View Full Version : anyone ever watched pinks?

11-04-07, 12:45 PM
its on men and motors called pinks, its a racing thing, like 1/4 mile,
anyone ever seen it?

all i got to say is i think its f**king s**t, like there way of doing it, the give one car a head start etc, it just gets me angry cus they get angery cus the other guy one etc etc, im like wtf!

i just had to get it off my chest

thank you

11-04-07, 01:28 PM
lmfao I had to read that a few times for it to make sense lol

The quarter mile sprints sound like bracket races, where the slower car is given a head start. Could use dial ins as well, where drivers predict what time they'll run. That way, theoretically, the cars should cross the line at the same time.

11-04-07, 01:34 PM
yeh thats the one jack!

i realy think its stupid. its like me saying i beat a 2ltr turbo at santa pod, oh by the way i started at the half way mark.

gets me angry, but for some reason i end up watchin it lol

Dan 130
11-04-07, 01:58 PM
what s the f&*%"ng point of racing if you work it out so you cross the line at the same time lol

11-04-07, 02:05 PM
Yeah i watched it once -- but got fed-up 'cos it was either motorbikes (which i dont have a clue about) or it was american cars (which....aren't too hot either)...

11-04-07, 02:08 PM
it is soooo awful

11-04-07, 06:05 PM
american cars (which....aren't too hot either)...

nah american muscle! :D beasts!

but yes whats the point in making them cross the line at the same time, like i find it hard to describe, but the guy with the faster car surely you'd think hold on i can woop you a**e here but your starting there, so surely i cud go there in a ?30 nova and have like 50 car lengths as they say and if i won id win his car

ah i hope i never catch it on again lol winds me up big time!

11-04-07, 06:14 PM
makes me laugh, the presenters a bit of a cok tho

euro sbd
11-04-07, 06:31 PM
i love it, just to be different lol

11-04-07, 06:45 PM
I saw that once before and there was some guy in a twin nitroused turbo`d plymouth type white thing, all set up for drag racing and he absolutely leathered the opposition so they made him disconnect all his nos and start a few seconds and car lengths behind the other one, i was like how ghey is this, both cars were hammered at the end of it all because theyd been down that many times and buggered their engines continuously that he ended up losing to them!!
How ****e is that lol

11-04-07, 07:12 PM
makes me laugh, the presenters a bit of a cok tho

draper DO NOT even get me started on him! :wall: :tosser:

12-04-07, 07:21 AM
i reckon youve got a white vest like him lew

12-04-07, 10:47 AM
i reckon youve got a white vest like him lew


i wish i did lol

12-04-07, 11:06 AM
lol i dont see the point in saying, errr yer my cars faster so sure the opposition can start all the way down there...knowing full well if i lose ill get my car taken off me:wtf: :roll:

12-04-07, 11:40 AM
Bracket racing is good for showmanship though as, IMO, its more fun to watch the faster car catch up to and overtake the slower car. And dial-in racing provies driver skill and how well they know their car.

However, I've never watched the program and the way they go about it might well be sh!t lol

13-04-07, 09:39 AM
dont make it sound good jack! lol

but it is a s**t show!:mad: