View Full Version : Leaving date set!

Lucky Luke!
15-04-07, 05:50 PM
Well guys, if you've seen my for sale thread you will know that i am leaving this crazy town of Lowestoft and going exploring!

Leaving around the 9th May and heading to bulgaria, turkey, cyprus, Ios (greece) back to cyprus and then hopefully after that Australia then North and South America.

Will try and log in as much as i can and catch all the latest, hopefully be able to post pics of Nova's from around the world! lol

If your after a car check my for sale, if not, catch ya all laterz!!

15-04-07, 05:52 PM
hey luke i see your old nova all time now mate,

15-04-07, 05:55 PM
Lucky *******.

**** off!

I want to go live in cyprus when I grow up.


15-04-07, 05:58 PM
have fun mate, and yeh get some pictures of what the foreigners have done to their nova's haha

15-04-07, 06:34 PM
Thats a shame ! lol

Have fun anyways !!!

15-04-07, 06:38 PM
Hope you have a good time... Take Care

15-04-07, 07:30 PM
Good luck mate, hope you've got all of your injections sorted if you hit S. America! If you can, try posting bits of Corsa As back from Greece to fund the travel!!

15-04-07, 08:06 PM
Will try and log in as much as i can and catch all the latest, hopefully be able to post pics of Nova's from around the world! lol

I want to see some chevy novas lol. Have fun, im just about to book some flights to portugal, not quite the same though lol

15-04-07, 09:34 PM
Have a good one dude, how long are you planning on being away? And who's going to give us ICE advice in the meantime?!

have fun mate, and yeh get some pictures of what the foreigners have done to their nova's haha
lmfao, I remember taking pictures of a horrendously chavved Astra G in Gutersloh just to prove that chavs exist in Europe lol

Lucky Luke!
16-04-07, 04:11 AM
Dont worry i'll still log in from time to time with updates just post all your ICE questions and i'll get them answered!!! How is my old nova? try get a pic of it for me!

16-04-07, 08:38 AM
can i come with?

have a good one mater!

16-04-07, 10:06 AM
seems evryonesgoing traveling now, a fair few people i know have gone places, most seem to have moved to aus tho.

good luck mate and have a good time.

Lucky Luke!
16-04-07, 08:36 PM
Thats the eventual plan, the guy i'm going with is an ausisie, after we have done this, me him and my lady will hopefully be going to oz, he also owns a nice garage over there mainly doing custom work on hot rods and stuff, so if i go expect pages full of my latest creations!

16-04-07, 08:39 PM
good man, hope it all goes well

and bex, you'll have ages to wait if your waiting untill you grow-up :p

16-04-07, 08:47 PM
ooh Luke, be sure to send a postcard ;) hehe. Who is the lady?

Lucky Luke!
19-04-07, 04:26 PM
Suddenly got very real! Flights and hotel booked, notice handed in, car sold, i'm actually going! yay!!!

19-04-07, 04:50 PM
it will get even more real when you get on the plane! It proberly wont kick in properly untill you have been away for a few weeks!

20-04-07, 09:39 AM
Nice one Luke. Enjoy much randomness ahead!