View Full Version : 40s-mpg

24-02-07, 01:50 PM
Yes, i know setup blah blah lol.

Just want an idea of the type of mpg people are getting?

24-02-07, 01:55 PM
i get 78 mpg mate

24-02-07, 03:15 PM
I generally get 30-35mpg on the road (that variation is dependant on having a play or driving normally). But then mine defies most laws of physics according to those that know my facts and figures are correct lol lol

24-02-07, 03:26 PM
long live when i had a 1.4 on 40's i used to get 165 miles ( or thereabouts) out of a tank full of fuel.

24-02-07, 03:44 PM
I generally get 30-35mpg on the road (that variation is dependant on having a play or driving normally). But then mine defies most laws of physics according to those that know my facts and figures are correct lol lol
That does defy the laws of physics, Lol, i barely got about 30ish mpg with a 1.4 on spi.

Ok john, was that after having the carbs RR tuned/setup too?

24-02-07, 04:06 PM
Going by the tank i was able to get 230-240 miles till the top of the red, so always had abit left if i needed it lol

24-02-07, 05:10 PM
Shall have to get these carbs setup then and see what its like then.

24-02-07, 06:06 PM
yup, thats about the best advice possible, as it varies to wildly from person to person. Its not like a mass manufactured system which is identical in every case. Everyone has different mods and tuners set them up differently.

Personally i had mine setup to what I wanted, even tho it did produce abit more bhp i have always chosen the blend of torque and power rather than one or the other. Maybe this has an effect, i am in no position to comment.

24-02-07, 06:16 PM
That does defy the laws of physics, Lol, i barely got about 30ish mpg with a 1.4 on spi.

Ok john, was that after having the carbs RR tuned/setup too?

No long live, they needed a tune and rr sesh, one of the valves destroyed itself before i got that far! It ran fine though, with no flat spots etc. :)

24-02-07, 06:56 PM
Mine seem to run fine, idle is a bit lumpy. But i can't feel any flatspots.
Im hoping just the balance/idle mix needs sorting, and not jets etc else that could get expensive.

SRI crazy
25-02-07, 01:39 PM
i hav an sri an i get bou 30ish mile to the gallon bt i fill up a tenner and that lifts the guage from the top of the red to jus ever so slightly over half and i get bou 120 mile from that, but i hav a small leak at the tank so rougly thats wat i get

25-02-07, 01:41 PM
Think my guage must be way off, with the needle just touching the red, ?10 of fuel(about 11.5L) takes it up to above half, when the tank should hold 42L iirc. Unless the red section of the guage is about 10/11L in fuel...

25-02-07, 04:31 PM
my guage is like that.

as for mpg, not sure on mine but i think its around the same as my old standard engine as when i drove to devon in it it used the same amount of petrol, altho my old engine was overfueling, slightly i think lol

womble sri
25-02-07, 04:45 PM
Mine seem to run fine, idle is a bit lumpy. But i can't feel any flatspots.
Im hoping just the balance/idle mix needs sorting, and not jets etc else that could get expensive.

jets aint expensive when you have a RR session there is a set price and the jets are on top of that. mine was like 85 for the first hour then 70 after that. i was there for about 3.5 hours though!

25-02-07, 05:42 PM
jets aint expensive when you have a RR session there is a set price and the jets are on top of that. mine was like 85 for the first hour then 70 after that. i was there for about 3.5 hours though!
Just looked on ebay, and yeah jets aren't actually too expensive to replace. Only about ?7 for 4. Idle, mains etc. Air correctors are about the same too.

Its just emulsion tubes, at ?60 a set of 4! :eek:

Where im going is ?50 for first hour, then ?35 each hour after that. Im hoping i wont be there for long. If im lucky the jetting wont need changing.

25-02-07, 05:47 PM
Mine does about 30-35mpg, maybe a little more when driving really steady.

25-02-07, 05:58 PM
I hope mine does something near that, Lol.

womble sri
26-02-07, 07:06 PM
yeah they arent that bad if you drive them carefully. but i could easily burn 17 litres (?15) on a summers day along the back roads from college about 26 miles each way and it is hard not too sometimes. prepare for a big hole in your pocket!

26-02-07, 07:17 PM
So Ad, the verdict?
Are they worth it? :confused:

26-02-07, 08:47 PM
IMO worth it all day long!

But like womble said, when you put your foot down the tank empties a lot quicker!

womble sri
26-02-07, 09:16 PM
there is nothing better than winding the windows down, switching off the stereo and putting your foot down round the lanes.

27-02-07, 12:08 AM
So Ad, the verdict?
Are they worth it? :confused: The sound is worth it definently.
I guess im used to injection tho, and it soon gets on my tits having to sit for a min or two in the mornings until the engine will idle. lol

I rung RR today, he said probably around ?100+ vat to set them up, took spark plugs out and there blackened, so its overfueling. I think it may be the mains overfueling tho, idle i suspect is a touch lean if anything. When backing off the throttle onto overun because of how a carb works you expect a lot of popping/banging, but i get none... which is a bit strange as the engine is using no fuel, but air flow will be pulling fuel in....

I might be breaking the engine soon tho.. maybe fitting ecotech 2L lol. More power,100% reliable power. Altho i will definently miss the noise of the carbs if i remove the engine. Hard decision part with cash, as the setup cost is really dead money which i will never see back.... I'd be spending an extra ?100-?200 and not seeing that back when selling the carbs etc.

27-02-07, 06:36 AM
I generally get 30-35mpg on the road (that variation is dependant on having a play or driving normally). But then mine defies most laws of physics according to those that know my facts and figures are correct lol lol

by the law of physics to you mean that it is somewhat proven that adding a filter or t40s etc makes you drive harder as the sound is near orgasmic, therefore using more fuel? lol

womble sri
27-02-07, 06:55 PM
. When backing off the throttle onto overun because of how a carb works you expect a lot of popping/banging, but i get none... which is a bit strange as the engine is using no fuel, but air flow will be pulling fuel in....

I Hard decision part with cash, as the setup cost is really dead money which i will never see back.... I'd be spending an extra ?100-?200 and not seeing that back when selling the carbs etc.

when i bought mine it was a standard sr with 40's and it used to pop and bang majorly but as soon as i had it set up it stopped completely.

the first time i was there for 5 hours but the guy here only charged me for about 3.5 which was still about 270. then i bought a new manifold and exhaust which really upset the fuelling so another trip to the RR burnt another 200 smakeroos but ther reult was well worth it i have got the invoices and it hurts to look at them knowing ill be back up there for another session when the 1600 is alive

27-02-07, 06:59 PM
I dont want part with ?100 ish for set up lol

Fook paying a total of ?470 :eek::eek:

But i either do that, or fit another engine, hmmm.

I assumed any carb engine would pop and bang, because it will be drawing fuel from the idle jet on overun.... Perhaps my setup isn't that far away from spot on then.

27-02-07, 07:58 PM
by the law of physics to you mean that it is somewhat proven that adding a filter or t40s etc makes you drive harder as the sound is near orgasmic, therefore using more fuel? lol

No, the law of physics that Dans car doesnt follow the normal guidelines most engines live by. For example, high MPG on carbs even when the things were setup back when the queen wore a training bra, and theyve never been tweeked... even when they were looked at, i think it was an 8th of a thou of a turn was needed on one screw!, and the fact that he stripped the engine down recently and found that it was in better nick than when it was built! lol

27-02-07, 08:06 PM

I just know if i get them setup i'll just want more power in a few weeks, Lol.

Might bolt the lot onto a 1600 bottom end and then get them setup.


27-02-07, 08:23 PM
:cry: i so want my car on the road for summer (if not now!) i just order every single jet, emulsion tube etc for my carbs - lots of money.

forget the ecotec, carbs are where it's at, yo!


28-02-07, 12:24 PM
The cost of jets aint too bad.
Its emulsion tubes and choke prices that sting(?50/?60 for 4) thats why selection needs be spot on. Can't be buying a few lots of chokes,Lol.

Worked out mpg today, on ?10 of petrol, ok not too accurate, but i put tenner in when the guage was just touching red, it went up to about half. I've done about 60miles and its nearly touching red again, which imo for a none setup engine is not bad. About 22-25mpg, that was mostly town driving, including a few back road blasts,Lol. On motorway/dual carriageway they should probably see 30ish mpg.

Have noticed the occasional flat spot when steadily accelerating(you dont notice when accelerating hard), just when the carbs are going onto the main circuit, probably is too rich hence why my plugs are covered in dry black deposits.

What i've noticed happens is when you accelerate harshly the fuel guage shoots down, but as soon as you drive normally again it goes back up. I guess because when booting it the needle valves are letting fuel in, whereas when cruising the majority of my fuel will be going back down the return pipe keeping the level hardly moving.

Still dont know what to do,Lol. I convice myself remove the carbs, but just been for a drive and i'd know i'd seriously miss the noise if i did.

28-02-07, 12:46 PM
if you stay "off" the main jets, you will get awesome fuel economy, as soon as you get the minas doing their thing your going to start emptiying your tank lol

you simply cannot carry out ANY modifications to an engines breathing/fuelling wihtout getting it setup... just put a sodding 20XE in and be done with it, atleast you wont ahve to bitch about setting it up :p

28-02-07, 01:06 PM
Lol, nah, i think im going to sort it out and take it to be setup. Need to sort a few things first, the leaky camshaft seal, and a tiny fuel leak from one of the screws that hold the top plate on the carb.