View Full Version : completely stupid idiots...

07-03-07, 07:03 PM
i need a rant!!! i sold my last nova gte 6 weeks ago to a semi friend, not something that i like to do, but i wanted rid and needed the money. i arranged to sell it for less and swap my group a exhaust and manifold at a later date for a standard part.

it has only caused hassle... the guy who bought it doesnt drive and used to be a really nice guy, until he found some ugly horrible little thing off the internet and she moved in with him and stated bleeding him dry of all his money! she sits in everyday watching tv and he's in uni, and he pays for everything. he even took out a larger overdraft to pay for the car for her.

well, the immobiliser has been playing up and the wiper linkage needs replacing. i even said i sort the linkage for them, and said to get in touch with toad for the immobiliser problem, but nooooooo...

they thought they'd take it upon themselves to take it to vauxhall to get it repaired?!? ended up getting it serviced :eek:

guess the price time... :roll: :tard:

now, they are trying to get me to pay half lol and the little thing is being abussive and threatening. i'm worried that a, she will do something to my car, and b, i wont get my exhaust and manifold back... :mad:

was thinking about going down the police and just getting something down incase some damage appears on the car.

really really really p***ed off!!!

rant over, whats peopls opinions?

07-03-07, 07:09 PM
never ever deal with "mates of mates" !! being a nice guy has a tendancy to bite you on the ****, and i have experiance of that now aswell !!

lee coley
07-03-07, 07:11 PM
kick her in teeth

07-03-07, 07:13 PM
they rushed into buying the car purely because they wanted to drive home the following day. i tried to put them off as much as possible, as it's not really a car you buy for the sake of buying a car, and the guy even though doing a motorsport engineering degree knows dick all about cars... he was fine until she came on the scene...

i did a basic service on the car, and they recon i lied and thats why i have to pay half. i gave them reciepts for the front brake discs, pads, oil and filters etc

they paid ?770 lol

07-03-07, 07:13 PM
?770 !!! Omfg !!!

edit - i reckon that there lying and have got a mate to make up a false invoice to screw you outta money

07-03-07, 07:15 PM
edit - i reckon that there lying and have got a mate to make up a false invoice to screw you outta money

they don't know anyone... they are real loners. the mates he had have left him cause he's completely changed. she got thrown out of her home by her step dad so thats why she moved in with him. it's a sad state of affairs!

forgot to say, the immobiliser is still being dodgey...

they had the calipers and rear brake cylinders changed... and they were fine when i serviced the car, seals not leaking at all.

Welsh Dan
07-03-07, 07:18 PM
Tell them to go forth and multiply.

07-03-07, 07:19 PM
is that the red gte u got from new forest?

07-03-07, 07:21 PM
Tell them to go forth and multiply.

she was suposedly pregnant, and lost "blob" 2 weeks ago...

is that the red gte u got from new forest?

indeed it was... i said i'd have bought it back if they weren't happy as i loved the car.

irony of the whole situation is, that vauxhall didnt even change the track rod ends or replace the input shaft bearing, the two things that actually needed sorting lol

Welsh Dan
07-03-07, 07:30 PM
What i meant by "go forth and multiply" was tell them to f*** off lol.

07-03-07, 07:49 PM
i know... but it just seemed i ronic lol i'm horrible, but they deserve it

07-03-07, 08:28 PM
whos stupid enough to take any car to a main dealer for a service, a good **** rapping will always occur. Truly stupid people.

07-03-07, 09:00 PM
how much did they pay for the car in the first place???

07-03-07, 10:17 PM
WTF? THEY took the car to be serviced, and they want YOU to pay for it? Do they think you were born yesterday?!

Not even a full service on my Celica costs that much lol Tell them to go sing for it. I'm guessing the V5 is in their name and all documentation says its owned by them?

Always wise to write on a receipt "Sold as seen with no warranty expressed or implied"!

07-03-07, 10:23 PM
What a pair of Noobs! I wouldnt even take a 3 year old car to main dealer for a service, let alone a 20 year old one!

Never buy or sell to/from a mate unless..

