View Full Version : Mobile phone law rant

28-02-07, 06:26 PM
Im fecking annoyed about this. I 100% agree with not using a hands free phone on the move, but what fecks me off is that you can now get fined 60 quid and get 3 points on your licence for texting someone while stationary in traffic!!

WTF? Who's going to die because your not looking at the road when your stationary? Are you going to mount the pavement when stationary? Are you going to plough into a stationary car when your not actually moving yourself?? And the biggest annoyance for me is that if you do get done for texting whilst in traffic, the code on your penalty points will show as 'driving without due care and attention'. BUT I WOULDNT HAVE BEEN MOVING!

Surely it should now be illegal to text while parked up? Or sat in the car on your driveway? OR being within 5 meters of your car in posession of the keys while texting!! Theyre taking the pi55 out of us I swear to god! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

28-02-07, 06:39 PM
Get a fine today then did we? lol

28-02-07, 06:42 PM
Can you not turn your engine off while at the lights, send a quick text, fire it up again and continue on your way? That would get you around the "being in control of a vehicle" surely.

Edit: Information about the ban here http://www.askaprice.com/torque-article.asp?article=New_mobile_phone_laws_-_questions_and_answers&item=2692 explains it all quite well. Also claims

A motorist can regard driving as meaning a vehicle with the engine running.

28-02-07, 06:42 PM
Yet another stupid stealth tax/law thats clearly not in touch with REAL life!

28-02-07, 06:49 PM
personally i dont really see the problem, you get the same for exceeding a set speed limit, EG: 40 in a 30 eqauls 3 points and ?60 fine, so whats the problem?

there both as illegal as each other, so tbh deal with it :D

28-02-07, 07:00 PM
If you are actually STATIONARY in traffic, such as stuck in a jam etc you can get around the problem quite easily by just stepping out of the car, send the text, and get back in. If you're just at some lights in town as someone crosses the road, by texting you're taking your eyes off the road and allowing the chance for you and your vehicle to become and obstruction.

PS. If you spot a police officer in a car around you when in traffic, dont send a text. Derrrr.

28-02-07, 07:04 PM
A motorist can regard driving as meaning a vehicle with the engine running.
So if i turn my engine off, put the car in neutral and roll along the road its Ok to use my phone? lol

28-02-07, 07:20 PM
try it jack, And see how it goes in court :D

28-02-07, 07:49 PM
personally i dont really see the problem, you get the same for exceeding a set speed limit, EG: 40 in a 30 eqauls 3 points and ?60 fine, so whats the problem?

there both as illegal as each other, so tbh deal with it :D

Bull sh1t!!! Since when did texting whilst stationary create the same level of risk of injuring yourself / someone else as speeding? Theyre only as illegal as each other because some tw@t decided that people are mainming small children and animals by texting people in traffic jams!!

Wisewood, its not a case of looking around for pigs when i want to send a text, its just the fact the laws been passed that pees me off! Its ridiculous! Soon you wont be able to scratch your fecking **** without scanning the horizon for a doughnut eating bobby looking for an easy bust.

I agree you may take your eyes off the road at lights and maybe cause an obstruction if your not paying attention, but thats hardly causing the same level of threat as doing 90 in a 70. Worth a fine yes, but points? Get fcuked!

28-02-07, 07:56 PM
90 in a 70 LOL, who goes 70mph on the motorway?

28-02-07, 07:58 PM
I do 70 on the motorway :D

Escort Durty Dezzzil vans cant muster up more more than that.

28-02-07, 08:20 PM
it'll be smoking drivers next, thatll be a bitch

28-02-07, 09:41 PM
and just exactly do police officers use their radio in the car - surely thats defeating the objcect of this law? I agree if your driving whilst on a phone but stationary is stupid - i mean if youre stationary can you lean over and look in your glovebox? or centre console? door pockets etc ooo what about opening a sunroof or winding a window? the laws are getting daft these days and it because of one thing MOTORISTS ARE AN EASY TARGET!!

General Baxter
28-02-07, 09:50 PM
it'll be smoking drivers next, thatll be a bitch

so they should!

your not incontrol of the car when your lighting a fag!

same has turning the radio on, or talking to a passanger as it will destract you lol

maybe taking your hand of the wheel to change gear will be next, autos here we come :roll:

28-02-07, 09:50 PM
yeh tbh i think there getting out of control!!!

i didnt know about this stationary one tho!

