home me and my unlce was i the garage,looking at the floor which has been painted red,he said he has got some floor tiles,the hard vinyl ones which was in blue,i really wanted to do them black and white like a chequred flag,but if there free i dont care what colour they are,plus hopefully i can finally crack on with the car now,because i have been slacking lol(or just plain lazy lol,plus my mate finally come round the other day to do some welding in the engine bay,not that bad as i have been waiting for him for ages,im gonna try and get the engine in the next few weeks,so the things i have to get done are

sort the braided brake lines out,well finish the back ones
get the fuel lines done,mout swirl pot
paint the drivers floor
get dashboard recoverd
get wilwood brakes for front
sort the engine wiring out and sort the car loom out

the new garage with red floor

only had enough for just over half way,what a messy job gluing them down had more on me than on the floor lol

28-06-09, 10:58 PM
can i have ur engine for me other track car???
ill have to pop over and have a look at urs fella, sound like u enjoy fri and sat nights abit to much. u settled in to ur new place yet?

tony k
28-06-09, 11:01 PM
i sold it the other week mate,couldnt say no the them really as need money,yeah setteld now thanks,been so busy this weekend didnt even get anytime on the car,had family over drivin me mad lol,yeah mate pop over whnever you want,just give me a txt,if i get somwtime this weekend i will txt you

28-06-09, 11:27 PM
ok mate no worries. chat to u through the week

tony k
29-06-09, 08:35 AM
yeah mate would be good to put a name to face,im there tomorrow and from thursday to sunday,aint got no plans this weekend,wanna get the engine in this weekend hopefully,so if you wanted to pop round or meet up somewhere

29-06-09, 09:20 AM
yh i can pop round mate. mayb give u a hand fittin it.
as it definatly doesnt look like mine will be ready for pod so im goin to slack of a little bit.

tony k
29-06-09, 09:24 AM
ive gotta go to machine mart to get a engine leveler,cant be bothered using rope,mines way off target yet,you will be finished before me lol,ive put mine off for ages now so better get my a**e into gear now,would appricate a hand tho mate,every little helps cheers

06-07-09, 07:02 PM
wats the latest update mate??

tony k
06-07-09, 08:22 PM
not much fella,i was sitting there looking at my front panel and thinking i dont like the way the paint is on it,so i went to halfrauds and got some primer an clear laquer,got back and spent about half hour looking for my grinder,then i found it but then i couldnt find my wire wheel,so was starting to get the ball ache of things,so got the grinder going and got a bud,needed one bad,well it was half one in the afternoon now lol,plus i cut the front cross member off as was gonna leave it but a few buds later,it kept getting in the way lol
i diidnt take a picture before i started doing some sanding down found a old picture,i havent finished painting it yet waiting for my cans of paint to be made up,so should be done tomorrow or the weekend,if i dont get drunk lol

tony k
06-07-09, 08:48 PM
well got up sunday was gonna have a day off the car,so finally got out of bed and went to b&q to get some tiles for my birds bathroom,while i was driving back it popped into my head,that i should finish the rest of the braided brakelines,the rears havent been done for ages,so i thought sod it thats gotta get done today,the only thing thats missing is the washers for the banjo`s on the rear calipers,so will get them on a later date,just being lazy really,well ive gotta order my wilwoods off rally design so will get a few of them orderd when i do that,also i painted the f28 gearbox as was looking abit sorry for itself,its not the best job but its okay for now,plus my mate came round to and changed the flywheel and clutch over,then i waited for the g/box to dry then slapped it on,god these things are heavy when lifting and trying to slot onto the engine on your own,power of budweiser,always gives me strength lol

i was looking at the briaded lines as they go inside then go onto a t piece then go under neath,so i thought i would put the t piece under neath see how it sits,i think its alot better now,so got a few pics to show,see if you like them

here is the old way
all boted up to its new engine now,nice and clean looking now
thats all for the moment as for next time,so hopefully the engine is going in next this saturday,wont be runing yet

tony k
06-07-09, 08:49 PM
wats the latest update mate??

not much mate only silly bits this weekend,hows yours getting on:thumb:

tony k
31-07-09, 09:18 AM
little update last saturday the engine went in as ive been putting it off for a while now,so finally got my a**s into gear lol,well my mate was ment to come round and fit the timing belt and water pump before the engine went in and guess what he didint,phone was off,so thought sod it its going in,plus my other mate was ment to come round and help me but got called into work,sounds funny to me as he dont work saturdays,well you know who your mates are then ay,plus i popped over to see ward to get some engine hooks thanks mate helped me out big time really appriciate that,gotta say quality bloke,love the colour of your car its awsome, so i thought sod it i will do it on my own,took me alot longer than i thought,was a struggle but with the help from my bird which is pregnant,i told her to just pump the hoist up and down,i had other things she could do that for lol,then my dad came back from shopping so he give me a hand aswell,i was shocked as he hates cars,so was chuffed when he said i will help you,must of been in a really good mood,so took the most of it lol,so finally with abit jiggery pokery it went in,got a few picks not alot as was nackerd

also i cut and bent the clutch cable bracket,which all the paint cracked then,sanded it down and repainted again,not too bad i mus say to my self
engine in
then decided i want a different inlet manifold so gonna get one made up
so off it come,change my mind like the weather
inlet manifoldless

31-07-09, 09:28 AM
Shame your not closer as i would of come and helped Tony.

tony k
31-07-09, 09:31 AM
Shame your not closer as i would of come and helped Tony.

thats ok mate to be honest it was a struggle but kind of liked it on my own in a weird way,its a far old trek for you tho thanks tho:thumb:

31-07-09, 08:10 PM
i like what im seeing :cool:

tony k
02-08-09, 11:02 AM
done some more bits on friday and saturday,first off was tap a new thread in the g/box front mount,as it stripped its thread been like that since i had the box,anyway thought things was going good,the the bloody thing snapped as i was tapping it out,borrowed a tapping kit off my mate cheapo s***,so went to a tool shop in romford essex,only 10 mins away,to get some drill bits cant remeber the name i know there gold and really strong,aslo got some stud extractors,then got back to get the bloody thing out,sprayed it with wd40,then tried drilling a hole in the middle of it,got nowhere,so tried another bit,still nothing so i got my spike out the started tapping it on each corner the more wd40,then drill in the groves into it get some metal out the way,then more tapping,more wd40 so after a hour or so it finally came loose,so tapped a new thread really slowly this time,so on the g/box mount now has two 17mm and one 19mm,aint tapping them all the same sod that lol,also i fitted my drive shafts and the equal length aswell,plus trial fitted the rad and boost pipes and intercooler,gotta get a new slam panel but will do that abit later,got a few pics its geting there slowly but shorely,hope you all like

the new garge alot better than my old council one lol

03-08-09, 07:01 AM
looking good and there is loads more room in the new place.

tony k
03-08-09, 11:21 AM
looking good and there is loads more room in the new place.

yeah mate got abit more room than that other place,thanks just gotta sort the height out of the engine now

tony k
06-08-09, 01:32 PM
got my mate coming round tomorrow,so there is two of us to sort the engine height,we was thinking of cutting the body mount off and lowering them,then rewelding them back on or cut the engine mount brackets(the ones that bolt to the block),the redrill the holes,but will get a updat tomorrow,well my manifold is being made now so hopefully will get that back in the next few weeks,also i bought the dd2 dash off G8WCC,just waiting for my paypal to clear,just after a dash now,so can get that flocked then,start putting the fuel lines in oh and get my wilwoods and sort the wiring out,so hopefully should be up and runing soon,just gotta be abit more patient instead of trying to rush it,well its taking long enough now lol

tony k
06-08-09, 10:42 PM
was cleaning my car today(for once),looked in my boot and forgot about my lower strengthend arms i got off novashed,only got them the other day lol,so i thought i will get them on tonight,after finishing work at half 4,thinking i will be home in ten minutes,i was wrong after sitting in traffic for about 2 hours i finally got home,not happy lost some good time down the garage,so first off was get the car up on axle stands again,been in the air more than on road ha ha,then i changed my mine and thought i will have ago at this bloody engine height,after fiddling around abit,ive got the front engine mount sitting ok,its just the f28 one,think it needs abit more modifying to get it right,but will leave that for now,as i started getting the hump with it,so put some spacers in it for now,then i thought sod it i will put one side on of the lower arms,that was it for the night as started to get hungry chicken and chips nice?

out with the old
in with the new

tony k
06-08-09, 10:46 PM
how do does everyone else run there balljoints on the top or the bottom

06-08-09, 10:54 PM
i have seen it done many differnt ways but i have seen a phew run them on the bottom !!!

cracking progress mate !!!

