View Full Version : Glasgow

02-04-07, 04:04 PM
Afternoon, work are sending me up there for 4 days, whats it like??

is there anywhere you can recommend me going out on the razzle tazzle, somewhere preferable where they wont try to beat us up

03-04-07, 06:42 PM
is there anywhere you can recommend me going out on the razzle tazzle, somewhere preferable where they wont try to beat us up

lol i would probably suggest you dont go out if you dont want some people try an beat you up

euro sbd
03-04-07, 07:19 PM
my experience a hole lol

03-04-07, 08:16 PM
all you need to know.lol

03-04-07, 08:26 PM
Mmmm scottish accents.


03-04-07, 08:39 PM
yes their are plenty of places to go eg "The Garage" it is one of the best clubs, you will see the front of an american truck sticking out the wall.
glasgow is not that bad in getting "kicked in" because at night there is usually tons of police everywhere!!!
English accentslol

03-04-07, 08:55 PM
Im from Fife, its much better. But glasgow is a really good night out, loads of places to go just depends where. The higher class areas are really nice with good bars and places to eat. And even the fat chicks you could hit.

03-04-07, 08:56 PM
I've never been to scotland.

03-04-07, 10:24 PM
I've never been to scotland.
I have, owned

03-04-07, 10:36 PM
I live in Scotland but kinda in the sticks near a small town called Dumfries.

Glasgow is always kinda daunting (sp) as its rather busy etc etc.

Lots of friendly people there (thats how scotland is) but also lots of neds standing on corners drinking Buckfast.

As long as you stay to main areas your ok in my experience. Head into lego-land and you'l see a different side of things....

04-04-07, 07:03 AM
If you go to uni up in Scotland the fees per year are only ?1,700!!!!!
Whereas down here they're ?3,070. How tempting. And the accent....phwoar

04-04-07, 12:13 PM
cheers everyone, hopefully i can find a few strip joints :thumb:

i myself dont swoon for the scotish accent, i have a good mate who is scotish and he talks to fast

04-04-07, 12:18 PM
i went glasgow with a mate to pick up his capri, it looked an ice place, might take a trip up there sometime and stay a few days this time.

04-04-07, 12:43 PM
should be a laugh, work have sorted out everything i just have to go up and get drunk, i think there somthing were suposed to do during the day but thats not important

04-04-07, 02:28 PM
im from just outside Glasgow , unless you like student dossers dressed in the stupidest clothes dont go to the garage.
try going to Karbon, the tunnel or if you get a ticket the arches for the colors easter weekender www.thearches.co.uk (http://www.thearches.co.uk)
all depends what your into , a few pubs over in the merchant city that are good , almost anywhere in glasgow is ok , you dont get trouble unless your looking for it and most trouble with the neds is with rival neds so dont worry to much , plenty of wee dancing bars to that are good

04-04-07, 04:16 PM
cool cool cool!! should be a good crack

any words you guys use that you could tell me the meaning for now lol

04-04-07, 04:40 PM
Take a knife. lol my mate got stabbed up there.

04-04-07, 05:02 PM
no need for a knife in glasgow its not that bad, stick to the city and it will be much,you wil here wee-man and dobber (sp) alotelol in my experiance glasgow is alright, and just ignore the neds:thumb:

05-04-07, 12:14 AM
lol if only people really knew glasgow !!!
aye - yes
naw - no
bawbag - bawbag
pal - doesnt mean ur his mate just a word they use
sound - good
nuffin to hard to understand mate im sure ull get on fine the town is quality , me n my mates travel 25- 30 mile into the town centre every weekend for a night out at weekend and during week , never had any bother in 2 years and we are all quite intimidating ( all do gym and mma ) only hassle is from females wanting some action lol

05-04-07, 08:18 AM

06-04-07, 11:00 AM
ah this sounds like im missing out now! :(

Jim Mcrae
06-04-07, 11:45 PM
Just watch trainspotting!

P.s i know its set in edinborugh before some smart a*se points it out!!

07-04-07, 02:40 AM
I was up there back end of last year, went to a gig at Carling Accademy, f**k me it must of been in the roughest part of Glasgow, was near the Gorbols !!! Loads of run down hi-rise flats, some flats were even burnt out 1/2 way up !! a propper smack den !! wouldn't want to venture there to often.
On the bill boards they had adverts to tell you to not to try Heroine, " It only takes one hit to be hooked" or summet like that.
