View Full Version : you magazine stash - lets see it!!

02-02-07, 07:13 PM
Im pretty sure alot of you will have a stash of Magazines somewher thats pretty big (whether is cars or errr not :wink:) lets see it!

Car mags from year 2000 onwards
Fast Car
Total Vaux
Performance BMW
LOADS of Aussie mags - I mean LOADS(like Jap mags but in proper language!)
Demon Tweeks catalogues
Fast & Modified
Performance VW
Golf +

02-02-07, 07:30 PM
Mine :D
There the two or three at the bottom.

02-02-07, 08:19 PM
i had a pile like stan..threw most of them out when i decorated..

02-02-07, 08:21 PM
I dont wanna throw em out as there really good to flick thru when ur on the lav haha

02-02-07, 08:27 PM
lol i got a pile like that stan

total vauxhalls from about 03 (not recent ones as i dont like them)
classic ford,
performance ford,
retro ford.
and deemons cataluages.

love me old fords! or RST's you see lol

03-02-07, 11:06 AM

2 piles of Car, Evo, Top Gear, Classic Ford, PPC, 1989 Autocar and Motor mag and most importantly, Viz.


Mid 90's Top Gear mags


bedside Evo, Total Vaux etc...


1980s car stuff, Im assuming it was part of a weekly magazine and you got to put it in the bnders? I've got 5 binders full of tips on how to work on cars (which were new then but mostly on the scrap heap now). Stolen from a skip outside the tech block of a private school I installed data cables in over the summer.

14-02-07, 12:03 AM
ill have to go up in the loft and take a pic of all my mags :( yes i have that many

14-02-07, 12:49 PM
I have a collection of max powers at my mom and dads... really need throwing out.... think there's a load of TV too.

Plus there's a box of TV rolling round in the back of my gf's mondeo.... and more recent ones at the penthouse suite.

14-02-07, 09:21 PM
3 years of MBUK
3 years of Total Vauxhall
2 years of Top Gear
1 year of Autocar
2 years of Performance VW
5 years of model world (very old - 1992ish)
some of those glow in the dark dino ones.
about 2 max powers
1 something from amercia
2 fast cars



carls nova sri
14-02-07, 09:42 PM
I had about 200 mags in all tv, max power, fast car, revs and redline and cut out every picture of a nova . Got loads of featuerd novas and write ups on them took me about 4 mounths to look through and cut out and stick on A4 paper. I put them all in plastic wallets now i got a big folder of novas a bit sad i no but i love umlol

14-02-07, 10:09 PM
i did have every issue of tv, until feb 2004 when had bad crash in my gte and lost faith and binnned em all, started buyin again start of 2005 i think and have all since then. just throen out about 4or 5yrs of lax flower, trevs, breadline and last car(not brought any of these in a while thou!!!), had yrs worth of Golf mag and performance vw from when had my gti and loads of clssic ford, fast ford and perfromance ford too. dread to think how much i spend on car mags. oh n then theres nuts, zoo, practical perfromabce car and retro cars(although these are just odd buys)

14-02-07, 10:25 PM
Yeah, I had the first 40 or so issues of TV, bult sold them all on ebay once I'd shifted my sheds. As for the rest, well I have a large pile of pron my my legs at the mo lol

14-02-07, 10:26 PM
I have a large pile of pron my my legs at the mo lol

explains why your not concentrating then lol

14-02-07, 10:30 PM
No, thats the export strength lager lol

The pron is for later ;)

14-02-07, 10:31 PM
happy valentines lol

edit :- im not gay

14-02-07, 10:38 PM
LOL I'll give you your valentines present at Cheltenham lol

14-02-07, 10:42 PM
better make sure i can make it then ;)
