View Full Version : gaskell p00ned,with more p00nage!

01-05-07, 08:54 PM
Iain says (19:48):
Phil says (19:48):
Iain says (19:48):
Haven't had a big happy conversation for a while.
Well I missed that one last night
Phil says (19:48):
Danny! says (19:48):
Phil says (19:48):
you missed gaskell last night
Iain says (19:48):
I was kroozing to Birmingham
Phil says (19:48):
the whole of novaload against him
Danny! says (19:48):
yes i did a good insult last night at him
Iain says (19:48):
Just one?
Phil says (19:49):
your not that good
Danny! says (19:49):
well loads but i did 1 good 1
Iain says (19:49):
What was it then?
Danny! says (19:49):
cant rembmer
Iain says (19:49):
Phil says (19:49):
its was that good
Danny! says (19:49):
lol sahll i add gaskell now
Iain says (19:49):
Danny! says (19:50):
Iain says (19:50):
Danny! says (19:50):
**** you iain
Iain says (19:50):
Jesus, what was that for.
Danny! says (19:50):
phil doesnt smell
he is just ugly
Iain says (19:50):
Iain says (19:51):
You get stranger by the day.
Danny! says (19:51):
Phil says (19:51):
**** you dan
Danny! says (19:51):
what was tha for
Phil says (19:52):
you said i was ugly
Danny! says (19:52):
lol i just had a short convo
Danny! says (19:51):
JAMES says (19:52):
Fuk off u little K b
Danny! says (19:52):
what did i do
JAMES says (19:52):
Phil says (19:52):
you got owned
Danny! says (19:53):
nah it ok
Iain says (19:53):
No he raped you.
Danny! says (19:53):
i sent it back sasying a good insult
Iain says (19:53):
Show us then.
Danny! says (19:53):
Iain says (19:53):
This is going to be amazing.
I can feel it.
Phil says (19:53):
lol yeah he owned so bad
Danny! says (19:54):
danny! get a life you mother ****ing cock sucking lying nova speed and crash lying
Phil says (19:54):
wow he really has a way with words

JAMES has been added to the conversation.

Phil says (19:54):
Iain says (19:54):
Danny! says (19:54):
james you mother ****ing cock sucking lying nova speed and crash lying
Iain says (19:55):
Ooh take that.
*Gets out handbag*
JAMES says (19:55):
hows it going iain
Iain says (19:56):
Not bad, you?
JAMES says (19:56):
Oright cheers
Phil says (19:56):
your iains friend?
Iain says (19:56):
Apparently so.
JAMES says (19:56):
ye why Not
Iain says (19:56):
I'm friends with the world.
Phil says (19:56):
take it he hasnt penetrated you yet then
Iain says (19:56):
Who's that aimed to?
Phil says (19:56):
Danny! says (19:57):
go phil
go phil
JAMES says (19:57):
Its fukin msn do u think i actually care
and danny shut up kid
grow up
Danny! says (19:57):
james get a life
Phil says (19:57):
i dunno you keep saying you gonna smack me up
Iain says (19:57):
Steady on now children.
Danny! says (19:57):
and me
JAMES says (19:57):
U need a life lad dreaming about Novas at 13 who needs a life Now
Danny! says (19:58):
james its a ****ing start,even if i never get it on road ive learnt stuff,better than lying about what youve done in 1
JAMES says (19:58):
U get a life when i was 13 i had **** loades of dirt bikes oh i forgot ur a little scum u cant afford out like that me at 13 didnt even have messenger lad to buzy riding my cr125 lad

01-05-07, 08:54 PM
Danny! says (19:59):
lol i had dirt bikes there boring as ****
Phil says (19:59):
bet you go tall your money from selling drugs to some niggas so you could get som sick rides
Iain says (19:59):
Don't be racist.
That's "chocolate men".
JAMES says (19:59):
Lying what ive done in One what did i say ive done in a Nova then danny
ill tell u if its true
Iain says (19:59):
You said you dropped a 2.0 in, and then got rid of the car a few days later?
Danny! says (20:00):
gone over a motor way bridge and spun out nearly gonig off the bridge
what a loads of bull ****e
JAMES says (20:00):
Danny! says (20:00):
theres a cow feild near me with less bull****e than you james
Phil says (20:00):
errmm want to learn to spell first ****wit
Iain says (20:00):
Phil want some popcorn?
Phil says (20:00):
Iain says (20:00):
This is good viewing.
Danny! says (20:00):
i do iain
JAMES says (20:00):
whys that bull**** tho
Danny! says (20:00):
JAMES says (20:00):
Phil says (20:00):
you cant build a 2lt for **** mate
Danny! says (20:01):
yes,id probly make a better job than james
JAMES says (20:01):
because i span out in a 1.2 Nova 5 up on a slippery wet motorway bridge
Danny! says (20:01):
haha a 1.2
what a knob
JAMES says (20:01):
was heading for kurb
Iain says (20:01):
What's wrong with 1.2s?
Danny! says (20:01):
nothing but how the hell do oyu spin 1 out
Phil says (20:01):
you lost control of a 1.2 nova lmfao
JAMES says (20:01):
then span 360 then i avoided going off thats fully true
Iain says (20:01):
I lost control of my 1.2 soon after I passed my test
Danny! says (20:01):
and i got a flying pig
Iain says (20:02):
Stamp on the brakes and turn in.
Hilarious standard suspension
Phil says (20:02):
like a pro, braking round corners lol
Danny! says (20:02):
Iain says (20:02):
Yeah like I said I soon passed my test.
Phil says (20:02):
bet james does that all the time
Iain says (20:02):
Thought it'd be good to accelerate right up to a corner
Danny! says (20:02):
Iain says (20:02):
...It was not.
Danny! says (20:02):
james is like woooo cool
he can spin out a 1.2 nova!
Danny! says (20:03):
if only we all could loose control of a 1.2
Iain says (20:03):
You need McDonalds trays under the rear wheels to do that.
JAMES says (20:03):
No i was doing about 65 going towards the bridge and the whole steering just started going so thats when i nearly span out do u realise how fast u can corner in one
Danny! says (20:03):
ooo 65
Iain says (20:03):
Danny calm down mate, you don't drive remember...
Danny! says (20:03):
i can cycle that
Iain says (20:03):
You have no idea about car control.
Danny! says (20:03):
iain i know enougth though
Phil says (20:03):
how do you spin on a straight road? were you trying to be vin diesel
JAMES says (20:03):
Listen lad u dont even Kw me ur a little faggot lad
Iain says (20:03):
Not really Danny.
Danny! says (20:03):
lol i was thinknig that phil
words from my mouth
Iain says (20:03):
You only just learnt how to use a clutch.
Iain says (20:04):
And now you're thinking you're a racing driver?
Phil says (20:04):
im a racing driver
Iain says (20:04):
You pretend you are.
JAMES says (20:04):
selling stuff on Novaload drawings u Kb
Danny! says (20:04):
from what i seen you write james i know A;your a ****a B;you talk ****e
JAMES says (20:04):
fukin scum
Phil says (20:04):
chav smack down
Danny! says (20:04):
ouch that really hurt james
please no more!
Iain says (20:05):
That would be an amazing game
Danny! says (20:05):
haha what a puff
Iain says (20:05):
Ps2 - Smackdown Chav edition

01-05-07, 08:55 PM
Danny! says (20:05):
Phil says (20:05):
id buy it
Danny! says (20:05):
me to
just to kill a chav
JAMES says (20:05):
im Not being funny or out here but have of that is true straight up and why would i lie about spinning out wtf if u saw me drive or came to chorley ud think i was from the future
Danny! says (20:05):
save a tree! Kill a beaver
Phil says (20:05):
what because of your amazing car control
Danny! says (20:06):
yeh its like pro!
makes phil a amature
JAMES says (20:06):
IS that why all of us had to stop at the end and have a fag we was that **** up
Danny! says (20:06):
your faggti!
Phil says (20:06):
what because yuo cant drive?
JAMES says (20:06):
u dont realise or No fuk all u lot get a life
Danny! says (20:06):
Phil says (20:06):
I know how to drive fast and afe
Iain says (20:07):
What kind of safe?
Safety safe or wikid safe?
Danny! says (20:07):
yes,i learnt so mcuh from phil and seen his driving i asked for a ride
Phil says (20:07):
wikid safe bro
Iain says (20:07):
Thought so
My personal favourite is driving up the curb to avoid speed bumps.
Danny! says (20:07):
Iain says (20:07):
Learnt that from a chavved Corsa in Clifton
Phil says (20:07):
lmfao james likes that one as well
Iain says (20:07):
Works a treat
Danny! says (20:07):
phil are you camping at pv
Phil says (20:07):
JAMES says (20:08):
Danny ur a KNOB be quiet its like ur trying to gane something
Danny! says (20:08):
james **** off
JAMES says (20:08):
13yr old tosser
No car
NO licence
Never drove
Danny! says (20:08):
phil can you take me for a spin on sataday if your not to busy
you probly wil lbe but
Phil says (20:08):
bet yuo dont have a licence either, got it out of a fag packet
Danny! says (20:08):
Phil says (20:08):
i will be busy as i will be racing
Danny! says (20:08):
a scratch cards from mcdonalds
Phil says (20:08):
thats what real men do
JAMES says (20:09):
u dont even No who i am
No licence
Danny! says (20:09):
phli come on you will have 5 mins spare sometime
Iain says (20:09):
Street racing, Phil?
JAMES says (20:09):
done my bike test as well
Danny! says (20:09):
lol bikesa are **** easy
Phil says (20:09):
what to go out of santa pod then drive 15mins to a a bit road i can open it up at
JAMES says (20:09):
u coudlnt afford to do one lad
Phil says (20:10):
i cant afford your mum
Danny! says (20:10):
come on phil
JAMES says (20:10):
Danny! says (20:10):
lol i think i can
JAMES says (20:10):
Danny! says (20:10):
ooo ?400
Phil says (20:10):
lmfao no it isnt
JAMES says (20:10):
Danny! says (20:10):
and no way
its more like ?100 a lesson
JAMES says (20:10):
Iain says (20:11):
I feel anger here.
Danny! says (20:11):
but i was only selling for postage plus ?2 for me to draw then
JAMES says (20:11):
No licence ive actually had 7 cars lad
Danny! says (20:11):
bet you cant draw like i can
JAMES says (20:11):
I No and i dont want too
Danny! says (20:12):
a set of drawing i did
Phil says (20:12):
all 7 youve ****ed up cos you cant drive or build a car

01-05-07, 08:57 PM
I haven't read any of that but i'd just like to say PEANUT

01-05-07, 08:57 PM
Danny! says (20:12):
cartoon style
personaly i think gaskell with be better with a go kart
Phil says (20:12):
he'd probably still spin it out 5 up
Danny! says (20:12):
as chain can only come off or is that to techniacal for his brain to fix
Danny! says (20:13):
JAMES says (20:13):
least i can drive and better than you
Danny! says (20:13):
but how do you know
JAMES says (20:13):
actually ive even got a video of myself in my blue sr
Danny! says (20:13):
does it show a co0lse up of you
JAMES says (20:13):
ragging down a strip
Danny! says (20:13):
to proove its you
JAMES says (20:14):
my mates in
my car
Phil says (20:14):
JAMES says (20:14):
ill even show u licence
take a pic
Iain says (20:14):
Danny! says (20:14):
h84jvc=wtf whos caR is that,and cars have 7 letter regs
so whats the real reg faggit
Phil says (20:15):
not all of them dan, yuo owned yourself there
Danny! says (20:15):
phli im ****nig stupid
it was to see james reply
JAMES says (20:15):
U b h84jvc is the reg u fukin thick little Kb head
u No fuk all
Danny! says (20:15):
cars can have both 6 or 7
or a private reg
JAMES says (20:16):
this isnt private ill send video in a Min
Phil says (20:16):
im bored
Danny! says (20:16):
james put it on nl
JAMES says (20:16):
Iain says (20:16):
Danny! says (20:16):
cant oy6u get on it!
Iain says (20:16):
Good recovery Danny
With your lack of intelligence to do with car regs
Phil says (20:16):
Danny! says (20:16):
Iain says (20:17):
"No ****wit, they ave 7 digits"
"Err only joking guys! Obv they can have 6 too."
Danny! says (20:17):
Phil says (20:17):
yeah owned good there
JAMES says (20:18):
Not even watching
watching that mint video of that sr rag up and down
fast as fuk that
Iain says (20:18):
It's not faster than my 1.2
Over 50bhp under the hood.
Phil says (20:19):
wow rag up an down, thats what chavs do
Iain says (20:19):
24mb will take hours on MSN Mr Gaskell.
Danny! says (20:19):
james what colour is your new car
Phil says (20:19):
oh dear i have more important things to do
Iain says (20:21):
Iain says (20:22):
I need a shower. This conversation has made me feel dirty.

You have just sent a nudge.

Phil says (20:22):
lol no surprise
Danny! says (20:22):
Phil says (20:22):
**** yuo dan
Danny! says (20:22):
soz phil
so phil wil lyou take me for a spin though please
Phil says (20:22):
if yuo pay
Danny! says (20:23):
how mcuh
JAMES says (20:24):
looking at him like a little kid ill pay ill pay u KNOBBA
Phil says (20:24):
Danny! says (20:24):
no but i want to go in a standard slwo car but now fast
gaskell is your reg

01-05-07, 08:57 PM
yeah i'm not reading it either..

01-05-07, 08:58 PM
JAMES says (20:24):
av u heard little winnet you anyday
JAMES says (20:25):
Old car lad
dont have that anymore
Phil says (20:26):
winnet? wtf
Danny! says (20:28):
normal i would ask gaskell
but i dont want a spin out at 35mph
Phil says (20:29):
mine does 180mph, fo sizzle
JAMES says (20:29):
u try it on a corner to a bridge 5 up in a ragged 1.2 fun Nova slippery wet at about 65 ull struggle to keep on the road pal
Danny! says (20:29):
why do it though
Danny! says (20:30):
shows your a prat
Phil says (20:30):
then you were drving like a tool an thus cant drive
JAMES says (20:30):
having a laugh
Danny! says (20:30):
JAMES says (20:30):
having a laugh=yes james is a knob
JAMES says (20:30):
good video that
Phil says (20:30):
would it have been fun if one of your mates died?
JAMES says (20:30):
ur a kb
ur the Kb lad
Danny! says (20:30):
or oyu killed a family
JAMES says (20:30):
just shut up toddler
Phil says (20:30):
yes that would be fun
JAMES says (20:30):
Danny! says (20:30):
why do it you faggit
JAMES says (20:30):
Nova fun cant beat em
JAMES says (20:31):
Phil says (20:31):
yes you can
JAMES says (20:31):
pocket rocket
Phil says (20:31):
get a mans engine
Danny! says (20:31):
he cant phil
Phil says (20:31):
1200 are **** slow
JAMES says (20:31):
how can i when im 19 u prik
Danny! says (20:31):
he wouldnt know how to start 1
Phil says (20:31):
thought youve already had 9 2lt novas
Danny! says (20:31):
JAMES says (20:31):
No i was 17 at the time of that
Danny! says (20:32):
Phil says (20:32):
you said 19
Danny! says (20:32):
james you digging a huge hole
JAMES says (20:32):
what in my 1.2
Phil says (20:32):
JAMES says (20:32):
No i was 17
when i was in my 1.2

01-05-07, 08:58 PM
Phil says (20:32):
and couldnt drive?
with your home boys
JAMES says (20:32):
and how can i be digging a hole listen its all true
weather u belive me or t
Danny! says (20:32):
lol james so why keep changing it
JAMES says (20:32):
Danny! says (20:33):
you said you wered 19
then you said 17
your a ****nig gob****e
JAMES says (20:33):
i am 19 and when span out on that bride i was 17
u dickhead
Danny! says (20:33):
JAMES says (20:33):
ur thick as fuk
Danny! says (20:33):
your lucky oyu made it to 19
JAMES says (20:33):
because phil asked me why have a 1.2
i was like
1 st car
Phil says (20:33):
no your thick, you cant even spell
JAMES says (20:33):
JAMES says (20:34):
i can spell
Danny! says (20:34):
personsaly if oyu go to pvs this year you want make 20
Phil says (20:34):
JAMES says (20:34):
ill never make a mistake trust me
danny ill ****ing kill you lad
Phil says (20:34):
Danny! says (20:34):
lol you and waht army
Phil says (20:34):
his niggas
JAMES says (20:34):
yea ok
u Kbs
Danny! says (20:34):
JAMES says (20:34):
having my tea Now
Danny! says (20:35):
JAMES says (20:34):
having my tea Now=im running away!
Phil says (20:35):
seriously use any more picture words things an i'll find you an hurt you
JAMES says (20:35):

Danny! says (20:35):
phli i reckon we should hurt him at pv
Phil says (20:35):
thats it
Danny! says (20:35):
e.g chop his hands off,
Danny! says (20:36):
then the roads would be a safer place
JAMES says (20:36):
seen the video
Phil says (20:36):
its ****
JAMES says (20:36):
Not when it gets going
Phil says (20:36):
your car is so slow
Danny! says (20:36):
Danny! says (20:37):
makes my pushbike look fast
Phil says (20:37):
and your a **** tard if you think a 1.4 sr is mega fast
Danny! says (20:37):
peddle bower
JAMES says (20:37):
No that was a very quick sr that beat a v6 vectra in that
Phil says (20:37):
lmfao yeah what ever mate, was that on a race track or in tesco carpark
JAMES says (20:37):
and yes i Do kw how to drive
Danny! says (20:37):
no your dont

01-05-07, 08:59 PM
Iain says (20:38):
Is this still going?
Phil says (20:38):
Danny! says (20:38):
james just run away
Iain says (20:39):
Oh dear.
Phil says (20:39):
he reckons his sr was capable time travel it was that fast
Danny! says (20:39):
my push bike is faster phil i tod you
Danny! says (20:40):
ok james time to close this convo
come on phil lets go
Phil says (20:40):
go where
yuor bedroom?
JAMES says (20:40):
Phil says (20:40):
told you not tonight
Iain says (20:40):
Phil says (20:40):
are you going to post that bit up on novaload
JAMES says (20:41):
fast sr
very quick that
Iain says (20:41):
Phil says (20:41):
so's you mum with her hands
Danny! says (20:41):
phli im just posting it now
JAMES says (20:41):
didnt look that fast in video but fukin goes
Phil says (20:41):
yeah yeah i don care
Iain says (20:42):
You secretly do.
Phil says (20:43):
what at how fast his 1lt mega space travel nova gti is
no i dont think so
JAMES says (20:43):
get a twin turbo blacktop lad
Phil says (20:43):
lmfao do you even know what that is
JAMES says (20:44):
1.7td apparntly
Phil says (20:44):
wow i bet that rips the tarmac off the road
JAMES says (20:44):
apprntly its this lad we take piss out of round chorley
Iain says (20:44):
With the state of most roads, it wouldn't surprise me
JAMES says (20:44):
he said it about my 1.4sr
he goes u still driving that slow thing u
Iain says (20:45):
My 1.2 could probably destroy most roads just by rolling over them
JAMES says (20:45):
get a twin turbo black top lad
listen whissle on this fuker
he revved it
didnt sound No different
funny as fuk
Iain says (20:45):
Sounds hilarious.
I wish I was there.
JAMES says (20:45):
u would if ud of been there
its the way he said it
dead serious
when i No its ****
cold valve
Phil says (20:45):
your ****
JAMES says (20:45):
boost valve
JAMES says (20:46):
turbo valve
Phil says (20:46):
lmfao you aint got a clue on turbos
JAMES says (20:46):
would of blitzed u if it wasnt running on chip fat lad i said fuk off for a start its ****
No he said that
Phil says (20:46):
turbo valve lol
JAMES says (20:46):
Not me
i was taking the piss
that what he said to me
Danny! says (20:46):
james your getting owned
and oyu dont realise it
Danny! says (20:47):
you should just leave and talk to us seperatly
JAMES says (20:47):
Danny sort ur age out and go suck on ur mum u little faggot
Phil says (20:47):
you mums the one with the cock
Iain says (20:47):
He can wait his turn.
Danny! says (20:47):
james,im not the 1 who is blocked from nl for being a fag

01-05-07, 08:59 PM
JAMES says (20:48):
just watch urself lad
Iain says (20:48):
I don't know whose side I'm supposed to be on here lol
Danny! says (20:48):
who me
JAMES says (20:48):
just watch urself
Danny! says (20:48):
who me
as i just seam to be owning you
Phil says (20:48):
yes im watching myself but nothing is hppeing
JAMES says (20:48):
because if end up seing any of u 2 at pvs u wont have a leg to fukin stand on
are u listeing
Iain says (20:48):
Danny quit the whole "owning" thing, it's not new and you're over using it.
Danny! says (20:48):
im also pissing my self with lafter
Phil says (20:48):
and like wise
Phil says (20:49):
or though i will smash your face in not your leg
Iain says (20:49):
Those two are getting a battering - Are you going to buy me an ice cream?
Danny! says (20:49):
lol the ice cream last year was really nice
Phil says (20:49):
actually im boerd now
Danny! says (20:49):
and he knocked me 10p off because im a child
JAMES says (20:49):
get a twin turbo blacktop lad then come back
Iain says (20:49):
What film is it tonight? lol
Phil says (20:49):
your a tool
Danny! says (20:49):
james that must be the 4th times of you saying that
JAMES says (20:49):
twin turbo blacktop lad
Danny! says (20:49):
get onother line
Phil says (20:49):
something violet i reckon
JAMES says (20:49):
twin turbo blacktop lad
JAMES says (20:50):
o aye
o aye
Iain says (20:50):
Not heard of it
JAMES says (20:50):
the guys a bluddy idiot
o aye
Phil says (20:50):
its a gaskel special
JAMES says (20:50):
o aye

JAMES has left the conversation.

Iain says (20:50):
Why aaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye man
Well that was positively spiffing.

01-05-07, 09:00 PM
lmfao its still going!

01-05-07, 09:02 PM
lol we took him for all he had!

01-05-07, 09:09 PM
I didnt read any of that and I broke my scroll wheel just trying to get to the end of it!

01-05-07, 09:11 PM
FFS, can we either leave him alone, or jsut not bother posting the msm dumps as its getting fcuking tedious!

01-05-07, 09:17 PM
or at least make them worth reading! Insulting Gaskell isnt funny, but offering him bum love is lol

Kinky Monza
01-05-07, 09:26 PM
OMG! you lot really are obsessed with him lol

01-05-07, 09:28 PM
Boring. Like I can be ****d reading all that.

General Baxter
01-05-07, 09:58 PM
on a funny note, hes just about to buy a 1L nova, (waits for the i beat a scooby posts) lol

01-05-07, 10:32 PM
dont realy see how that was funny. was jus a full page a woffal

01-05-07, 10:54 PM
Dan and James are lovers Init Lad You Kw what i mean lad

01-05-07, 11:26 PM
Ruddy hell. Someones obsessed.
Get a room!! and have a cock fight or something lol

02-05-07, 12:33 AM
Lol @ this thread, again.



02-05-07, 12:37 AM

02-05-07, 12:37 AM
what a load of bull****, everyone in that post is a knob. take ya crap elsewhere im fed up of you filling this place up with it

02-05-07, 12:41 AM
and i thought nova_lad was an idiot :roll:

lol lol

02-05-07, 12:44 AM
Lol /\

02-05-07, 07:26 AM
To be fair Dan, you just sat typing "Yeah Phil Yeah!" And then when Gaskell left you were like "Phil are my insults better? Are they? Are they?" Which was just as humurous.lol

02-05-07, 08:53 AM
Yeah but he's Stuart's mate lol

btw, what exactly is "p00nage"? Sounds like something BT would partake in lol

02-05-07, 10:56 AM
what a load of bull****, everyone in that post is a knob. take ya crap elsewhere im fed up of you filling this place up with it

^ Yeah that.

02-05-07, 12:01 PM
F**k me what a waste of my time, your time and everybody elses time that you just wasted typing and copy and pasting that ****!!! who actually cares!!!lol

02-05-07, 01:21 PM
I feel cheated as I actually started to read some of this and then realsied what useless tosh it was.

And learn how to ****ing spell.

Use the Queens English, it's what we're supposed to speak.

02-05-07, 01:24 PM
gaskel is my brother from another mother

Dan 130
02-05-07, 01:37 PM
that was a complete waste of a thread lol