1. You are so close you know he/she wont cause you any grief if things go wrong

2. They are smaller than you lol

07-03-07, 10:27 PM
PMSL my mates EVO 8 FQ 320 doesnt cost that much for a service lol

lou's punto is due its 2nd service which we have to have done for warrenty , it cost us ?130 last year

08-03-07, 09:21 AM
My gf's dad once took a car back to the main dealership for its first MOT.
He chalked the tyre and the ground.

When he went to pick it up... low and behold it was sat in the same bay and the chalk marks were perfectly aligned.

Take from that what you will.

08-03-07, 09:39 AM
at no stage of development is an unborn child a "blob" lol
Blastocyst (the coolest sounding stage) is about as close to that as you'll get... but i digress.

If you have sold them the car, and had the registration documents switched over to them etc, then its not your car, and you have no claim over anything on it, nor do they have any rights to ask you to pay half.

If it's all still registered in your name, then it is you car, and they've still no right to ask you to pay half, because you never asked them to get it serviced in the first place - they took it upon themselves.

If i got hold of the keys to your car, drove it to demon tweeks and had loads of stuff done to it would it be OK for me to expect you to pay for the work? No. Of course it wouldn't. Me paying money to improve your car is my own bloody stupid fault.

08-03-07, 09:43 AM
whos stupid enough to take any car to a main dealer for a service, a good **** rapping will always occur. Truly stupid people.

We've used renault for the servicing on our car from new (three years old in a couple of months). 2x 18,000 mile services and a couple of warranty repairs, also a new pair of pads last time it was in for a warranty fix - since they were well worn and had done over 50k miles on the original parts.

They're more expensive than a "local garage" or DIY but they do a good job, and the renault history will be useful when we come to get rid of it. If i took the car for an MOT it would be to my preferred local place, and if something needed replacing or repairing i'd let them do it to save time, but otehrwise its dealer all the way for me.

08-03-07, 09:45 AM
ps. I think the ?770 is what they paid for THE CAR, not the service. Eeejits.

08-03-07, 07:38 PM
they bought the car off me for ?500, and we had a verbal agreement, that i sold it for that and i swapped the exhaust and swapped the boot for mint gte one.

the fact that they agreed to pay ?700 odd is beyond me, and want me to pay. i had a text off them today saying that they will be keeping the exhaust and that i will still have to pay half... lol

comedians! i'll go round there and unbolt the exhaust and leave the manifold if i have to...

08-03-07, 08:54 PM
I think somebody that stupid will get the police involved, so be careful.

08-03-07, 10:38 PM
The police wouldn't be interested tbh, and even if they were there's nothing they could do. Trading standards maybe, but as its a private sale again there's little regulation or laws to cover them.

09-03-07, 09:47 PM
I've been stung like that before:mad:
Sold an F reg CRX to a cousin of a mate about 5 years ago for ?1200,we agreed he would pay ?150 a week and he would have it when he had paid the full amount,after he paid the second week he asked if i'd send the V5 off so it would be in his name when he had paid in full,no problem with that so sent it off,he paid the next week and came with a nice set of alloys he'd had on his civic which i said i'd have and knock ?180 off what he owed me.The car was at a mates garage and i hadnt been there for a few days but the next time i went there the car had gone,He'd told my mate he'd only got one week left to pay and wanted it m.o.t'd ready so he'd booked it in,tried ringing him,no answer,went to his house only to be told he'd moved away,rang my mate(his cousin) he said to leave it with him...
Left it a few days and he rang me saying that he'd got the money in full to pay me and would be up to pay me in two weeks as he was working in cardiff,gave him the benefit of the doubt but when two weeks were up and he hadn't been anywhere near i tried to ring him,no answer so got his cousin to ring him,his reply to him was "Tell him to go f**k himself,ive got the car its in my name,he doesnt know where i live and if he takes me to court ive got ccj's against me allready and he'll get nothing"
The police didn't want to know as usual and for what it would cost to take him to court i might end up getting ?2 a week off him!.
So i decided it was a hard learned lesson in trusting people,however i'm sure ive got a longer memory than him and revenge will be sweet;)

So the moral of the story is never give credit,if they cant afford it let them take out a bank loan.as my dad allways says: "pay 100% now,f**k all to pay later".

Sorry u'v had the same experience,i know it boils your blood just thinking about it:mad: