View Full Version : Dead Engine

04-02-02, 09:22 AM
Anyway a Good night was ruined by a crap journy home, The 5door was getting some serious B-Road action, when a roundabout approached. Droping it down to 3rd I did the round about a treat, coming out the roundabout giving it some trottle, revs are high.... Errr what was that wierd noise.... Car now dosn't go above 60MPH.... Shit, drop it back down in to 3rd give it some trottle.... Errr nothing.... The car then conitues to run fine for a couple of minutes not going above 60MPH, and then it starts to cough and spluter..... SHIT, 20 minutes from Home, no reception on either mine of the misses phone, stuck down the A31 in the middle of the forest and the car is starting to play up. I reach a town and with the car still running but extremley shit I decided to pull up, at this point the car completely dies on me.

I pull over and thats it, it won't start. BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING EARTH PROBLEM with my starter motor. AHHHH anyway, after pondering whatto do for 3 minutes, I try the car again. First time, no luck, Second time no luck... Thrid time it starts and dies straight away, 4th time, with my right foot firmly planted on the accerator.... It starts followed by a shed load of black smoke from the exhaust... NOt good, the car then decideds to be nice for another 7 miles, It goes above 70, but I can feel it starting to Cough and splutter again when it's reaching high revs so I keep it to 50, I get on the motorway, now about 8 minutes from home, and it starts to play up again, I can feel the car reaching back and forwards and the revs are pissing about like no bodies bussiness... it starts to behave again for a while and then I hear this really WIERD noise coming from the back end of the car, It almost sounds like it's hollowing...? What the fuck is that on about? Strange noise creeps the shit outta me and just as we pull off the motorway (At the right juction thank fuck) the car finally packs it's bags and fucks off.... Or at least the engine did, I manage to coast it into a garge which is open till 12 (which convinetly for me has closed 10 minutes early!) anyway. I pop the bonnet and all seems well? I check the back end of the carsee if anything is falling off and all is well... what the fuck was that hollowing noise? It wasn't a wheel bearing, I know what they sound like, and wheel bearings don't stop making the noise once there gone there gone. Anyway, again a series of starts fail missrably with the car fucking about so bad it's untrue, I finally get the car home. The wierd thing is, My Alarm LED which normally flashes when the alarm is set and which is normally off when I am driving the car is now permontley on? So now I beg to ask the question. Have I serious fucked my engine, is it time to finally deleve deep and get a new engine, or is mine OK and suffering from a case of a let too much water. Thing is, the roads where dry on the way back? And why, after driving for an hour in the pouring rain there, driving round for half an hour in a bloody monsoon, would the wet finally get to me half an hour in to my journy home and when it's not even quater as wet as it was...... Bloody cars....!

If the engine is completely dead, I'm gonna go for a 1.8 16v, with the old fly by wire gubbins, should be pretty trick.

By the way, First one to say the problem with your car is because it's a 5door wins a hand full of Choclate buttons :D , Unfortunatley second place will have to make do with nothing....

04-02-02, 09:42 AM
its because its a five door... my five door does the same thing all the time.

only joking mate. sounds like your car is posessed... seriously... demons in there somewhere.

cant help... just wanted the handfull of chocolate buttons

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

04-02-02, 10:24 AM
The buttons are in the post M8 :p

Just something to point out the car was serviced 2-3weeks ago and was running like a gem up until last night?

04-02-02, 11:04 AM
if your car starts running badly.... PULL OVER don't try and force the engine to go if it don't wanna cause u will only cause more damage

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

04-02-02, 11:49 AM
I did pull over, but could do nothing, both me and the misses had no signal on our fones, and being miles from anywhere down the A31 I had no choice unfortunatley then to try and get the wee thing to work. Being a 1.2 I wasn't to bothered If I knackard it completely as long as I got home. LOL was worried about it catching fire though... Think it's about time A) I get a decent fone B) I get AA cover and c)I get a better engine.... Or get the misses to drive everywhere.... :D

04-02-02, 12:01 PM
you said the alarm led has changed? they usually do that when the battery is disconected or very flat!!!
Check ur earth leads m8, on battery, gearbox etc.
Im sure ste will tell you the fun Bagz1 had with his sr when the earth lead had broke, engine ran like a pile of shit!!

04-02-02, 12:39 PM
Cheers Dicko. I orginally had a problem with the earth where the starter motor wouldn't work but it seemed to cure it's self. Looks as though it is causing the recent problems as well... I would imagine that this is the problem thinking about recent events, so I shall check this first thing tonight....

Thanks Again

04-02-02, 04:51 PM
electrical probs are always the worst ;)

05-02-02, 01:49 AM
Sounds the same as my 1.2 just before the head gasket blew one day.

Driving along, bright sunny summers day, windows down, roof slid back, tunes a playin' (don't you love summer!).
In a 30 zone, just changing into a 60 zone so gets foot down, only the car didn't want to accelerate....instead, it started coughing and spluttering and jerking...speeding up, slowing down then it finally went "BANG!".
I pulled into a lay-by (luckily, there was one just round the next bend) and noticed plumes of smoke from the zorst and the engine (still running) sounded like a tractor with a miss-fire or worse!

I drove it home (about 6 miles) and it took about 45 mins (couldn't go very fast....it refused to go above 20, apart from a down-hill section where I got to 27 lol).
Anyway, got home, striped top of engine off....didn't even bother leaving it to cool for more than an hour (1.3 SR engine sat in garage ready to fit) so didn't give a shit, found blown head gasket and a hole through the top of piston 1.
Did I mention that a block water-core plug blew threw on the way home too, so I had coolant shooting out of the block!

ANYWAY, getting to my point, I recon that it was caused by a fucked dizzy making it miss-fire at certain times.....the balance weights were always floating around and the dizzy made a dodgy noise and I'd had the same probs like you describe above in wet and dry weather.

When I fitted my 1.3 SR engine, I didn't have a decent dizzy on it so I borrowed the one off my old 1.2 (knowing it to be a bit dodgy, but risked it), and it gave the same dodgy running like you described above, but sometimes I would be fine.
I fitted a new dizzy (when I got one a couple of weeks later), and the problem never came back.

That might be a load of bollocks, but worth checking :)

05-02-02, 07:52 AM
why is it rich that you can be bothered to strip a red hot engine down and take it out the car but can't be arsed to drive ten minutes to a vauxhall dealers to ask for some gte stickers, and cant be bothered to hold the button down to wind the windows right down...

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

05-02-02, 08:37 AM
The engine problems where due to water in the dizzy, not surprising if any of you saw how wet it was at guilly :O

As for the alarm & Starter Motor gubbins... HMMMM well i checked the earth straps and all seems well, My mate a electrcian checked em to and they do seem well. After putting the alarm into vallet mode, it came back to life, turns out the reason why the LED was permentley on was because the Alarm wasn't even turned on. Now the started motor is playing up again, it never happened when the alarm was turned off so to speak, so I am thinking maybe the immboliser is cutting in. because when the car had my supposed problems with the starter motor, the ! and Full beam dash lights came on, as well as the indicators and headlights, but the engine didn't start. Now after I reset the alarm and armed it, the same lights came on as the ones which come on when the car wouldn't start which makes me think the alarm is wired wrong... gonne get it checeked out as is still under warrenty

05-02-02, 10:19 AM
I had a similar problem on Sunday when i took my car along to Guilford. Going along the motorway it was absolutly pissing it down with rain, the car seemed to be running fine, but felt like it was holding back a bit.

I turned off at my junction and the car stalled at the traffic lights - and refused to start again. Fortunately Austin_Nova was behind me in his new Nova Saloon (lol), he pulled over, we checked to see if there was a spark and fuel going through, which there was, wiggled the wires around a bit, and it started. I limped the car to the Daewoo garage in Guilford where we had a proper look at it.

It turns out it was the lead under the coil (unsure of the name), it was full of water and general crap. As soon as this was done the turned over fine.

Its probably worth checking this.

05-02-02, 10:55 AM
ah cornish u were the one who pulled up next to me ! and popped the bonnet ?
silver gsi and a 200 sx
i had the klaxon horn ! remember ?

If it isn't kev it isn't worth it !!!

05-02-02, 11:37 AM
Cornish what car where you in?

05-02-02, 05:58 PM
quote "Being a 1.2 I wasn't to bothered If I knackard it completely" why the fuck are u asking for help then...... just get a new engine, or a new car for that matter
p.s. 3 door novas have bigger front doors so u can get all those fat birds in that u like

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

05-02-02, 11:30 PM
big up ste! i love the way u like dan so much, Fu***n LOL :D

06-02-02, 12:18 AM
David P, yeh that was me, i opened the bonnet and kicked the car real hard! Yeah i recognised the car from the Slough rolling road day a while back, what has happened to the passenger side wing??

By any chance did you see Austin_Nova's new 2 door saloon next to me, he picked it up for ?10 on Saturday!

Dan, i was in a white 1.4SR, i've seen you there before a few times but didn't see you this time??

06-02-02, 12:38 AM
Oooooooh! The saloons a beauty!! ;)

06-02-02, 09:02 AM
tis all sorted now thanks for the help lads, was the earth strap in the end, the alarm was earthed to the same place.... hence problem with alarm and started motor.... ah bisto... LOL @ Stu, Ahh but with 2 extra doors thats two more fat birds I can fit in there than you... PLus the fat ones appreciate it more... You should now that.