View Full Version : Mick... or anyone who knows!!!

13-10-00, 11:05 PM
Seeing that my GTE engine keeps going bust, I decided to go with a '88 Astra 1.8 GTE engine. I would apreciate it you guys could send me as much info as possible on the subject, such as:
- Can I keep the standard (F13) box?
- Can my engine mounts be modified to fit?
- Do I need to strengthen the body, seeing there is only 15bhp more?
- Any other pitfalls I should expect?
Cheers, and thanx in advance!!

14-10-00, 06:30 PM
okay u cant keep your box and the nearside engine mount will need cut and rewelded about 1" to 1/2" lower down

the engine may only have 15hpmore but it has loads more wieght so u will probably need the engine bay welded

also u might find that the front ov your car will lower itself a few cm

u will also need driveshafts made up form cortenay or novatech etc theses will be about ?250

just ask if u need more help

ohh yeah u need to cut and shut the exhaust under the floor coz when u use the cav astra manifold and down pipe it sits further away than it shoud at the flexible join

14-10-00, 09:25 PM
Mick, can you be more specific as to why I can't use my box? 'Cause (and I'm not doughting you) I saw a Nova in a German mag that had a 1.8 engine, cavalier 1.6 diesel F13 box and Nova GTE clutch plate (that's as much as I could translate). I didn't want to buy the shafts...

15-10-00, 09:56 AM
r u sure ?
coz the f 13 box is for the family 1small block engines
1.0 to nova 1.6 size

the 1.8/2.0/2.016v etc use a f16 and above.
vuaxhall also made a family2 big block 1.6 lump which was fitted to the old mk2 cavliers and ran a varajet2 carb (i actually fitted one ov these to my last car by mistake! i could work out how the engine didnt sit right and the gearbox wouldnt fit and the exhuast wouldnt line up etc etc etc)

it would have been better for me to fit a 2.0 coz it was the same job! i was also only 18 at the time and didnt no shit about cars!

i tried everything, changeing difs so i could keep my origanal driveshatfs etc but nowt would work.

i dont think vuaxhall made a 1.8 small block family 1 engine but if they did then the f13 box would fit

maybe u can use the diesal box and standerd driveshafts but if u could wouldnt everybody do that? i know i fucking would have!

15-10-00, 05:11 PM
Mick, I,ll try and translate some more of the German mag over the week and let you know what comes up. If you remember anything else, let me know.