View Full Version : feckin nobbers!

12-02-07, 10:51 PM
Bound to happen i suppose - was relaxing in the hot tub tonight after a sh1tter of a day at work and some nobber kid from next door but one across thought it'd be funny to lob e fecking mud bomb into the spa!

:thumb: nice one matey!

Kind of expected it however didnt expect the problems it would cause.
Clogged the filter right up and now Ive got to drain the whole feckin thing or find some suitable way of getting all the grit out the bottom!

I can clean the filter - however its possible its damaged and they aint cheap!

Good thing is I know who did it so tomorrow I'll be round there with a sh1te bomb on their door step. Failing that I'll just run over his nice new ?200 rc nitro car!


12-02-07, 10:55 PM
oooooh, i seen rc cars run over...not a pretty site and pretty crappy if your on the wrong end of it

i say do it!

12-02-07, 11:15 PM
I'm liking the flaming bag of sh1te on the doorstep at the moment - especially as me wifes sisters dog aint too well at the moment!

12-02-07, 11:19 PM
flatten his RC car :D

13-02-07, 07:49 AM
Do both, then think of somethin sh!tty to do to the lil fcuker if they even think of trying it again!!

13-02-07, 08:56 AM
Would a syphon type arrangement to remove the grit from the bottom of the tub work? As for revenge, pay a group of local teenagers 20 quid and a packet of bensons to beat the little fecker up then smash/steal his car for themselves. Then the heat is off you as well = no petty reprisals!!

13-02-07, 09:32 AM
I'm liking the flaming bag of sh1te on the doorstep at the moment - especially as me wifes sisters dog aint too well at the moment!

oh that sounds good lol

but that is stupid! i wouldnt be happy!

13-02-07, 11:02 AM
I read that, and sorry mate, but you have no idea how much that amused me, i was expecting more of a, i heard my car being driven away lol

13-02-07, 01:00 PM
I'd ask him if he wants to invite some mates round to your hot tub then pick the **** up and threaten to drown him till he cries.

13-02-07, 05:28 PM
Lets face it though, i'd probably do the same if i had a posh mo fo pimping it up in his hot tub with a pinnocolada next door lol lol

You should have taken it on the head and saved the filter Ade lol

13-02-07, 05:35 PM
how a bout aflaming bag of poo on his car ???

and yeah id prob find it funny to chuck a mud bomb in someones hot-tub lol obviously not now i know how much it would damage it ;)

nova 1.4 modified
13-02-07, 11:04 PM
lol ill go for the crushing his car, i have one and nearly had it run over, felt like crying lol, then post a nice smelly dog turd through his letterbox and hope it smears all over the letterbox, then when the paper is delivered... lol hahaha

13-02-07, 11:17 PM
^^ youve thought of that to much lol

14-02-07, 09:16 PM
how old is the aforementioned tosser????
I find vengeance is based on age...........

15-02-07, 08:04 AM
Am I literally the ONLY adult here?

Ade, go out and get the filter replaced, write a letter explaining exactly what happened, and stick it through the door of the house whose kid did it, along with a copy of the invoice. Get them to pay you back for it. Jesus Christ.