View Full Version : gte engine tunning

22-08-01, 10:45 PM
i want some more power from my engine and was thinking about a perfomance head and cam from power engineering or somewhere. is this the right way to go considering the engine has done 140,000 miles. if so what sort of increase could i expect

23-08-01, 07:33 AM
Talk to Bill Blydenstein @ 01763272866. He does a variety of heads for GTE's and GSi's. He will send you out an info. pack and price list.
The milage on your engine is quite high, it probably deserves a complete rebuild rebuild.


23-08-01, 09:24 AM
Agree with above. Bill Blydenstein is worth the money.

=|(_)___(_)] "Q/ (Squirrel)

Whoopass! :D

The original footer, not a cheap immitation!

27-08-01, 08:13 PM
yup, or if ur budget dont stretch far just get a decent cam (not rally), then a chiped ecu, bigger throttle body, injectors (cav sri 130).
And try the drilling technique on ur airbox, every1 i know who has tried it says it works well!!