I trust your going to change the cv boots lol

tony k
06-08-09, 10:57 PM
yeah ive heard of loads of ways,but just want o hear other opinions,what you meen cv boots the brand spankers them

06-08-09, 11:02 PM
how do does everyone else run there balljoints on the top or the bottom

at first glance it looks like the boot is split me bad lol

i would prefer to run them on lowering block to bring them under the bottom arm :thumb:

tony k
06-08-09, 11:04 PM
so run the both of them underneath then,yeah i see what you meen about the cv does look like its got a tear in it,hows yours coming along

06-08-09, 11:15 PM
i cant quite rememeber im sure someone will correct me, i am geting a work shop next week so just been buying parts mate, will be nice to get on with it at long last lol

The Simps
07-08-09, 12:11 AM
How I run mine...


I feel your mount pain. I had to redrill my bracket but its so hit and miss to get it right. No longer relevant in my case now tho.

tony k
07-08-09, 09:40 AM
How I run mine...


I feel your mount pain. I had to redrill my bracket but its so hit and miss to get it right. No longer relevant in my case now tho.

thanks fro the pic simps,can you remember the height and length of the lowering bracket,yeah is a pain got the front mount ok now just gotta sort out the f28 one out now,should get there,its holding me back now thanks tho:thumb:

tony k
07-08-09, 09:40 AM
i cant quite rememeber im sure someone will correct me, i am geting a work shop next week so just been buying parts mate, will be nice to get on with it at long last lol

nice will keep an eye on your thread then:thumb:

07-08-09, 10:36 AM
are you using a frontera intercooler mate?

you bought matts engine didnt you?

tony k
07-08-09, 10:51 AM
yeah mate its a frontera one,yep bought that engine,you bought his shell didint you

tony k
11-08-09, 08:59 AM
been talking to a few people and they said that when you do a xe/let conversion on a nova you have to lower the engine by 25mm,by drilling out the engine bracket on the body and rewelding them on,if this is the case,wouldnt the back g/box mount need lowering as the engine will be leaning forward am i right,also i have never heard of doing this as everyone would say it or are they talking s***,the reason why im asking is that im gonna grind off the f28 mount,and put it in a different position as my mates mate has welded it up too high,dont ask why cos i am annoyed by it anyway,just want to get a few things stright before i my other mate comes round to redo the f28 mount,imgetting to a stage now of just giving up the car is driving me mad now

tony k
17-08-09, 10:45 PM
right ive fianlly got my bug back to get on with the car now,as been having probs with bits on on ie this bit anit going in right and the engine height aswell,but thats all behind me now,so i had a break from the car got in a new frame of mind,then my mate phoned me and said do you want me to come and redo this g/box mount,thats if your still not pead off with the car,so i thought for a mo then went yeah sod it,might aswell get it out the way only took a couple of pics as my dinner was ready,just gotta primer it then sill it up then re-paint it,will do that tomorrow
this is how it was before
this is it now in a better position
the only thing ove gotta takle over the weekend is the cv boot is just touching the body,should be a quick fix

17-08-09, 10:53 PM
it will go up once back on the floor tho ?

tony k
17-08-09, 10:57 PM
its on the floor mate,if i take the g/box mount off and jack the engine up it hits even worse,i even thought the driveshaft wasnt in all the way but it is,but im on it saturday so hopefully i wont get me angry again lol

heres it from the top

18-08-09, 09:23 AM
Is the spacer between the gearbox and the mount as that would push the gearbox over thus making the drive shaft come forwards and miss the chassis.
Just a thought.

tony k
18-08-09, 12:32 PM
Is the spacer between the gearbox and the mount as that would push the gearbox over thus making the drive shaft come forwards and miss the chassis.
Just a thought.

yeah it is mate well i think lol,gonna have a lookie tonight,if i get back early enough,its one spacer on the outside then 2 on the inner

tony k
19-08-09, 12:11 PM
i was thinking aswell would the rear g/box mount bracket,its been elongated,i might cut that the washer off and play around with that,just a thought tho

29-10-09, 09:43 PM
:d hey fella, you got that engine and tubby in and running yet ;)

tony k
05-11-09, 09:50 AM
:d hey fella, you got that engine and tubby in and running yet ;)

nah not yet mate been so busy with work and stuff,just waiting for my custom inlet to be made,shouldnt be long now i hope lol.you got that corsa now aint you,bet thats a animal ay,hows things everything ok

05-11-09, 09:11 PM
:d eveythings fine mate, misses had our second baby last sat :thumb: so busy times and sleepless nights with 2 boys lol :cool:

Yes, bought Steves Corsa, would have bought it a while back but he first said he wanted 7k for it :eek: so was a waiting game for him to come down on price. It's not as quick as the Nova was - not at the moment anyway.. plan is to fit omex to it next year and run 100 shot of nos - should be fun lol

Will it be ready for pv next year :confused:

tony k
09-11-09, 08:43 AM
:d eveythings fine mate, misses had our second baby last sat :thumb: so busy times and sleepless nights with 2 boys lol :cool:

Yes, bought Steves Corsa, would have bought it a while back but he first said he wanted 7k for it :eek: so was a waiting game for him to come down on price. It's not as quick as the Nova was - not at the moment anyway.. plan is to fit omex to it next year and run 100 shot of nos - should be fun lol

Will it be ready for pv next year :confused:

congratulations on the second baby mate,my missus is due on the 23 of jan not long to go now,getting all the sleep i can lol,do like the corsa tho really nice motor,im just waiting for a few bits im having made to come back,then its all go from there,cant wait to get it done miss the sunday blasts lol,i hope it will be done before p.v,just have to wait and see how things go first,glad everything is ok:thumb:

10-11-09, 07:23 PM
congratulations on the second baby mate,my missus is due on the 23 of jan not long to go now,getting all the sleep i can lol,do like the corsa tho really nice motor,im just waiting for a few bits im having made to come back,then its all go from there,cant wait to get it done miss the sunday blasts lol,i hope it will be done before p.v,just have to wait and see how things go first,glad everything is ok:thumb:

:cuckoo: forgot you and your misses are having a baby too, hope all goes well :thumb: good idea to get as much sleep now as our latest addition is being a pain to say the least lol

Out of interest who's making your inlet manifold and how much? pm if you like :thumb: hope it's done for pv - would be nice to see it all together and maybe see you run it up the strip :cool:

tony k
11-11-09, 12:30 PM
:cuckoo: forgot you and your misses are having a baby too, hope all goes well :thumb: good idea to get as much sleep now as our latest addition is being a pain to say the least lol

Out of interest who's making your inlet manifold and how much? pm if you like :thumb: hope it's done for pv - would be nice to see it all together and maybe see you run it up the strip :cool:

yeah im gonna get me sleeps lol,cant wait its our first so all excited,as for the inlet its a guy off mig novarick i think will find out for you,my mate got one done on his astra,with phase 1 made around 15 brake more,was 275 now has 290,not bad ay,gonna get some rods soon as may go for around 360 to 380,but will have to wait and see when the baby comes

11-11-09, 06:35 PM
yeah im gonna get me sleeps lol,cant wait its our first so all excited,as for the inlet its a guy off mig novarick i think will find out for you,my mate got one done on his astra,with phase 1 made around 15 brake more,was 275 now has 290,not bad ay,gonna get some rods soon as may go for around 360 to 380,but will have to wait and see when the baby comes

Let me know about the inlet and all the best with the baby :thumb:

At 360-380bhp the car will be MAD :cool: lollol it was a right handfull at 330bhp lol will be keeping an eye on your thread :thumb:

11-11-09, 07:49 PM
this is a nice build
looks very neat indeed :)

tony k
17-11-09, 01:27 PM
Let me know about the inlet and all the best with the baby :thumb:

At 360-380bhp the car will be MAD :cool: lollol it was a right handfull at 330bhp lol will be keeping an eye on your thread :thumb:

im gonna keep it at 330 for now mate,my mate has got a spare block i can have so i can get put the rods and pstons in that,but wanna get it going first

tony k
17-11-09, 01:27 PM
this is a nice build
looks very neat indeed :)

thanks for the comment fella:thumb:

17-11-09, 07:49 PM
hey hows the build going mate?
u going to be working on it sunday?

tony k
18-11-09, 10:50 AM
hey hows the build going mate?
u going to be working on it sunday?

yeah its not going bad thanks mate,just waiting for parts to turn up,then its all go from there,plus been abit busy with other things aswell,hows yours coming on,yeah im going round there sunday mate:thumb:

18-11-09, 11:03 PM
would u mind if i popped over? could give u a hand if u wanted.

progress has been very slow mate, got to much work on a me garage so just dont get time.

tony k
19-11-09, 08:42 AM
would u mind if i popped over? could give u a hand if u wanted.

progress has been very slow mate, got to much work on a me garage so just dont get time.

nah mate i dont mind if you popped round,just got a few odds and sods to do,well atleast your busy tho mate good thing really,well if you want a hand on yours just let me know,you got my number,think ive got yours just send me a txt or something:thumb:

tony k
13-01-10, 07:34 PM
thought i would do a update as aint done one for a while,well as my bird is near our due date,i aint been going down the garage that much,as got other bits to do as sorting our home out and well moving in with my bird,so been really busy sorting bits out for the baby, when the baby decides its time to come out lol,

first off i got round to painting the floor
the drivers side footwell is done took this before as i didnt see it at first lol,just need to flatten it then laquer it

tony k
13-01-10, 07:38 PM
well these are the only pictures i have with the floor nearly finished,took these before i finished as the compressor didnt come back on for some reason

13-01-10, 08:43 PM
Looking good :thumb: it will stay like that until the baby is about 6 months old, you wont have the time to work on it :p :thumb:

13-01-10, 10:13 PM
Been working on this since 07 ?

Keep at it mate its looking good.

tony k
14-01-10, 01:13 PM
Looking good :thumb: it will stay like that until the baby is about 6 months old, you wont have the time to work on it :p :thumb:

thanks mate,trying to get as much done before he or she arrives lol,will try and get sometime in when the baby is here see what happens lol:thumb:

tony k
14-01-10, 01:14 PM
Been working on this since 07 ?

Keep at it mate its looking good.

god its been that long lol,i kept changing my mind on the engine,but ay i dont like rushing lol,thanks for the comment mate:thumb:

tony k
14-01-10, 10:49 PM
also got my inlet that i trail fitted, just gotta sort the boost pipe from the tb,and sort the fuel lines out from the fuel rail,worst part about it tho i cant use my bias pedal box with the inlet,not that botherd really,dont know what setup to go with the corsa one or get a gsi servo and m/c,but will decide later


15-01-10, 10:21 PM
Very nice dude :cool: can't wait to get mine :d

tony k
16-01-10, 01:57 AM
Very nice dude :cool: can't wait to get mine :d

Mine took a while to do as of the change of plans lol,but was worth it in the long run,what throttle body you using game1,ive got a v6 one

tony k
17-01-10, 01:54 PM
took my fuel rail off yesterday,does anyone know the thread on the the pic below,as need to fit a banjo on it,as theres now was of fitting a normal hose on it as the inlet is close

also whats this for as found it in my bag of bits doent remeber taking it off,plus never seen one of these

17-01-10, 04:48 PM
Mine took a while to do as of the change of plans lol,but was worth it in the long run,what throttle body you using game1,ive got a v6 one
Kept to the standard throttle body mate, but had it ported and polished at the butterfly plate knife edged.....


17-01-10, 05:08 PM
that pipe goes in the front inlet manifold, just under the throttle body, one pipe goes to the head were the alt bolts down and the other goes to the header tank !

The Simps
17-01-10, 05:44 PM
You might be hard pushed to find the thread for the fuel rail connections. iirc (a few years ago) when I had some braided lines made at pirtek he had to reuse my old ones.

tony k
17-01-10, 07:45 PM
Kept to the standard throttle body mate, but had it ported and polished at the butterfly plate knife edged.....


nice and clean,looks good mate,was gonna stick with the original one but thought sod it in the end lol

tony k
17-01-10, 07:52 PM
that pipe goes in the front inlet manifold, just under the throttle body, one pipe goes to the head were the alt bolts down and the other goes to the header tank !

my engines all plumbed up mate,it came back with the inlet i had made,just baffled me the thing is never seen it,if would of rememberd taking it off or im getting alzheimer's lol

tony k
17-01-10, 07:54 PM
You might be hard pushed to find the thread for the fuel rail connections. iirc (a few years ago) when I had some braided lines made at pirtek he had to reuse my old ones.

i cant use my old ones as aint got enough room,need to banjo it,will try and find out thanks tho simps:thumb:

or can i blank it off and get the same end as in the pic,on the far right,get another one made up at the other end

Count Vaux Alot
17-01-10, 08:12 PM
Nice inlet - who made it?

17-01-10, 08:39 PM
I kept with the standard throttle body after speaking to gav (turbo gav) when it was ported and polished,etc... I also kept the lip inside the body to help with throttle response, as he explained sooo... many things to me and also said that specky had tried/tested different varients of throttle bodys too. Only reason being is I want to try and enter totb this year - that's if i'm a good enough driver :confused: lollol

tony k
18-01-10, 01:43 PM
Nice inlet - who made it?

the guy who made it is on migweb his name is nova rick,you still fancy doing my rear turrets:cry:

tony k
18-01-10, 01:47 PM
I kept with the standard throttle body after speaking to gav (turbo gav) when it was ported and polished,etc... I also kept the lip inside the body to help with throttle response, as he explained sooo... many things to me and also said that specky had tried/tested different varients of throttle bodys too. Only reason being is I want to try and enter totb this year - that's if i'm a good enough driver :confused: lollol

was looking around for info got loads of different opinions,so spoke to track n road and they said its ok wont make alot of difference but it was up to me,so i thought sod it,wish i should of kept it now but its done so sod it lol
i would like to enter totb but in the end,if i blow the engine up means more sodding about,so just gonna keep it for the road and a few track days:thumb:

Nick J
18-01-10, 02:26 PM
Good to see some progress again Tony! :)


tony k
18-01-10, 02:34 PM
Good to see some progress again Tony! :)


thanks nick well getting the bits a can get done before the baby arrives only got 6 days till the due date:confused:

Nick J
18-01-10, 02:38 PM
thanks nick well getting the bits a can get done before the baby arrives only got 6 days till the due date:confused:

:eek: :eek: Well best of luck fella I hope all goes well for you both. :)


tony k
19-01-10, 10:17 AM
:eek: :eek: Well best of luck fella I hope all goes well for you both. :)


thanks need really appriciate it:thumb:

01-02-10, 09:09 PM
For your fuel rail you may be better off getting a Jenvey t body one. I have the one that was in my fire, it's got no problems just needs wire brushing and painting. If you want it it's yours:)

tony k
01-02-10, 09:11 PM
For your fuel rail you may be better off getting a Jenvey t body one. I have the one that was in my fire, it's got no problems just needs wire brushing and painting. If you want it it's yours:)

ta few people said i can leave it like it is as i have a blanking plate,plus ive got a fpr,but will have a look at it mate,whats the price you want for it,as might be interested:thumb:

01-02-10, 09:19 PM
ta few people said i can leave it like it is as i have a blanking plate,plus ive got a fpr,but will have a look at it mate,whats the price you want for it,as might be interested:thumb:
By if you want it it's yours I mean it's free mate! You can have it. It has the ends to fit two JIC-6 connectors, which will make doing fuel lines easier!

tony k
01-02-10, 09:28 PM
By if you want it it's yours I mean it's free mate! You can have it. It has the ends to fit two JIC-6 connectors, which will make doing fuel lines easier!

wicked mate thanks for that,i will have to sort out a day when i can pop over,if thats ok with you,i will be off for 2 weeks when the baby finally makes a apperance lol

01-02-10, 09:50 PM
wicked mate thanks for that,i will have to sort out a day when i can pop over,if thats ok with you,i will be off for 2 weeks when the baby finally makes a apperance lol

You got my number:)

tony k
01-02-10, 10:12 PM
You got my number:)
Yeah i have mate,will txt u when im off then sort a day out cheers mate

tony k
18-04-10, 10:13 PM
right not much of an update,well got up saturday really in the mood for going down the garage,to finally do some work on the nova,well started off ok got down there abit late,as little man needed a feed so sorted him out then off we went,pulled the car out after pumping all four tyres up,plus the car aint seen daylight for 8 months been on axle stands lol,then gave it a wash,while having a few buds(had to it was hot).then had a few more and didnt get that much done lol,so we decided to ask me mum and dad to lool after little man,so me and the missus could go down the pub,good old mum and dad ay,got to the pub everything going good until some donut decided he wants to be abit rude,so after a few words,and rolling about on the floor it was time to go home,was a good night really lol,then woke up today and couldnt get out of bed done my back in plus a nasty hangover,not happy today as wanted to do soem work on the car,maybe next weekend i hope,just thought i would let you all know as my thread has been abit quiet

22-04-10, 12:43 PM
just spent ages reading this mate! keep up the good work!

If u plan on getting rid of the turbo anytime in the future then pm me.


tony k
22-04-10, 02:36 PM
just spent ages reading this mate! keep up the good work!

If u plan on getting rid of the turbo anytime in the future then pm me.


cheers mate,you bought matts shell,i bought the engine lol,turbo aint going nowhere yet thats if i dont blow it up lol,hows yours coming along,ive still got a fair bit todo yet,just waiting for my back to get better then im going to actually do some work on it for a change

22-04-10, 02:41 PM
haha yeah mate, nearly on the road now! in garage getting the exhaust finished today and there doing the linkage! cant be assed doing that on the floor lol, he can do it on his ramp!

lol i do want a turbo the same as that! probably would have bought the whole car if i didnt have a new let sat here already

tony k
22-04-10, 02:48 PM
haha yeah mate, nearly on the road now! in garage getting the exhaust finished today and there doing the linkage! cant be assed doing that on the floor lol, he can do it on his ramp!

lol i do want a turbo the same as that! probably would have bought the whole car if i didnt have a new let sat here already

same with me mate,if i didnt have my shell would of snapped his amr off for it,the car drove really nice when he took me out to show me what the engine could do,pulls really well,the turbo is a good setup,spools up really nice,yeah get what you mean working on the floor,just wanna get the bloody thing finished wanna let soem anger out on the road lol

22-04-10, 02:50 PM
haha i will give u a pm in a few weeks, im sure you want to sell it really ;)

tony k
22-04-10, 03:03 PM
haha i will give u a pm in a few weeks, im sure you want to sell it really ;)

oi you trying to persuade me cheeky bugger,wanna see how it goes first,gonna speak to steve at track n road,see if its worth keeping as got a mbe ecu now

22-04-10, 03:09 PM
very posh :P

tony k
22-04-10, 03:16 PM
very posh :P

only going with what steve said at track n road,better for him and saves me cutting a big hole for the wires to go through the body :)

22-04-10, 04:36 PM
nice car looks good

tony k
23-04-10, 02:25 PM
nice car looks good

thanks mate:thumb:

tony k
09-05-10, 12:19 PM
no updates as gauging interest on selling up,its in parts for sale

10-05-10, 09:47 AM
tony what did you do about fuel for your inlet?

i have same problem as you fella as there isnt a lot of room lol

did you go for a banjo bolt?

10-05-10, 09:51 AM
also how did you connect up your V6 TB mate?

tony k
10-05-10, 10:48 AM
tony what did you do about fuel for your inlet?

i have same problem as you fella as there isnt a lot of room lol

did you go for a banjo bolt?

On the end of the fuel rail ,if you have it in front of you on the right side, you should have a pipe welded on the end,for the one under the fuel blanking plate(cant remember the name),you can .leave that like that,with the hole as you go into your fpr the to that,if that sounds right

tony k
10-05-10, 10:52 AM
also how did you connect up your V6 TB mate?

Theres two types mate,think your one is a 3 bolt one,ive got the 4 bolt,olus i didnt get round to plumbing it up,i know the pipe underneath is for the icv,which goes to the big pipe on the tb,thats as far as i got

10-05-10, 10:55 AM
ok so you see here:


i can use the left hand side fuel pipe as per normal yeh?

how did you connect up the V6 tb?

10-05-10, 10:57 AM
ah ok fella, will see how i get on with tb then :)

tony k
10-05-10, 12:42 PM
ah ok fella, will see how i get on with tb then :)

i know on some of the other pipes you can use them for boost gauges,but aint got a clue what ones,im gonna have a good old sit down tonight and go over what needs doing to finish the car off,also see if i get anymore interest on the engine

tony k
15-05-10, 05:37 PM
not a update of doing bits,but just to let you know the nova aint being broken now,had a sit down with the old man and had a good old chat,so ive changed me mind to crack on with it happy days again lol

28-06-10, 08:13 AM
Any updates Tony??

tony k
28-06-10, 01:31 PM
Any updates Tony??

nah none sorry mate,been abit busy with house moving,plus taking littleman out and about,waiting for a few peolpe to get back to me on helping me finish it,should be some soon i hope lol

tony k
05-07-10, 01:17 PM
not much of a update just a few things i had to get doen as they was bugging me,i repainted the inner floor pan agian as didint like how it was before,gave it 4 coats,just need to go over if then put then lacquar it,hope it comes out better this time lol,also mounted the exhaust on,just need to make some brackets up,as its a side exit one,should be to hard tho,then the car is going off to get the engine loom done and a few other bits,also the place is mapping it for me,so when it comes back it will be all singing and dancing i hope,just gotta look around for some seats,theres a few other bits i wanna do when the car comes back is repaint my roll cage and paint my wheels,will try get soem pictures up later

13-07-10, 10:18 AM
has the loom been sorted yet tony?

tony k
13-07-10, 10:59 AM
has the loom been sorted yet tony?

nah aint sorted it mate,too much wires there lol,im going down there saturday if you wanted to pop round,the car is ment to be going to one of my mates,mates at the end of the month so trying to get as much doen as i can,so he aint got much to do,hows your nova coming along

13-07-10, 01:04 PM
it hasnt. been to busy with other things. now ive got time the weathers useless!!
im not driving atm but could see if i could get em bro to pop over and see how its getting along

tony k
13-07-10, 01:17 PM
it hasnt. been to busy with other things. now ive got time the weathers useless!!
im not driving atm but could see if i could get em bro to pop over and see how its getting along

same as me mate,since the baby has been born been so busy with him,tell me about it the weather is nuts lol,hows the garage going,yeah if you can get round,im there saturday till about 6,just wanna get it on the road,need some real power lol

tony k
15-07-10, 09:58 AM
im going down my garage on saturday to repaint the petrol tank as the paint my mate got me was pants,its all bubbling up again,mates ay lol,so will be cracking on before it goes way at the end of the month to finally get finished i hope,will get some pictures,oh does anyone know the fuel pipe size the one from the filler neck to the tank

15-07-10, 01:04 PM
Not Normaly Keen On Mk2's But Am Loving The Coulorr

tony k
15-07-10, 01:19 PM
Not Normaly Keen On Mk2's But Am Loving The Coulorr

thanks wilsen,its ford moonstone blue,but i decided i wanted a tint of grey in it,came out ok i think lol

tony k
02-08-10, 10:20 PM
little update not much but every little helps ay,i fitted the exhaust up bit of a pain when its all in one piece,as did ask for help but they kept messing me around aint mentioning any names,as its a side exit one,which was on game1 nova,just gotta make a bracket up so it sits better plus i want it sitting abit higher in the tunnel.ive pikey styled it at the mo with cable ties lol,when i get some metal to sort it out hopefully

heres a few pics
also reapainted the floor again as wasnt happy with the last outcome


03-08-10, 10:25 AM
i love the exhaust mate all lookiing good

tony k
03-08-10, 10:40 AM
i love the exhaust mate all lookiing good

thanks mate does look different,yours is coming along nice now,hopefully mine should be done soon so can get out and abuse it lol

tony k
05-08-10, 01:58 PM
well wont be much of a update for a while as the car is going off to a friend to get her up and runing,so there wont be much going on at my end.plus i cant get other there to get any pics as its a bit of a mission away,but hopefully should be runing also mapped aswell,so next to get is just seats,plus a few silly bits,cant wait now shouldnt be too long i hope lol

tony k
11-08-10, 04:11 PM
well took the car up to where it had to go on saturday,got up at 6 to get the garage for half 7,dont do rushing lol,put a few bits on it as didnt fancy the petrol tank bashing around in the car,so got that done,then my mate turned up with his pickup to load the car up at half 8,then a double check on all the bits that needed taking was quiet alot there,didnt realise lol,then off we went,2 and a half hours later we arrived at his house,was starving could of ate a horse,but burger king was the nearest i could get lol,had a chat for abit then went into his workshop,was like a palace you could eat your dinner off the floor,plus the size of the place,me and my mate was amazed of the size of his workshop bloody massive,then it was time to head back didnt fancy the trip back tho,felt pretty said leaving the nova,with it sitting there looking sorry for itself,will see how he gets on with it and keep you all updated thats it for now

15-08-10, 08:18 PM
Glad to hear you have found somewhere that will finish it for you mate, soooo many people are full of faulse promises :roll: the more I think about selling mine, the more I think about keeping it lol may just garage it and do a few little bits over the winter :confused:

tony k
16-08-10, 12:54 PM
Glad to hear you have found somewhere that will finish it for you mate, soooo many people are full of faulse promises :roll: the more I think about selling mine, the more I think about keeping it lol may just garage it and do a few little bits over the winter :confused:

i am glad too mate so many messesrs around but ay thats the thing of today,dont sell it mate,just put it away do your bits you wanna do then enjoy it again lol,you will regret it if you do

tony k
21-08-10, 10:48 PM
bit of a little update,spoke to the guy today who is finishing my nova,all piped up,sorted the alternator out(wouldnt sit right didnt wanna bodge it lol),plus my custom inlet had to be modified,so my bias pedal box could fit,had about a inch trimed off it,he also said he is doing away with the icv as i dont need it,plus he sorted out the oil pressure switch as it was bad the way it had been done before,just waitng for his mate to sort the wiring out,then it goes off to get mapped,might need different injectors but he will let me know,so all good so far,will keep youall posted

21-08-10, 11:22 PM
good work mate

let nova power is awesome!

tony k
22-08-10, 06:52 PM
good work mate

let nova power is awesome!

Thanks shaun yeah i cant wait,finally will be able to take my anger out on lol

tony k
29-08-10, 10:26 PM
another little update,spoke to the guy who is doing tge car,all the wiring is done,he just phoned me to tell me that could i order these bits,fuel line,unions and fuel filter,also i needed a new pipe for the turbo to intercooler,got that off roosemotorsport,also got my dizzy blanking plate,got that off sbd in the end,as there one is better,as you need to tap a bolt into the cam,as heard the ball bearing can be a problem,plus all the brakelines have been done now,he is gonna run the coilpack inside the car,as he likes it this way,stops it getting damp,thats it for now,once he has done that its off to be mapped

30-08-10, 04:07 PM
some be fun

tony k
01-09-10, 11:05 AM
some be fun

i hope so lol,just got me fuel lines and unions delivered and dizzy blanking plate,just waiting for my boost pipe and vacuum pipe to turn up,then i can send them to the guy,then its just gotta be plumbed up(fuel lines),then its off to be mapped i hope

tony k
26-10-10, 11:04 AM
little update aint got no pics sorry,my car is running now,had a few electrical faults but all good now,should be picking it up next week sometime,gonna book it into track and road to get the mapping done,as they are only round the corner from me,cant wait now,well atleast i can start it up on the base map,just wont drive it tho,as will wanna thrash it lol

26-10-10, 11:40 AM
Glad to hear its nearly done... May be a waiting list at T&R though..

tony k
26-10-10, 12:43 PM
Glad to hear its nearly done... May be a waiting list at T&R though..

thanks paul,aint gonna be till after the new year,going down to them soon to book it in,but if they have got a early slot will be great

tony k
10-11-10, 09:38 AM
bit of a little update,got a problem with the ecu on the car(mbe),it had to go to sbd to get looked at,dont know what the problem was,but its all sorted now,theres a few wiring issues that need looking at,but it should be running again this week i hope,was ment to pick it up this week but hay ho glad its happend down there,as would of had to back to guy who is doing it,also got a set of lightweight seats yesterday for a really good price,will be picking them up this weekend thanks to my mate mark,just want the car back so i can crack on with the other bits,will update when i find out some more info

tony k
29-11-10, 11:39 AM
another little update had a call from the bloke friday ,well the car is running again,had loads off issues with the ecu,it had to go to sbd to get looked at,had to go back down there again,as they didnt sort the problem out,it had low spark,when trying to start,found out it was a resistor that needed changing,so all well and good so far,he is just sorting the rear brakelines,as a couple of the joints was leaking,so hopefully will be picking it up,as my mate is dropping his lotus sunbeam off to him,fingers crossed,gonna pop into track n road soon,to get it booked in

29-11-10, 02:19 PM
Good to hear progress has been made mate

29-11-10, 11:20 PM
this is a class project this matey just sat and gone through it all!! loving the side exit aswell that looks cool!!

tony k
30-11-10, 01:30 PM
Good to hear progress has been made mate

Thanks mate,cant wait to get the car home,then can get cracking

tony k
30-11-10, 01:32 PM
this is a class project this matey just sat and gone through it all!! loving the side exit aswell that looks cool!!

Thanks wudgey,its been a long and slow build finally getting somewhere now i hope lol

tony k
05-12-10, 10:20 AM
well i got up at 6 yesterday to go get the nova with my mate mark,so he came round about 8 ish,then we was off,gotta say there was no traffic and the roads where ok,just abit foggy not too bad tho,we had to go to his mates first to get a honda s200 engine,which is going in his lotus sunbeam,then we left there.to take his car to the guy who is gonna fit the engine and box plus paint it,stayed there for abit,had a nose around as you do lol,there was some wicked cars there,but left my phone in the truck couldnt be botherd to go get it,the we set off to get mine,was like a little kid couldnt wait to pick it up lol,so pulled up and it was waiting outside,takes a little bit to get it to start as its on a base map,atleast i can move it in and out the garage,not gonna drive it tho,sounds lovely when its started,onlygot a few pics as was late when i got back and was tired,will try get a video next time,cant wait to get stuck in now

this is one of my mate marks,mates cars its up for sale if you have the cash tho

06-12-10, 03:23 PM
Top project T, keep up the good work! :thumb:

tony k
06-12-10, 04:08 PM
Top project T, keep up the good work! :thumb:

Thanks mate its been a headache but finally getting somewhere now

tony k
06-12-10, 05:41 PM
sorry double post

tony k
07-12-10, 11:03 PM
thought i would take another pic of my engine bay,as was going abit camera happy lol


07-12-10, 11:05 PM
Is it just me or do the black Avc-r's look so much better than the original one?

tony k
07-12-10, 11:53 PM
Is it just me or do the black Avc-r's look so much better than the original one?

yeah mate the black ones look way better,the original ones look cheap and tatty

Nick J
09-12-10, 06:09 PM
Glad to see some progress Tony, I know it was getting you down before so I bet your over the moon at how its coming along now etc. :)


09-12-10, 09:12 PM
Bay looks lovely!
Ditto what Nick said really!

09-12-10, 09:54 PM
Christ that's a nice looking engine set up... Bay looks tidy and nice dude.

09-12-10, 11:28 PM
that rs1800 looks the sh*t!! and yea hope you are getting somewhere matey but if its a slow build it will be right mate if you take your time less things are likely to go wrong lol

tony k
10-12-10, 10:07 AM
Glad to see some progress Tony, I know it was getting you down before so I bet your over the moon at how its coming along now etc. :)


Thanks nick,yeah its been a pain,was getting to me though it would never get done,but its starting to pay off now,got my guy cming round to sort the cold start out,then get my tyres and get it mapped,so getting there now


tony k
10-12-10, 10:09 AM
Bay looks lovely!
Ditto what Nick said really!

Cheers paul finally getting somewhere now,hows yours coming along


tony k
10-12-10, 10:12 AM
Christ that's a nice looking engine set up... Bay looks tidy and nice dude.

Thanks benn,its pretty tidy,but not as tidy as yours tho lol,ita beem a pain but hopefully be done in febuary,my mates are doing a track day then,cant remember where,that will be its shakedown there,etter pull my finger out lol


tony k
10-12-10, 10:15 AM
that rs1800 looks the sh*t!! and yea hope you are getting somewhere matey but if its a slow build it will be right mate if you take your time less things are likely to go wrong lol

Yeah that escort is quality,would love to have it,but finds cant stretch that far lol,am getting somewhere now,so gotta start getting stuck in,its been a slow progerss,but as you said slow means better i hope lol


10-12-10, 12:54 PM
yea id say slow means better at least youve taken your time hopefully all we be done correctly!! and yea that escort is fooking mint id love it just cant afford it lol!

tony k
10-12-10, 10:30 PM
yea id say slow means better at least youve taken your time hopefully all we be done correctly!! and yea that escort is fooking mint id love it just cant afford it lol!

Yeah it is a wicked motor,its forsale aswell,but at a big price morgage money tho

Gotta take your time on these builds,as they need alot of thought in them,hope it comes out ok tho


tony k
16-12-10, 11:23 AM
not much of a update,just done a few silly bits,ie put front bumper on,gave the car a clean,as was really dirty
Stuck on my digi dash its a etb dd2 one,all the other bits work,but cant get the petrol gauge to work,was saying n/c,found the wire for it and plugged it up to the original nova wire,blue with a thin black strip,but says zero now,but put a jerry can in and still the same,ive got the original tank,is the something else you need to put inline to get it to calculate the fuel


tony k
16-12-10, 11:36 AM
just spoke to etb who make the dd2 dash,the said i need to measure the resistance of the float,on empty and full.anyone know that as aint got a scooby about

tony k
04-02-11, 01:35 PM
Right little update my mate txted me yesterday saying I have a few parcels at his work,went over there after I finished work,they was my new wheels raceline rl7's,couldn't wait to get home and fit them (ain't been near the car for a few weeks maybe more lol),slapped them on just need to run a 5pm spacer on the back as just touching my coilover spring,might phone Mark at gaz,see if they make thinner springs,only got a few pics,nothing special as couldn't get the car outside as rear brakes have seized on,will upload the ones I got later,still need to get my f28 oil seals and a water leak,on my todo list

04-02-11, 06:30 PM
what size tyre have you got on your new wheels?

pics needed of your progress dude. :)

tony k
04-02-11, 08:17 PM
They are 195 50 15,why you ask mate will get pics up asoon as I get home

04-02-11, 08:19 PM
what offset? i tried my softstars back on my nova and have got 205/40/16 tyres. they rub on the coilover spring and hope 195's will cure it. just interested in your wheel setup to hopefully find mine will be ok. lol

tony k
04-02-11, 09:22 PM
They are et49,had comp mo's on there before,which was 16" still needed spacers tho,they had 205 on the back just touched the coilover when jack up,as the beam was free,but as soon as I dropped it back on the floor it cleared by about 3 or 4mm,my 195 did just double check jacking the rear beam up and down,as the car will be holding it's own weight,if that makes sense lol

04-02-11, 10:09 PM
yeh that makes sense. i have tried it on the ground with the 205's and it still rubs. i still want to get new tyres for better grip so ill be going 195, will just be the added benefit if i dont need the spaces.

thanks for the info.

tony k
04-02-11, 10:20 PM
Thats alright mate we are all here to help,the 195 should give you some more room,but you might need spacers as every nova is different,had a few now.to find out lol

tony k
07-02-11, 01:35 PM
Here is the pics,didn't get time over the weekend as it was my boys 1st


These are the best I could get at the mo


07-02-11, 02:33 PM
Love those wheels

tony k
07-02-11, 09:02 PM
Thanks connor will try get some better pics the weekend

tony k
21-04-11, 11:26 AM
little bit of a update,just to let you know its still being done lol,would like to thank roosemotorsport,for there quick deliverey orderd my 3 way pipe at around 12ish yesterday got it just now,just waiting on my metal water pipe off txautosport then can slap that on,then fill her back up with water,gonna try sort my g/box oil seal as got a slight leak

also on the rad the rad fan switch are they all the same,as dont know what rad ive got on mine


tony k
27-04-11, 09:20 PM
Not much of a update as waiting on parts,so I can fill her up with water
Been thinking if to ditch the rear disk beam,put drums back on,in two minds tho,what you guys reckon,I've got a bias controller fitted aswell

27-04-11, 09:27 PM
What do you the brakes feel like? Work like?

tony k
27-04-11, 09:29 PM
I haven't drove the car yet Benn,just keep hearing about them locking up alot tho,or just me being paranoid lol

tony k
28-04-11, 01:05 PM
got my metal water pipe off tx autosport this morning,will get that slapped on over the weekend,plus get a fan switch,so then i can bring it over to my friends mate joe,so he can put a cold start map on it,getting there slowly but surely lol

tony k
30-04-11, 08:36 PM
Well started the day off pretty well,got my rad fan switch fitted,then made a plug up for the fan(didn't want to solder them,sorted abit of wiring out,then thought I would see what this leak is on the gearbox,took the 2wd plate off to see if the bearing was knackered,it was so had a little poke around with my fingers,see abit of mmovement,put my hand on the bearing and can move my diff side to side,also up and down,thought that's not right,gave Paul a bell off here,old me to phone Mr Milton,he said my diff bearing has gone,so will have to drop the engine out,txted Paul back told him what he said,got some advice off paul aswell said I could get the box out with the engine still in,will give that ago as don't wanna take it all out,

Would like to say a big thanks to Paul appreciate all the info top bloke

30-04-11, 10:36 PM
Long time no speak today buddy :) Hope to hear you've got it running on the road before summers out ;)

01-05-11, 12:31 AM
Box back out? That aint good.

01-05-11, 05:38 AM
No probs mate :) hope u get it sorted quickish

tony k
01-05-11, 11:04 AM
Long time no speak today buddy :) Hope to hear you've got it running on the road before summers out ;)

Yeah mate it's been a while,trying to,will try get the box out next weekend

tony k
01-05-11, 11:07 AM
Box back out? That aint good.

I'm afraid so,well in one way it's kind of good,as can see what condition the syncros are in aswell,well Steve can lol

tony k
01-05-11, 11:11 AM
No probs mate :) hope u get it sorted quickish

Hope so aswell lol,got a couple of hours spare today,get it on axle stands and unbolt a few bits getting it ready,to drop out

01-05-11, 09:21 PM
haha u lazy git!!!

thought this would have been on the road,gettin brutally savaged like a thai man bird!! haha

tony k
01-05-11, 09:40 PM
haha u lazy git!!!

thought this would have been on the road,gettin brutally savaged like a thai man bird!! haha

I know mate been too lazy lol,bit hard now with the little one around now,he tKes most of my time up now

It's more like savaging me,fighting me all the way,going down there tomorrow if your around pop round

01-05-11, 10:43 PM
Where are you getting the bearings from?

tony k
01-05-11, 10:55 PM
Where are you getting the bearings from?

I'm taking the box to Steveboyslim,he stocks them and a few other bits,guy knows his stuff

tony k
02-05-11, 07:57 PM
Well woke up today in a good mood for once lol,took me boy to the park chasing him everywhere lol

Then got to me garage around 2 ish,to get the poxy gearbox out,at first I thought drop the lot down and take it off,but couldn't be bothered taking wiring off and fuel lines etc,was a bit of a pain to do it when the engine is still in the bay,but after swearing and cut hands,i got it out,all on me Todd,felt pretty pleased wit myself,so will phone Steveboyslim in the morning tomorrow,see when I can bring it over
So after getting the bos out I was starving,so just chucked it all back in there lol

tony k
07-05-11, 04:26 PM
Well went over to Steveboyslim today, so he could check the bearings on my diff,glad to say that it was all good,just me being paranoid lol,well he changed the driveshaft oil seals,plus gave me some good advice aswell,gotta say big thanks to steve,top bloke to deal with,worst part now is getting the box back in and bolted up,think I should have a swear jar see how much I do,when I put it back in lol

tony k
23-08-11, 10:32 AM
Well a wee update
Not been near the car in a while as lost interest and motivation,well I done a few bits on the car last night nothing to take a pic of,but felt kinda good doing it,starting to get me motivation back again I hope lol,gonna put the box in maybe this weekend sort a few other bits out aswel,also noticed on my bias pedal box one of the brake fluid pots are empty,the rear brakes one,so will need to track that done now,might run new copper brake lines instead of my braided ones,so that's it at the mo,hopefully be another update soon

tony k
02-09-11, 01:33 PM
Well sad to say the car is up forsale now,got other commitments
Selling it as a whole package as ain't got the time to strip it

Alex J
02-09-11, 02:24 PM
Well sad to say the car is up forsale now,got other commitments
Selling it as a whole package as ain't got the time to strip it

just get on with it!!! hold on a second, i built a c20let track and stripped it aswell before i drove it:roll:lol

tony k
02-09-11, 02:33 PM
just get on with it!!! hold on a second, i built a c20let track and stripped it aswell before i drove it:roll:lol

Taking a leaf out of your book merris lol,just ain't got the time no more

Alex J
02-09-11, 02:50 PM
Taking a leaf out of your book merris lol,just ain't got the time no moreall these years of owning novas, you only live 10 miles from melol, i enjoyed breaking mine, and weighing the shell in, its the only way you make money on them:d

tony k
02-09-11, 02:59 PM
all these years of owning novas, you only live 10 miles from melol, i enjoyed breaking mine, and weighing the shell in, its the only way you make money on them:d

Yeah mate all these years of blood sweat and alot of swearing lol,didn't know you lived not that far from me,seeing as weight has gone up abit on scrap might just take the whole thing there lol

02-09-11, 05:29 PM
Dont give up dude.

tony k
02-09-11, 06:09 PM
Dont give up dude.

I didn't want to benn,but been thinking about it for sometime now,just thought im better off calling it a day now,I can always build another one later on,when I've got time

02-09-11, 07:39 PM
Real shame, but if that's the way then so be it.

tony k
03-09-11, 09:35 AM
Thanks benn,sometimes things don't always go to plan

Alex J
03-09-11, 12:00 PM
strip it , scrap the shell, sell all the parts, your have enough money to buy on already done, and have lots of change left over to spend!!

03-09-11, 12:04 PM
^^^ that's not always the case tho

Unless you need the money I would seriously consider keeping it until you have the time to finish it

If you sell up and want to build one at a later date prices will have gone up for parts and ready built ones costing you even more

tony k
03-09-11, 12:28 PM
strip it , scrap the shell, sell all the parts, your have enough money to buy on already done, and have lots of change left over to spend!!


tony k
03-09-11, 12:30 PM
^^^ that's not always the case tho

Unless you need the money I would seriously consider keeping it until you have the time to finish it

If you sell up and want to build one at a later date prices will have gone up for parts and ready built ones costing you even more

i know what your saying edd,just aint got the time for cars at the mo,lost interest aswell,aint enjoying it as much as i have been

tony k
15-11-11, 11:49 AM
Not really a update

Got some good news yesterday, got a call back on a job I went for,just waiting on a date to start,as funds was low as loosing my job aswell,plus will have abit more time on my hands with this new job,so can keep the car now,get cracking on with it,still got a list of things to do ie fit gearbox back in,fit 3 way pipe and metal water pipe(one on the back of the block),make a plug up for the fan,gonna tidy the wiring up abit,pop to gaz get my coilover threads lengthend for top mounts,order a fuel gauge as dd2 dash,won't recognise fuel level,plumb it all back up,then hopefully bring it round to my mates mate joe(gsm),who will put a cold start map in it for now,he will be mapping it at a later date

Ail still be advertising the engine for sale,as do really want xe on jenvey tb

15-11-11, 08:20 PM
good to see your keeping this mate :)

tony k
16-11-11, 04:05 PM
good to see your keeping this mate :)

Thanks mate,I'm glad too still would like to sell the engine tho

16-11-11, 04:32 PM
No. It isnt, i wanted the linkage....

Glad your keeping it.

16-11-11, 04:32 PM
No. It isnt, i wanted the linkage....

Glad your keeping it.

16-11-11, 04:42 PM
haha ^^^

tony k
16-11-11, 06:10 PM
No. It isnt, i wanted the linkage....

Glad your keeping it.

I'm affraid so benn,sorry about that mate

Same here,just need a electric heater to get for the garage now,went in there last night,god it was cold,wasnt there long lol

16-11-11, 08:42 PM
Dont be sorry dude, get cracking with it.

tony k
16-11-11, 08:51 PM
Dont be sorry dude, get cracking with it.

Hopefully be down there again on Saturday,just need to sort a electric heater out first,been looking at few,don't know what one to get

16-11-11, 08:53 PM
Cheap one, all i have. Close the door and warms up really quick in there.

tony k
16-11-11, 09:01 PM
Cheap one, all i have. Close the door and warms up really quick in there.

