View Full Version : corsa stalks

16-04-07, 12:08 AM
got some

how easy are they to fit ??

just plug and play or do you need corsa plugs and wire them up ??

do they just clip in or modification needed ???

any guides or info helpfull

16-04-07, 12:22 AM
Corsa B yes? Plug and play. You'll need to remove the plastic steering shroud, then simply pull the stalks out, remove the wiring and refit with Corsa stalks in their place.

16-04-07, 12:24 AM
oki doek cheers ill do that tmorrow after work ;)

16-04-07, 12:26 AM
Go do it now :p

16-04-07, 12:28 AM
or i could sit here with me pack of party sausage (no laughing at the back) and pork pies

and me cupa tea


i aint mooving a muscle :P

16-04-07, 10:21 AM
but if you want to make it look good and leave the rubber boots on , you need to dremel or file the openings out to all the boot to sit under and for the stalks to go up and down far enough :thumb: