View Full Version : Stop Thief!!!!!

06-05-07, 08:57 PM
I must relate this true story to you good folks.

I know a farmer who lives locally. He likes to shoot the odd rabbit on his own property. He had noticed that his hens had not been producing as many eggs recently.
The other night he lay in wait to get a few bunnies when he saw a figure climb over a fence & start to approach. He let 2 barrels off over the head of the figure. The figure shat himself(he really did, there were witnesses), dropped to the ground & rang 999 on his mobile. As the farmer approached to
find out what was going on, the man had got through to the police & cried 'Help! There is a mad ******* shooting at me' The farmer grabbed the phone & told the police their exact location, put the phone down & knocked the man's teeth out.
The man had been nicking the farmer's eggs for weeks & the police sided with the farmer & arrested the man. They took him home first for a change of clothes....

Thank God for the good old British Bobby

big gra
07-05-07, 11:25 AM
i thought this was a joke, i was waiting for a punch line!

07-05-07, 11:30 AM
No it really happened 2 days ago. I was just impressed that justice prevailed, they arrested an egg thief, & not the man who used a shotgun & gbh to apprehend him

07-05-07, 12:50 PM
lol i was waiting for the punch line too, its not too often that justice prevailed round here!

07-05-07, 01:07 PM
That farmer's a dick. Poor rabbits.

07-05-07, 01:13 PM
Rabbits are annoying as the make holes everywhere.
But foxes are the worst. Nasty things.

07-05-07, 02:45 PM
I saw a child digging a hole once, so I shot it. It's the same thing.

07-05-07, 03:26 PM
I saw a child digging a hole once, so I shot it. It's the same thing.

Youd have a different attitude if you had crops. The bastid things just breed and end up eating everything in sight!

07-05-07, 03:28 PM
Aye fair play, but I don't so I stick to my opinion lol:thumb:

07-05-07, 03:46 PM
I would ask where you lived but I could guess the answer by your opinion lol

The difference, and a rather obvious one at that, of course between rabbits and children is you can put up signs to tell children not to dig up your crops, or tell them off for doing so, and hop they wont' do it again. Are you suggesting farmers go out into their fields and give all the rabbits a stern talking to?

07-05-07, 03:53 PM
It's an idea. :p You're saying that if a child repeatedly ignored signs and verbal warnings that THEN it's okay to shoot them?

Anyway it's just my "a life is a life" way of thinking, continue with your farmer & law enforcement praising. :D

07-05-07, 04:00 PM
A child and a rabbit are two completly different types of beings! Rabbits breed like mad, and children should be brought up well enough to know not to go and dig holes in a farmers field. Anyway, they have to many video games to go to something physical.
But you're right...next time dad goes out to shoot something (which is very very rare) like a fox I'll get him to have a chat and say "Look Mr Fox, I'd really appriciate it if you didn't go spreading mange around to the local dogs and other animal, and I'd also love it if you just didn't kill any of the local chickens" After that nice chat I'm sure he'll watch it limp and hobble away with it's mangy legs! And hey...what do you know? It might go kill a rabbit for it's dinner!
Two birds with one stone!

07-05-07, 04:04 PM
It's an idea. :p You're saying that if a child repeatedly ignored signs and verbal warnings that THEN it's okay to shoot them?
Yes, they'd soon learn then if they were being shot at lol

If a burglar came into your house and started stealing your things, would you stand there and watch him do it, or would you call the police?

07-05-07, 04:07 PM
Wow my remark really started something lol

Sure if a burglar came in to my house I'd do something, and if I had a weapon handy I'd quite happily do whatever I felt was appropriate. I don't dispute the farmer's actions towards the intruder.

you're right.

07-05-07, 04:10 PM
That was a sarcastic remark to the "you're right":roll:

07-05-07, 04:17 PM
I know, I'm just trying to wind you up now. Apologies. :p

07-05-07, 05:25 PM
That farmer's a dick. Poor rabbits.

wouldnt like to coem for a walk with me and my staffy down the woods then lol lol

Kinky Monza
07-05-07, 05:44 PM
Rabbits are annoying as the make holes everywhere.
But foxes are the worst. Nasty things.