I got a little blow heater,was only a tenner on sale lol,but takes about 3 days to warm up,that's with doors closed also with draft excluders

16-11-11, 09:04 PM
I have one that a hot spring thing in a ally casing... Works great.

tony k
16-11-11, 09:08 PM
Was looking at this on screwfix looks ok


tony k
31-01-12, 04:30 PM
not much of a update due to my back problems(trapped nerve),had to give me job up as only just started there nearly 3 months out of work not good,well im gonna give the engine a go on ebay now due to too many messers on forums,just the same as what scott has had with his nova sale,so think its the best bet now,then hopefully when thats sold can start ripping it apart,but on the plus note i start my new job tomorrow alot closer to my home,just thought i would let you know whats been going on with this thread,still in two minds if to put a xe on throttle boddies in when the engine is sold,dont worry benn you can still have the rosejointed linkage and nick j what you wanted

31-01-12, 06:43 PM
Bad luck on your back dude, hope you can get sorted.

Engine wise, Ebay will open up to a bigger market, like the 7/westy boys and kit cars and such so it might work.

Nick J
01-02-12, 12:28 PM
Dont worry about what I wanted Tony...... Your best off keeping parts like that especially If your going to drop an xe in. Its a shame to see clet's not making the money anymore and In my opinion your best off stripping the engine and selling all the parts off individually. Nemesis/Cemex make good money doing things that way as you always get someone wanting a specific part etc. Head,Turbo,Inlet,Bottom end,loom/ecu are all well spec'd and will get you stronger money than If you sell complete for sure. ;)


tony k
02-02-12, 01:35 PM
Bad luck on your back dude, hope you can get sorted.

Engine wise, Ebay will open up to a bigger market, like the 7/westy boys and kit cars and such so it might work.

Thanks mate I know my back is doing my head in now,I'm at my new job now as they understand the issue with my back,which is good thing from them,yeah gonna put it on the bay soon,see wha happens on there


tony k
12-03-12, 12:14 PM
Well had my engine on eBay,which had yet another time waster again,as the gearbox was still out th car,kept meaning to put it back in,so while I was at me garage I decided to just stick it back in,with the engine still in there,god it was hard work,especially on your own aswell,should of just dropped the engine out really,but alot of swearing and cut fingers,plus more pain killers as me back started hurting again,I finally got it in,jus gotta fit my new 3 way pipe and metal water pipe,then plumb it all back up,I've just decided to carry on with it,but will still advertise the engine and box for sale,sorry I didn't get any pics but will do next time I go down there

tony k
01-07-12, 10:47 PM
Re: project nova c20let
Well it's not much of a update,but it's better than nothing ay lol,finally got abit motivated today and put the front legs and hubs back on,also had to fit the exhaust again,as put some new bushes on it,the car abit seen daylight since it last went to Neil's,which we some time ago,after taking my front pads out as brakes have seized on,freed the back ones for now,as gotta fit new pads and discs,took a couple of pics as ain't got none with my revolutions rl7 wheels,gotta change my front coilover springs as they are a tad too long,anyway here are a few pics hope you like


02-07-12, 10:54 AM
looks good mate good work :thumb:

02-07-12, 12:27 PM
Dude looks great, really glad you've found some time to work on it.. Get it drive able, drive it to Billing with a for sale sticker in it.

tony k
02-07-12, 07:47 PM
looks good mate good work :thumb:

Thanks mate

tony k
02-07-12, 07:53 PM
Dude looks great, really glad you've found some time to work on it.. Get it drive able, drive it to Billing with a for sale sticker in it.

Thanks benn,glad I finally got sometime to do some bits on the car,actually enjoyed it for a change lol,thinking of keeping it aslong as my works contract gets renewed at the end of August,still got abit to do on it yet,as my mate who is gonna map it is really busy at the mo,so gives me abit of time to get bits done,gotta sort the brakes out,as they keep locking,had to take the pads out for now,think its my bias pedal box needs adjusting,just gonna go with the flow with it at the mo,see what happens


02-07-12, 08:34 PM
Glad your thinking of keeping it :)

tony k
04-07-12, 09:53 PM
Glad your thinking of keeping it :)

Thanks Benn
Keeping my fingers crossed my contract gets renewed,had a quick look in your thread,your car just gets better and better,keep it up mate keeps me going on mine


04-07-12, 10:17 PM
Good luck with it. And cheers i try.

tony k
06-07-12, 10:56 PM
Good luck with it. And cheers i try.

Thanks again benn,do love your car attention to detail is quality

Will try get some spare time to get more bits done


tony k
12-08-12, 10:26 PM
Time for a wee little update
Well been meaning to drill the holes,for the electric windows and central locking,so went in the garage to tackle it,opened the door and got a strong smell of petrol,no drips or stains on the floor was puzzling me,so thought I would roll the car outside for more light,all four brakes had seized on grrrrr,think its to do with my bias pedal box,which might get rid of now,as no matter what way I adjust it,either the fronts lock on or the backs,anyway put it on axle stands and took all the pads out,saves messing around,thinking of ditching the rear disc setup too now,foun the petrol leak one of the unions was loose on the fuel rail,tightened that up and checked all the others all sorted,then I thought I am not taking the doors off to drill the holes,decided to take the wings off,unbolted them all,but the guy who painted the car has used some super sonic sealant on the wings,the just won't budge,after a few swear words and caught my finger and was getting pead off,decided to leave it as that,as would of ended up doing a merris on the car lol

So that's all at the mo,hopefully get some more time on the car over the next few weeks

tony k
06-01-13, 05:53 PM
Update time

Well it's been a while since my last update,have t really been bothered about the car really,but the main thing was the electric window loom needed feeding through the door properly,so off came the wing finally with a lot of swearing and that,it finally came off,so drilled the hole for it with me step drill bit,found some cable ducting so it s abit more protected,,left the wing off for now,as wanna paint all behind it and the rest of the inner arch,also took the cmbelt cover off,put the battery I charged up on,then let the engine spin over till oil pressure light went off,which it did so happy with that,so will tackle the over side of the electric window loom next time,as couldn't be bothered to push the car out and over to one side for more room

Still debating if to loose the rest disc conversion,also sort the brake leak out,might even see if I can get the base map loaded on

Here's a few pics nothing special

tony k
03-03-13, 07:39 PM
Been a while since I updated last time

Well as you know I had a little fire problem,last time I was done the garage,well decided to leave the car for abit,just to clear my head from things with it,

So been was thinking in the week about the poor little nova,so I decided I would go done there for a few hours today,see if I can solve the problem,was hunting around the garage for some thick wire,so I can make a new earth wire from the battery

After a hour of going through my storage boxes and cupboards,came across my old car audio power and earth wires,which are on for what I needed them for,so measured the lengths I needed and cut and put new ends on them,also decided to make another one up from the gearbox to the chassis,just to make sure it's all earthed properly,up m battery on and it cranked over without a fuss,so no starter motor needed now,saves me abit of money which is a bonus

Hopefully will try get done there this weekend,as wont get a lot of time,as me and the missus are expecting are baby this month

03-03-13, 08:44 PM
Should of said, i have cable here i used to make my battery lines up. Could of made you one and sent it over...

tony k
04-03-13, 07:21 AM
[QUOTE=Benn;2132382]Should of said, i have cable here i used to make my battery lines up. Could of made you one and sent it over...[/QUOTE

I didn't know you made them up mate,I've only roughly done mine,using 0 gauge wiring from the battery now

How you getting on with yours mate,you sorted the shaft problem,hope you have

tony k
06-02-14, 09:48 PM
Well it's been a while

No much of a update really,car is still in the same place and same state, it was left in since last time lol
Well hopefully will be cracking on with it soon,as lost a lot if interest in it( well cars altogether),now starting to get the bug back again,so hopefully be some work done on it soon


07-02-14, 09:06 AM
Good about time..lol Crack on dude, will be a lovely car when done.

tony k
08-02-14, 01:16 AM
Good about time..lol Crack on dude, will be a lovely car when done.

It is about time lol,last year was a tough year,due to work and money,plus really lost interest in to big time
nearly let it go for silly money,but just couldn't do it mate,hopefully get it down to my mates new workshop to get cracking back on with it,thanks for the comment benn