28-02-07, 09:50 PM
maybe taking your hand of the wheel to change gear will be next, autos here we come :roll:

PMSL lol lol

General Baxter
28-02-07, 09:51 PM
picking your nose!

28-02-07, 09:53 PM
Soon you wont be able to scratch your fecking **** without scanning the horizon for a doughnut eating bobby looking for an easy bust.


28-02-07, 10:00 PM
about time made it illegal to use mobile when driving had last car writtern off by little fool texting whilst driving, he didn't see roundabout or my car.

28-02-07, 10:42 PM
90 in a 70 LOL, who goes 70mph on the motorway?
People in Vauxhalls. The speedo says 90, you're really doing 70 lol

Smoking apparently makes your car insurance higher too, for those companies who ask if you smoke or not.

28-02-07, 11:05 PM
Where's the law about mothers driving and turning round to talk to their retarded offspring in the back of their sodding 4x4's? Something makes me think that's a bit more dangerous than talking on a hands free kit (the next move).

01-03-07, 01:00 AM
if your sat in a traffic jam for half an hour you obviously get bored and text the missus/your mates/the local schlag etc and while not causing danger you ARE breaking the law (to the strictest letter of) the same as technically you can get done for "being in control of a motor vehicle on a public highway while unfit through drink and/or drugs" even by walking past your car with the keys in your pocket. personally a (dare i say it) sensible approach needs to be taken, 90 on a motorway in good conditions with the 2 second rule isnt dangerous, neither is texting your missus while sat on the M25 in rush hour traffic

and imho the worst drivers are those who have no regard for anyone else and dont know how to indicate properly/read the road ahead/pull out etc etc but these people have drove like this for years and have kia picantos so dont get a second look from the old bill


01-03-07, 08:17 AM
about time made it illegal to use mobile when driving had last car writtern off by little fool texting whilst driving, he didn't see roundabout or my car.

I agree, but thats not the issue here, its the fact you can get 3 points for texting whilst in traffic. No ones going to crash when no ones moving!

Draper, I agree to an extent, but at 90mph, there is still a risk of causing an accident, the same as going 70. There is absolutely NO RISK of having an accident when your not fecking moving lol

01-03-07, 08:21 AM
90 on a motorway in good conditions with the 2 second rule isnt dangerous
IMO its more dangerous to travel at 70 on a motorway when everyone around you is doing 90. It like when they teach you to drive, you get told how to drive "properly" and what speeds to do, what lanes to be in etc - however because everyone else does things differently, doing things right becomes wrong

01-03-07, 08:34 AM
it'll be smoking drivers next, thatll be a bitch

Smoking and driving should have been made illegal a LONG time ago. It's dangerous. You have one hand which is rendered pretty much useless due to the cigarette you're holding, and don't even try to come back with the "hold it in your mouth" arguement, smoke gets in your eyes if you do that - and thats just ridiculously dangerous.

With the new smoking ban in public places, that should also be expanded to cover smoking in your car when stuck in traffic becuase sitting in your car with the window down in traffic on the motorway you're closer to the person in the passenger seat in the next lane than you are to someone eating on the next table in the pub.


01-03-07, 08:42 AM
I agree, but thats not the issue here, its the fact you can get 3 points for texting whilst in traffic. No ones going to crash when no ones moving!

Draper, I agree to an extent, but at 90mph, there is still a risk of causing an accident, the same as going 70. There is absolutely NO RISK of having an accident when your not fecking moving lol

There is no risk of you driving into someone, doesnt mean someone can't drive into you because you didnt see the traffic is now moving etc... or you're texting while stationary, traffic moves, you move off slowly and keep texting then hit the car in front because you didnt know it'd stopped.

I got 4 points and a ?120 fine for doing 58 in a 40... but that 40 limit was an industrial estate dual carriageway with nobody on it except the van i was overtaking when i got my picture taken. I endangered nobody... yet got punished with twice the fine and one extra point over what is typical for this type of offence. I still find this ridiculous - but its just tough... i broke the law.

If you're sketchy on what is allowed and what isn't, ie you can text while stationary with handbrake applied and in neutral you will get people thinking that handbrake applied clutch down is the same, and so is footbrake applied clutch down ... or "well i was only doing 1mph" or "surely 5mph is not dangerous". By saying "JUST DONT!" there is no room for mistakes on our part. No excuses.

PS. Does this mean that you're not allowed to send a text message if your phone is in a holder on the dash - because that was legal previously as it could be operated with one finger just like a sat nav or the stereo.

01-03-07, 09:29 AM
Smoking and driving should have been made illegal a LONG time ago. It's dangerous.

Never forget when we were going camping with my dad as kids... he's bombing along at the speed limit on a dual carrigeway when he flicks the ash off his fag out the window.

It blows back in and falls down the back of his shirt.

He starts squirming around.. shouting **** **** I'm on fire.

It burnt a nice little divut in his back, hole in his t-shirt and one in his seat.

I fully intend to flaut this law as while txting and talking on the phone I'm actually more alert than when normal driving as I know the risk of crashing is higher. Same as when it's wet... you drive more carefully.

01-03-07, 09:48 AM
PS. Does this mean that you're not allowed to send a text message if your phone is in a holder on the dash - because that was legal previously as it could be operated with one finger just like a sat nav or the stereo.
I think the law says something like you're not physically allowed to touch the phone, so handsfree kits have to be ones that either auto-answer or take voice commands.

They might have changed it, but there was a loophole - the law stated "mobile phones", so it was effectively legal to use a two-way radio when driving.

01-03-07, 11:43 AM
Smoking apparently makes your car insurance higher too, for those companies who ask if you smoke or not.

Would it invalidate my insurance if I said I didn't smoke, then had a crash whilst smoking?lollol

01-03-07, 11:51 AM
There is no risk of you driving into someone, doesnt mean someone can't drive into you because you didnt see the traffic is now moving etc... or you're texting while stationary, traffic moves, you move off slowly and keep texting then hit the car in front because you didnt know it'd stopped.

All well and good, but like you said.... traffic is now moving. If someone drives into you when the traffic moves and you dont, surely thats the idiot behinds fault? Do you move off when the lights go green regardless of wether the bloke in front has moved???

And if your continuing to text as you move off, then you are no longer stationary, which isnt my arguement!

In london you can be stationary for 5 minutes at a time between creeping, sometimes even more. Plenty of time to send a text! But during that 5 mins you can get points on your licence. Ludicrous!

Its just a case of a blanket law so the police dont have to use their discresion like in the good old days, much like your 4 points on a perfectly safe empty road. In the past you wouldnt have got done, the bloke doing 100 on a busy motorway would have, but its easier to just rule with an iron fist and book everyone for a certain thing regardless of the circumstances.

01-03-07, 12:16 PM
Its just a case of a blanket law so the police dont have to use their discresion like in the good old days.

It's because the world is full of numpties that don't have any common sense. They can't make a decision without consulting the rules... therefore they have created wishy washy rules that cover everything.

It costs less in court cases for appeals etc.

01-03-07, 12:18 PM
Would it invalidate my insurance if I said I didn't smoke, then had a crash whilst smoking?lollol
Theoretically, yes!

01-03-07, 12:25 PM
It's because the world is full of numpties that don't have any common sense. They can't make a decision without consulting the rules... therefore they have created wishy washy rules that cover everything.
Yes its because of numpties, but not the ones with the badges. The compensation generation in the public today - if motorist A gets nicked doing 100mph on a busy motorway, whilst motorist B gets let off doing 100 on a quiet motorway, you can bet motorist A would call foul. Also different policemen may define a motorway as "busy" in different ways. To avoid any chance of being sued, the rules say 100mph on a motorway is illegal, end of. No argument then!

01-03-07, 12:52 PM
basically a few cretins have spoilt life for all of us so we have these crappy rules and regs to dictate our lives....

i blame burgo personally.

01-03-07, 01:00 PM
i blame burgo personally.
Seconded:thumb: I also heard that Hitler was his fault.

01-03-07, 01:08 PM
nahh hitler was fine, it was burgo that started WWII too..

01-03-07, 01:22 PM
I hear Burgo caused the extinction of the Dinosaurs

01-03-07, 01:32 PM
no, that was Broody Nine Inch Neil.

01-03-07, 01:38 PM
We're all going to die anyway so **** it.

God is obviously a woman.. that's why the world has ended up like it has.

craig green
01-03-07, 02:23 PM
Not as bad as the case when some bird got a fine etc when taking a sip from a bottle of water at traffic lights.

Everyone knows its not that dangerous but not everyone can manage to hold a conversation & steer at the same time. Policing it is the problem, likewise a lot of people can drink 3 pints & drive OK or not feel pissed.. how do you police that? (if it were legal)

01-03-07, 02:33 PM
The traffic was at a standstill last week and i had to use my mobile to explain i would be late, as i looked out of my window i had a copper there. I put my phone down quick and he just said "dont worry, ill let you off as your stationary" (he was on a motor bike). bonus :D

on the topic...

01-03-07, 02:50 PM
a lot of people can drink 3 pints & drive OK or not feel pissed.. how do you police that? (if it were legal)

lol lol lol thats why they say if you've had [number] of units you shouldnt drive.

01-03-07, 03:00 PM
on the topic...

All right Del Boy :thumb:

01-03-07, 03:47 PM
All right Del Boy :thumb:

You plonker lol

01-03-07, 08:53 PM
they day i get pulled for lighting a fag your gonna see me in the local paper front page


"why is there a ashtray and a lighter built into my car? it cant be just for holding spare change"

and agree with whoever said police shouldn't be using there radios as they drive.

from a common sense point of view tho the law it right its to33ers who don't use there common sense that make it worse for us all, i'v seen it with my own eyes if this law keeps me safer i'm all for it.

and yes i'v seen coppers drive past people using there mobile on more than one occasion as there more interested in looking at your tinted lights or the cap on your head. for that reason alone i don't were hats when i drive it wasn't worth the attention being a young driver

01-03-07, 09:15 PM
good point, but the ashtrays could be for the passengers...

01-03-07, 09:18 PM
It's because the world is full of numpties that don't have any common sense. They can't make a decision without consulting the rules...

Aye theres a name for these people too err........

Oh yes Coppers thats the one lol.

I wonder how long its gonna be before having passengers in your car will be illegal and we all have to drive one seaters, as when youre talking to a passenger, you keep looking at or towards them, or at least most people do.
Therefore youre not concentrating on where youre going as you keep taking your eyes off the road!

01-03-07, 09:24 PM
i can talk to people without looking at them :wtf:

01-03-07, 09:32 PM
Why do people always do that when i say anything aboout that lol, is it just to make me feel sooo silly lol, well im considerate so i look at the person im talking to so really that would only really apply to me, err bugger!!

01-03-07, 09:39 PM
Why do people always do that when i say anything aboout that lol, is it just to make me feel sooo silly lol, well im considerate so i look at the person im talking to so really that would only really apply to me, err bugger!!

No, im with you on that one, completely agree. I think talking on a handsfree is less distracting than talking to someone in the passenger seat with 2 screaming kids in the back.

01-03-07, 09:52 PM
I got my car rear ended a few years ago by a pillock in a punto who was putting his phone back in its holder. I got ?100 damage, & a ?900 payout. The punto was taken away in a bin bag.
I have seen loads of people driving like 4rseholes & trying to text. it is physically impossible to concentrate on the road (even when stationary) and also concentrate on a screen the size of a postage stamp that is on your lap.

01-03-07, 09:58 PM
the best one would be if it was pay as you go road tax and the passengers had to pay as well at the toll gate just for being in the car.. i wouldnt mind the people would stop asking me for lifts they think its ok they give you petrol money, but when its your car. (where and tare, towing etc)..

the government need to see that its not just tax and insurance we pay there is allso tax on every single thing we need all year round just to run our cars
in the first place

02-03-07, 09:56 AM
I have seen loads of people driving like 4rseholes & trying to text. it is physically impossible to concentrate on the road (even when stationary) and also concentrate on a screen the size of a postage stamp that is on your lap.

Maybe for you "old Timers"... just kidding. :D

03-03-07, 07:10 AM
its pathetic, they also can fine you for eating, but smoking well you can do that, even though you have to get them out the packet or even roll one, light it, keep flicking it out of window,then you drop it and it rolls between your legs and suddenly 100% of your concentration goes off the road and onto getting that fag out before it puts a nice hole in your mint 90spec seat and burns your balls! i do think we should smoke in cars though but im just putting a comparrison accross, i could imagine it went from handsfree, to no phones to no talking to passengers,no passengers allowed in car, NO DRIVING!

03-03-07, 09:28 AM
Smoking will probably be banned completely soon, give it about 20 years

03-03-07, 10:08 AM
Smoking will probably be banned completely soon, give it about 20 years

NEVER. Government would go bust and we'd become a 3rd world country lol

04-03-07, 03:38 PM
NEVER. Government would go bust and we'd become a 3rd world country lol

i thought we was looking up my street :confused: