View Full Version : That friday Feeling...

27-04-07, 10:27 AM
Whats everyone up to this weeked....get some chatting going in muppet

Tonight - Wifes B'day
Sat - Frizbee in the sun probably lol
Sun - Brands for the A1

27-04-07, 10:39 AM
Tonight, fixing a Celica, then relaxing
Tomorrow, work then some form of sillyness
Sun, Swimming, Kite flying, BBQing and gooning about on the trampoline.

27-04-07, 11:25 AM
Friday Night - Empty my small pond, remove it, and concrete a post in where it used to be

Saturday - commence fixing of more posts ready to support my decking frame (35 sq metres).

Sunday - 2nd wedding anniversary... BBQ at the in-laws.

All next week - no work... finish decking.

27-04-07, 11:37 AM
Friday night - Family meal as my Grandma is here
Saturday - shopping!!
Sunday - coursework and revision...nice! not!

27-04-07, 11:38 AM
oh yeah, i've gotta squeeze some revision in next week too :(

27-04-07, 11:39 AM
oh yeah, i've gotta squeeze some revision in next week too :(

what are you revising for? I have A-level exams coming up :(

27-04-07, 11:42 AM
wisewood has his 11+ coming up...

tonight, off into landan for some good cheap beers (no seriously it will be cheap beer as its not the usual glitzy places lol)
tomorrow, finish my deck, get drunk on it.
sunday might go for a ride and learn to bunny hop (and probably a trip to A&E)

27-04-07, 11:43 AM
Association of Accounting Technicians Unit 5 - FRA exam.

supposedly statistically the hardest exam to pass of all of them, only something like a 65% national pass rate.

27-04-07, 11:44 AM
Association of Accounting Technicians Unit 5 - FRA exam.

supposedly statistically the hardest exam to pass of all of them, only something like a 65% national pass rate.

Good Luck with it then! :thumb:

27-04-07, 11:46 AM
Should be alright, the college i am studying at has a record of 90%+ passing this exam ... and my tutor is one of the top 6 in the country... apparently, so someone told me... and the subject matter of the exam is what i do all day long at work - so if i fail, i obviously dont do my job very well lol

27-04-07, 11:51 AM
Tonight I will mostly be sleeping(Im knackered!!)
Tommrow im putting up fences in the garden, hopefully having a BBQ and maybe a fire later on.
Sunday, I will be up early again to go green laning. Can't wait!!

27-04-07, 11:51 AM
today 3- close
saturday 12-12
sunday 12-12

i havent got a weekend :(

27-04-07, 11:57 AM
Green laning?

27-04-07, 12:00 PM
driving off roaders down designated lanes in the country side....
what vehicle you going in dar? (get a new defender ;) )

27-04-07, 12:19 PM
Tonight - Xbox Live
Saturday - Early start on the GTE.. watch out for progress update.. evening off to the cinema.. if its not too late Xbox Live
Sunday - Oil change on project Aspirin and probably nothing.. evening Xbox Live

27-04-07, 12:20 PM
driving off roaders down designated lanes in the country side....
what vehicle you going in dar? (get a new defender ;) )

Im off with Chris in his super duper starship Trouper (Isuzu Trooper)

27-04-07, 12:42 PM
when i read you was goin green laneing thought you was gonna say you had a nice 4 stroke bike then...
you ever tried that?...:thumb:

27-04-07, 12:57 PM
when i read you was goin green laneing thought you was gonna say you had a nice 4 stroke bike then...
you ever tried that?...:thumb:

No, I tend to fall off of bikeslol

27-04-07, 01:00 PM
tonight: work 6 til 12
tomorrow: work 12 til 9, then possibly get drunk
sunday: day off so revision for exams, lab report and presentation...however most likely just sit around in the sun or play pro evo...

27-04-07, 01:00 PM
Tonight - Shoot some pool lol and taxi the missus home after she enjoys a night out with her mates
Tomorrow - Take the coupe to the doctors haha, pick up an SE2 Cally, Sell a fiat, Rip engine out the nova, get wasted.
Sunday - NVQ in Football Stewarding or some rubbish! Or if I cant be assed ill go to a JOV meet instead.

27-04-07, 01:08 PM
Tonight I will be getting drunk and spending some quality time with the wife:D Suddenly im not feeling so tired:thumb:

27-04-07, 01:10 PM
might go for a ride and learn to bunny hop (and probably a trip to A&E)

lol let us no how you get on haha

need to get rid of my hangover today.
ride my bike tonight
go digging and ride my bike saturday allday
then ride my bike allday sunday aswell

27-04-07, 01:10 PM
Tonight I will be getting drunk and spending some quality time with the wife:D Suddenly im not feeling so tired:thumb:

lmao lol

27-04-07, 01:13 PM
can you not bunny hop stu, i thought it was one of those things everyone learnt at 13, i used to have so many accidents attempting tricks on my bmx lol

Best one was attempting a superman off a small jump, i commited but didnt even try and get the bike back under me lol

27-04-07, 01:27 PM
stu can't bunny-hop because he is not a bunny, he is a hippo lol

Lucky Luke!
27-04-07, 01:33 PM
Friday night - Working
Saturday day and night - Working
Sunday day and night - Working

27-04-07, 01:44 PM
all weekend fook all because im skint, insurance has come out

may wash the nova

27-04-07, 01:48 PM
Driver, go and hang out with the ultra cool people at the top of Ship Hill in town. Do it.

27-04-07, 02:08 PM
Driver, go and hang out with the ultra cool people at the top of Ship Hill in town. Do it.

used to but had a fall out with soemone and nobody up there likes me apart from the lad i originally fell out with lol

besides it got boring and tbh a bit chavtatstic

where u from ?

27-04-07, 02:09 PM

27-04-07, 02:27 PM
stu can't bunny-hop because he is not a bunny, he is a hippo lolpmsl lol lol

27-04-07, 03:11 PM
can you not bunny hop stu, i thought it was one of those things everyone learnt at 13, i used to have so many accidents attempting tricks on my bmx lol

Best one was attempting a superman off a small jump, i commited but didnt even try and get the bike back under me lol

w00dy your a cnut

denny, i sort of learnt but never did proper tricks as a kid... use to do more MTBing than BMX. and having not ridden for about 10 years id forgotten eveyrthing bar the riding bit lol.

hopefully jumping is easier with SPD's

27-04-07, 03:20 PM
lol, i love riding my mountain bike now, if i have the **** ill just go out and attack the road

27-04-07, 03:23 PM
w00dy your a cnut

denny, i sort of learnt but never did proper tricks as a kid... use to do more MTBing than BMX. and having not ridden for about 10 years id forgotten eveyrthing bar the riding bit lol.

hopefully jumping is easier with SPD's

SPD's = Speedos ???

I think your supposed to go swimming in them Stu not ride a bike.
Unless of course you intend to ride a bike into a swimming pool... think thats ok.

27-04-07, 03:29 PM
SPD is something to do with clipping your feet to the pedals... thats all i know

27-04-07, 03:32 PM
i cant BMX for my life

throw me on a decent mountain bike and throw me at top of everest and ill got for it untill i come off/kill myself/ reach the bottom

usually the 1st one and nearly the 2nd one lol

27-04-07, 03:34 PM
Friday ... BBQ in yard ... couple of beers .. then go out to kebab house...
Saturday ... Same lol ..

27-04-07, 03:42 PM
BBQ in yard ... wtf? Are you in prison?

27-04-07, 03:43 PM
na...worse.....oldham lol

27-04-07, 03:48 PM

im the opposite now, i used to ride mountain bikes, but i still ride BMX and when i get on a mountain bike its soo sketchy!

think a BBQ could be in order for the week end now people have mentioned it lol

27-04-07, 03:49 PM
i have had one every weekend for the last 3 weeks, im not stopping now

27-04-07, 03:50 PM
I cant wait. Bring on the sausages with pink in the middle.

"when will i see you ... again ... " lol

27-04-07, 03:53 PM
I cant wait. Bring on the sausages with pink in the middle.

"when will i see you ... again ... " lol

pmsl lol

i hate cooking on them in a way because sausages are never cooked lol

27-04-07, 03:54 PM
na...worse.....oldham lol
lol lol lol ... The Ghetto

27-04-07, 03:56 PM
pmsl lol

i hate cooking on them in a way because sausages are never cooked lol

hold you hand above the cooking service, and you should be able to hold your hand there for 5 seconds before you need to pull your hand away, perfect cooking temp

27-04-07, 03:58 PM
cooking service ... holding your hand above the chef? lol

27-04-07, 03:59 PM
surface :tard:

27-04-07, 03:59 PM
Is that like that game in school... hold your hand above someones head and however many seconds before they realise is how many gf's they have?

27-04-07, 04:13 PM
i was shuffling a deck of cards for a game of poker at lunch and remebered the game "RAPS"

27-04-07, 04:29 PM
I remember RAPS. Many a layer of skin was taken off!!

27-04-07, 04:30 PM
hold you hand above the cooking service, and you should be able to hold your hand there for 5 seconds before you need to pull your hand away, perfect cooking temp

lol will remember that tho :thumb:

27-04-07, 04:31 PM
raps, slaps, knuckles

27-04-07, 04:34 PM
me and my mates played that a few years ago while drinking - we played for hours in the end. It got down to me and my best mate the only ones left playing, neither of us would back down - and the rules stated all raps must be taken on the same hand throughout the game.

I ended up "winning" and being the last one willing to play - but my hand was nackered. It was black all over for about a week before the swelling went down, and i had my hand clenched so tightly to try and take the pain during the raps that i ended up with finger shaped bruises in my palm... and my hand was literally double the usual size for about 3 days with swelling.

I almost went to casualty to get it looked at after a couple of days, couldnt drive or anything.

Fecking good game of raps though - the best i've ever known.

27-04-07, 04:35 PM
tonight = going round a friends house, beer etc..
tomorow night = mates 18th bday bash
sunday = recovering from hangover most probably!!

27-04-07, 04:37 PM
Why have a BBQ and then go to the kebab house? lol

Friday - Sleep
Saturday - Revision & Organsie
Sunday - Same as above:(

27-04-07, 04:40 PM
what is Organsie? like origami? but with cheese?

27-04-07, 04:41 PM
:p Organise

27-04-07, 04:43 PM
i forget the exciting life of a student

27-04-07, 04:45 PM
Tidy desk, tidy mind lol


27-04-07, 04:45 PM
My life was exciting as a student.

Drinking too much, being at too many raves, boarding and sitting on the beach!

I miss Falmouth!

Kinky Monza
27-04-07, 06:00 PM
Tonight, watch a movie, drink a bottle of wine- take piss out of BF via text
Tomoorow day- work, tmorrow night- mates birthday so off out round sNotts again

Sunday, go pick a new tattoo, then see a man about a dog, sunday night- seeing BF

27-04-07, 06:33 PM
tonight;computer and food,
Tomorow;the nova and going to veiw another nova,
sunday:maybe picking up the other nova if its suitable,or just pissing about as usual