Spot on girl!!! :thumb:

I hate foxes, and any other vermin that spreads disease, or causes un called for damage!

Guess that's the whole chav population too lol

07-05-07, 06:04 PM
The same farmer has had a fox problem too, Some prat from Coventry has been regularly releasing urban foxes onto his property. He knows they are not country ones cos they walk straight past the hens & head for his bins. There are kind hearted people in coventry who call this 'charity' out so the pesky foxes can be humanely released.... only for them to get whats coming.

Kinky Monza
07-05-07, 06:08 PM
IMHO foxes need culling! the worst thing they ever did was to ban hunting!

Don't all gang up on me and say how cruel this is, it's my personal opinion, and the fact that these bloody urban foxes kill babies too pisses me off!

07-05-07, 06:17 PM
Ive always been pro the hunt.

IMO its supermarkets that have caused the problem. If we had to go out and kill our food like nature intended, then there wouldnt be so many of these nature loving pansies about! They dodnt seem to be too bothered that the foxes are killing chickens and ducks just for fun, but if i went out with a 12 bore and decided to blow a ducks beak off 'just for fun' i would probably be locked up. Gayers

I have a dream.... that we lock up the bloody vegitarians in a field full of sheep and assorted weaponry, and see how long it is before they start eating either the sheep or each other.

Kinky Monza
07-05-07, 06:26 PM
Ive always been pro the hunt.

IMO its supermarkets that have caused the problem. If we had to go out and kill our food like nature intended, then there wouldnt be so many of these nature loving pansies about! They dodnt seem to be too bothered that the foxes are killing chickens and ducks just for fun, but if i went out with a 12 bore and decided to blow a ducks beak off 'just for fun' i would probably be locked up. Gayers

I have a dream.... that we lock up the bloody vegitarians in a field full of sheep and assorted weaponry, and see how long it is before they start eating either the sheep or each other.

Good man yourself! :thumb:

07-05-07, 06:42 PM
Nature loving pansies...I love it! lol
I was pro hunting to. Loads of people were like....oh it's cruel! Yes, but so is a fox giving a domesticated dog mange? And a fox killing chickens? And foxes killing smaller dogs and even cats? They aren't killed inhumanely either as by the time the dogs start ripping it to shreads, it's already been killed with one chomp by a dog around the neck.

07-05-07, 06:43 PM
If we had to go out and kill our food like nature intended, then there wouldnt be so many of these nature loving pansies about! They dodnt seem to be too bothered that the foxes are killing chickens and ducks just for fun, but if i went out with a 12 bore and decided to blow a ducks beak off 'just for fun' i would probably be locked up.

Yes if we all lived in a world where we still killed for food and ate what we killed "like nature intended" then I doubt I'd have a problem with it. After all that's nature.

However the way things are done at the moment - raising of animals in horrible and cramped conditions for meat, inhumane ways of killing these animals, battery farming etc... That's NOT natural and just sick. It's unnecessary cruelty by people who care more about themselves and making money.

I'll admit to being a "nature loving pansy" and a vegetarian. I don't have a problem with nature and one animal killing another for food. I firmly believe that killing animals just for fun IS disgusting.

07-05-07, 06:48 PM
However the way things are done at the moment - raising of animals in horrible and cramped conditions for meat, inhumane ways of killing these animals, battery farming etc... That's NOT natural and just sick. It's unnecessary cruelty by people who care more about themselves and making money.
Not in this country as there are laws against it.
In Europe yes...and guess where they government are buying from? Europe! Not their own country where we all treat our animals properly! Oh No! That would just be far to sensible.

A lot of the time, these "nature loving pansies" are all from the town and wouldn't have a clue about farming if it smacked them on the ****!

And fox hunting isn't for fun, it's to get rid of a disease spreading animal.

07-05-07, 06:55 PM
Not in this country as there are laws against it.
In Europe yes...and guess where they government are buying from? Europe! Not their own country where we all treat our animals properly! Oh No! That would just be far to sensible.

A lot of the time, these "nature loving pansies" are all from the town and wouldn't have a clue about farming if it smacked them on the ****!

And fox hunting isn't for fun, it's to get rid of a disease spreading animal.

I seriously doubt no inhumane farming practices take place in England very much. I, as a nature loving pansy, am from the town and no I admit to not knowing in depth about farming but I can tell the difference between cruelty to animals and not.

As for fox hunting, you're telling me those idiots on the backs of horses don't enjoy the chase of that fox? Of course they do, and I'm sure if there was a real need to reduce the number of foxes there is a more humane way of doing so than chasing the animal with a pack of dogs for its life?

07-05-07, 06:55 PM
Yes if we all lived in a world where we still killed for food and ate what we killed "like nature intended" then I doubt I'd have a problem with it. After all that's nature.

However the way things are done at the moment - raising of animals in horrible and cramped conditions for meat, inhumane ways of killing these animals, battery farming etc... That's NOT natural and just sick. It's unnecessary cruelty by people who care more about themselves and making money.

I'll admit to being a "nature loving pansy" and a vegetarian. I don't have a problem with nature and one animal killing another for food. I firmly believe that killing animals just for fun IS disgusting.

The trouble is though, lots of animals kill for fun in nature. Killer whales, crocs, tigers, and especially grizzly bears.

I agree with you that just going out and randomly killing an animal for no reason is a terrible thing to do, but the hunt isnt going after fluffy kittens. Its just doing something that the farmers are now going to have to do more of with their guns, and I can assure you, if i was a fox, id rather be done by a dog than a dozen barrels of a shotgun (trust me, it takes quite a few cartridges to finish them off). IMO, this means its a big backfire by the fox lovers, but as usual, they havent looked at the big picture and got all the facts.

We all have our views and beliefs however, I dont mean to offend by my 'pansy' comment, thats just me being me lol

07-05-07, 06:59 PM
but the hunt isnt going after fluffy kittens

That is implies a kitten's life is different to a foxes life. I fail to see how one animal's life differs from another - they both feel pain don't they?

We all have our views and beliefs however, I dont mean to offend by my 'pansy' comment, thats just me being me lol

No offense taken :p

07-05-07, 07:01 PM
I seriously doubt no inhumane farming practices take place in England very much. I, as a nature loving pansy, am from the town and no I admit to not knowing in depth about farming but I can tell the difference between cruelty to animals and not.

As for fox hunting, you're telling me those idiots on the backs of horses don't enjoy the chase of that fox? Of course they do, and I'm sure if there was a real need to reduce the number of foxes there is a more humane way of doing so than chasing the animal with a pack of dogs for its life?

Well inhumane farming is against the law in this country and I seriously doubt that any farmer would risk his entire livelyhood and way of money making by screwing up the rules now do you?
Fox hunting has been around for ages! It's a traditional British thing to do. If you have a dog, or know a dog which you like, and it caught mange from a fox...you wouldn't be all..."Oh well, it's alright cuz it's a fox and they're cute, so it makes it all better!"
I've seen what a shotgun can do to a fox and I would much rather have a dog snap my neck and that be it! A more humane way of killing foxes would be traps or poison. So either a slow and painful death, or being caught in a trap until you die of bleeding or starvation. Yes, a much more humane way :thumb:

07-05-07, 07:05 PM
That is implies a kitten's life is different to a foxes life. I fail to see how one animal's life differs from another - they both feel pain don't they?

The kitten wont break into your chicken coop and wipe the lot out, and then bog off without eating anything.

The kitten will also not spread a very nasty disease around your pets / livestock, pretty much writing them off as well

It also wont bite the heads off your ornamental ducks and leave the bodies in a pile (seen this first hand)

You are pretty much saying that a serial killer shouldnt be put to death, because it would be the same as strapping Santa to an electric chair.

Not the same at all!

07-05-07, 07:08 PM
Well inhumane farming is against the law in this country and I seriously doubt that any farmer would risk his entire livelyhood and way of money making by screwing up the rules now do you?

And fox hunting is now against the law but it hasn't completely stopped them has it?

Fox hunting has been around for ages! It's a traditional British thing to do.

Times change. Things that were once thought as okay are now not.

If you have a dog, or know a dog which you like, and it caught mange from a fox...you wouldn't be all..."Oh well, it's alright cuz it's a fox and they're cute, so it makes it all better!"

Foxes come in my garden all the time - my next door neighbour even feeds them. I don't worry about my dog getting diseases or anything off them at all and I don't recall any of our dogs (or anybody I know's dogs) catching anything off a fox.

I've seen what a shotgun can do to a fox and I would much rather have a dog snap my neck and that be it! A more humane way of killing foxes would be traps or poison. So either a slow and painful death, or being caught in a trap until you die of bleeding or starvation. Yes, a much more humane way :thumb:

I don't want to put words in a foxes mouth, but I doubt it feels the need to die at all just because it exists. I don't recall I actually said I'd rather the fox would be shot than chased by a dog?

07-05-07, 07:13 PM
I think farmers should either be SWAT trained or employ specialist sniper units to camp out in their fields and pick off foxes with a single bullet to the head lol

07-05-07, 07:18 PM
I meant inhumane farming, as you said about the cattle being squashed bo!!ucks. Many farmers won't risk their lives for that.
And you said about a more "nice" way of killing foxes, no there isn't one. And yes they're a pain in the countryside.
End of the day, like you said, you don't know the ins and outs of farming, so how would you know?

07-05-07, 07:28 PM
You don't know so I'm right
I never mentioned cattle. I was talking about any conditions that animals are kept in less than good conditions. Do you remember the Bernard Matthews ordeal in the news fairly recently? No doubt you can find many reports, images and videos of similar things elsewhere.

We may be thinking of different types of farming but this is the type of thing I was referring to following on from the supermarkets point - mass produced and no concern about the animals welfare at all.

As for hunting it's the matter of principle about killing an animal, especially if it's not going to be used for food.

No doubt you'll require to put your case forward on what I've just said I suggest you make a final "comeback" and we end this here. :)

07-05-07, 07:36 PM
I never said you don't know so I'm right. I'm just saying, you've admitted you know diddly squat about farming and what goes on about farming, so you don't really have a leg to stand on, other then what the vege protests and media have mentioned.
You seem pretty intelligent so you should know that the media always blow subjects out of proportion! The Bernard Matthews issue was to do with chickens and turkeys, both of which are two animals I cannot stand, but they are squashed because they are smaller animals and can be put in confinde spaces. I was aruging against the case of cattle earlier, not poultry.
And foxes are nasty creatures that are no use to anything.

07-05-07, 07:37 PM
With my back ground and been a Yorkshire man a'say lad...

i'm a nature lovin pansy.. but foxes piss me off scruffy lil ****s.. and most the rabits round here have mitsy(sp) anyway soo wat we do is infact puttin it out of its pain etc..

also i now work at a bacon factory, and we get our Meat from holland already cut etc just needs slicing etc.. and we suply every supermarket barring Morrisons..

so the likes of asda,al'fes'cos,sainsburys,somerfield all get "inhumanly" Kill amimals and suply GB with it..

07-05-07, 07:43 PM
other then what the vege protests and media have mentioned.
True I follow what's in the media which don't always give a fair report although PETA undercover employees provide sickening images and videos. I reckon we'll have to agree to disagree on the subject. :Dlol

Have a nice day (what's left of it)

Kinky Monza
07-05-07, 08:45 PM
Fox hunting isn't tradition, it's a way of life! just like farming is, i've tried to bite my tongue on this!

