View Full Version : Car wont fcukin start

20-09-01, 09:16 PM
Right I need some help on a wee problem I got
I?ve just put a 13sr engine gearbox and suspension in a 1.0L rolling shell and every thing went well for a wee wile but now big problems
After putting the engine in with no probs, I then checked everything to make cretin nothing had been forgotten, then I started it up and after the 3rd turn of the key it started, a bit loud coz no exhaust on it but it started, next day got new exhaust, fitted it and started car again, the car ran for a wee while then staled, tried to start it again and nothing, just a clunking sound when I turn the key, at first I thought it was the starter, But I?ve had the starter motor off but it works fine and I?ve also cheeked the engine earth strap and battery and their fine to. Last resort was to drag it round the block with a land rover and still wouldn?t start.
Anyone any Ideas coz I?m stuck.
thanks v5uk


21-09-01, 12:56 AM
I did this same engine swap in mine.. the only problem i had was an "air-lock" in the fuel line.. this would allow the car to use the fuel in the carb chamber, but it wouldnt refil. you need to suck fuel down the fuel line to clear it (best done with some sort of pump!) after that check the fuel pump and the fuel filter. After that check the distributer, coil, leads etc.

Hope this helps.

Ben. ;)

21-09-01, 04:02 PM
if i was u check u got a spark 1st if not check coil,leads,dizzy etc if u av a spark try wat cheese said

21-09-01, 06:27 PM
how can I check to see if Ive got a spark coz it wont turn over now, as I say it just makes a clunking sound.


21-09-01, 06:29 PM
Is the battery ok? try jump starting it..


21-09-01, 06:37 PM
cheese m8 please read the post again as i said i draged it round the block with me Land-rover m8
anyone any other Ideas????????


21-09-01, 06:50 PM
hmmmmmm check dizzy is ok no water dirt etc.. but u prob done all that checks on ignition side.

engine could be seized solid or timing could have jumped if something inside engine gave way. thats all i can think off sorry :D

21-09-01, 06:53 PM
thanks Dave m8


21-09-01, 06:56 PM
oops sorry! :D

21-09-01, 07:07 PM
check fuel flow as well tho, forgot to say. ur mate with landy got an electric pump u could use to make sure fuel is getting where it should be??? i said that but if u got pump that u know works try it.
my moneys of dizzy tho, but i do know very little im afraid

21-09-01, 10:29 PM
If the engine first ran properly on all 4 cylinders without misfiring then there wasn't a problem with electrics. If however it conked after running erratically on one or two cylinders plus misfiring it could be a whole host of problems. As far as I can see you have got 2 separate probs.
If you have been trying to tow start then its not siezed and if everything else was OK should have at least attempted to fire up.
Problem 1 engine wont fire up:
Start with basics and check that the float chamber has fuel in it. You can take the fuel pump off and operate the diaphragm manually to see if thats working.
Double check you have got all the plugs wired up in the correct order (1342 with no.1 at crank shaft pulley end of engine)Take out the plug in no.1 cylinder & insert a knitting needle or similar and with the car in 4th gear push it slowly forward or backwards until you can feel the piston is right at the top of its stroke (TDC).The distributor arm should be pointing at the pole in the dizzy cap which is connected to No.1 spark plug lead going to no.1 cylinder. Then check the rest - I think the rotorarm turns anti clockwise on 1.3's. If the leads and plugs look really old and shitty change them. Make sure they are properly pushed on and thoroughly clean and dry all plugs. Is the cam belt on OK and timed up properly - has it been jolted or banged before it was transplanted??
Prob. no.2 Starter wont turn engine over:
Get a good battery from a vehicle that is going OK ( or jump from one) and test to see if the starter is still refusing to turn the engine over. If this is the case check the power feed wire from the battery to the starter 1st. If there is a clunk noise then it would suggest power is getting there.In this case even tho' you say you have checked it, either the starter is defective electrically or mechanically by failing to engage onto the flywheel. If you ask around you can find electrical motor factors who can test it for you or else go down the scrappy and get another.

Otherwise drag it down to the local friendly garage who will, for a few squid, cheerfully discover the mind bending simple problem that these things usually are. Its called the Law of Sod and it gets everyone eventually :D

21-09-01, 11:02 PM
lol i tried.
nearly was right, just seized engine i got wrong id say! wohoooo im learning :D

22-09-01, 01:37 AM
nice one CP m8 ill have a look in the morning


22-09-01, 02:18 PM
I think the bottom end has seized coz I cant turn it over by hand, but after taking the cam belt off I can turn the head over but not the bottom end
so im gonna get a 1.2 bottom and put the 1.3 head onit
thanks for all your help


22-09-01, 06:57 PM
How the fuck has it suddenly managed to seize?

You say it started and ran ok the other day, so how has it suddenly seized? What did you do to it ;)
Fitting a 1.2 bottom end will just make the car a 1.2 again...what's the point in doing that!

Take the sump off of the 1.3 and see if there's any obvious reasons why you can't turn it...anything damaged, snapped bent generally fooked......some serious damage must have been done to make it suddenly seize up, especially since it was running ok before! On the other hand, the oil may be old and thick......how fast did it turn over when you started it the other day?

The clunking noise you can here when you try to start it, will be the solenoid on the starter. It moves the gear on the motor so that it engages with the fly. Once the engine starts and you release the ignition key, the solenoid moves back and disengages the starter from the fly. The clunking noise is this going back and forth as you try to start it. If it wasn't making a proper contact with the fly, the starter would probably turn and make a loud "gear-crunching" sound!

Whatever, this is not a good thing....did the engine turn when the car was being pulled by the Land Rover?
When you tried turning the engine by hand, did you try it using a spanner on the crankshaft bolt? It could be too stiff to turn by hand, but you might be able to turn it with a bit of force behind it.
Try draining the oil and see how think and gunky it is....it may just be shitted up. You'd have to do this anyway to take the sump off! Don't give up on this engine just yet...it may be fine. How long was is standing before you fitted it? Mine was sat in my garage was about 2 months, and before that, it'd been sat on the back garden of the lad I bought it off for about 3 months, and it was fine.....easy to turn over by hand etc.

23-09-01, 10:56 PM
Yep, Rich is right, if its got full compression it will be hard to turn over. Either push it in 4th gear or take the plugs out if trying to turn the crank by hand.
If you tried tow starting, the wheels would have been skidding etc. if it was seized.
Did the oil light go out when it ran in the first place???

23-09-01, 11:54 PM
my sr engine played this game as well, now oil light stays on most of time!!so you could have fooked bottom end