View Full Version : OOPS :(

18-08-01, 07:54 PM
My nova has got over its juddering stage, well erm sort of neway i had it on the rollers and had major tune up.

and got it back the other day and mechanic says "your car has a strange hobby" and i said oh yeah? he said yep when cold starting engine rattles (knew that) and when the car idles at hot the oil light comes on.

at this point the mechanic says me engines bottom end is gonna go BANG soon!

so i wanna know nething i can do to stop this? or can i do nething to get round the problem?? other than new engine cos aint got facilities.

does it sound like bottom end is gonna blow up?? wot causes this to happen in a car? my engine has 128k on the clock f reg sr.

cheers Dave


send nova and mk3 astra gsi pics my way for my attempt at web design.

18-08-01, 08:02 PM
ive heard that most nova engines (i mean most not counting stes 200K) have a life of 150K

aghhh im at 127K lol

Ohh Ahhhh

Traater, Traila, Comboine Bailer

20-08-01, 08:11 AM
Sounds like your crankshaft is worn. Because of this the oil is forced out through the shells faster and therefore oil pressure is lower. It does sound bad. Whatever happens, you`ve got to do some major work.

=|(_)___(_)] "Q/ (Squirrel)

Whoopass! :D

The original footer, not a cheap immitation!

20-08-01, 08:39 AM
or my 157k 1.2 van engine that i couldn't blow up
and it's still going strong 2 years on in a mates car!!!

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20-08-01, 01:13 PM
it judders when i go over 60 mph so that the big bottom end fooked?

new engine time then is it :(

lol i took it out for a spin last nite engine sounded really rattley and when i slowed down for sharp corners the oil warning light came on!!

oh dear oh dear oh dear


send nova and mk3 astra gsi pics my way for my attempt at web design.

20-08-01, 03:36 PM
You could re-con the bottom end, but to do it properly it would be cheaper to get a second hand replacement.

=|(_)___(_)] "Q/ (Squirrel)

Whoopass! :D

The original footer, not a cheap immitation!

20-08-01, 09:32 PM
Yep...my re-built SR engine was only ?40 off a mate! Well, the bottom end was re-built but the head needed replacing, but I got a fully re-conned 1.2 head for ?30 (?30 included a pair of new front disks and lowering springs! so the head was only about ?10 really!!!)