Iainel, your neighbour is exactly the reason why foxes kill BABIES, DOGS, CATS, PET RABITTS ETC, cos they think it's cute to feed a wild animal in a housing estate, proven fact, foxes carry and pass on various diseases!!!

If you disagree with fox hunting fine! but FFS at least try and understand it from a hunt persons way of life!

As you've said, you're a townie, and have little or no idea about the knock on effect this hunting ban has caused for farmers, hunt staff and their families up and down this bloodt country! not only have people lost jobs, homes, livliehoods etc but the farmers that've relied so much upon the hunt kennels taking their dead stock away have virtually stopped, hounds are having to be killed because there's not much need for them anymore, dead stock usually feeds the hounds in 99.9% of hunt kennels, i'll take you to a hunt kennels, and you can listen to the FACTS about farming and hunting, see what it's like to live in that kind of life, then make your mind up!

Sorry, but people who go by what they see in the media need a kick up the **** to open their bloody eyes on this subject!

07-05-07, 08:59 PM
I'm not too fussed about a fox eating your baby. Sorry. I've never had or seen any problems with foxes doing that to any people or animals. Yes I disagree and yes I can vaguely understand where you're coming from but IN MY POINT OF VIEW it's wrong. How is the hunting dogs being killed any different to the foxes being killed? As I've said before "a life is a life".

Sure I've based a few of my arguments on what the media says but I'm mostly talking from what I feel is right.

I wish you had bitten your tongue we're going to have to debate further now lol

07-05-07, 09:21 PM
Dog - not mangey animal
Fox - mangey animal

It's kool. If he doesn't want them to be hunted, Farmer's will just blow a big hole in their chests. As I'm sure it's much more humane as it's not shown on t.v.:roll:

07-05-07, 10:03 PM
Right, you lot, I started this, It has changed course, which was my fault, so I am going to join in.

1. I was born in the country, my family has been farming since as far back as records go. I live in the town because the country is now full of rich townies who complain a lot about everything.
2. All of the anti farming, fur trade, factory farming images are either filmed abroad or very old.
3. Remember the big upset about the live export of calves to europe, that got stopped a few years ago? due to direct action from the anti farming lobby, these calves now get shot on the day they were born because they are no longer of use to anyone.
4. the reason foxes moved into towns is because people are daft enough to feed the lovely things. Why do you think there are so many ads about lost cats??????
5. Farmers actually try to look after their stock as well as is possible because a well kept animal grows quicker, or makes more milk. a stressed animal loses weight and dies sooner. The biggest row we have on my brother's farm is about who will take the lambs to slaughter, because none of us actually want to see them go there, but it is part of the business of farming.
6. There are so many rabbits about because in the mid 1800's, pheasant shooting, a sport where the animal is shot for fun, there could be 50 men, shooting 1000 birds, but they only take home 2 each, became popular & the gamekeepers were told to poison all of the birds of prey because the were eating the pheasants instead of the rabbits. The rabbit population has exploded & there are more about than there are rats.
7. Fox hunting is still popular because it is actually a very cheap way of exercising horses, because it is the only way to ride a horse across open country with the farmers permission. It is a social event, for both hunters & non hunters. The hunts never actually caught many foxes, because most of them couldn't care less about them. They have been doing drag hunts for years where a runner lays a scented trail. it is just as much fun. The hunts have marksmen to dispatch a fox that is caught.

The difference between us country people and townies is that we don't try to stop them doing what they do.

Kinky Monza
07-05-07, 10:16 PM
And the fact that country folk don't take everything seen in the media as gospel, nor do we see that driving a car at 40mph past school gates is seen as 'for fun'!

I've worked with hunts, i've been hunting, and to be quite honest, we're not all posh, live in big houses and have more money than sense, we're all normal people!

If anyone wants to see what it's like in a hunt kennels, or actually hunting, let me know and i'll gladly take you!!!

08-05-07, 07:01 AM
And I'd be more then glad to show you around our farm and the farms around us so that you can see all the "cruel" ways they're being treated. :roll: