View Full Version : declaring sorn

29-01-07, 10:21 PM
well, its that time of the month to decalre my car sorn, but im not allowed :confused:

apparently my dad cannot sell his cars to anyone that is connected to the business, and he says that if you register it in your name youll get fines and penalties and all that sh!ttle, so what do you reccomend i do

A) leave it and not register it to me, never say i owned it and waste my time doing it up nice

B) agrue the feck out of him untill he lets me decalre it sorn and pay all the fines if it has any

C) do a liverpool classic and just use it as a pool car lol

what shall i do, and i encourage anyone who says argue to really have it out with him, ill make him read this thread and see what he says
thank's your all a great help


29-01-07, 10:26 PM
if it sorn there if no penalties if you dont there will be. it should cost nothing to declare it off the road. but reseal as sorn make life a rite pain,

29-01-07, 11:02 PM
Who owns the car now though?

Only thing I can see is if the car is sold to you by your dad its classed as a private sale, not exactly illegal but I'm not sure how it would sit with tax and etc.

29-01-07, 11:22 PM
he sold it to a mr david archer (my name and mums maiden name) at my grandads adress, so whats stopping this fake bloke selling it to joe bloggs and then selling it to me?

29-01-07, 11:44 PM
shorely you can still declare it off the road with no problems?

29-01-07, 11:52 PM
So whos name/addy is on the logbook?

Just declare it sorn, you wont get any fines then.

30-01-07, 08:23 AM
i am 14 dave and i just filled the v5 in and declared it sorn. they sent me the documents back through in my name and when i am aged to drive i just phone/write to them and say the car is going back on the road.

30-01-07, 09:52 AM
Can't see there being any problems... unless it's been marked as scrapped by the previous owner (where you dad got it from.)

Are you sure he's not just trying to make you get rid of it. lol

30-01-07, 11:51 AM
yeh when you want to put it back on the road, the form you have that you should of had through the post saying its sorn you just tick the box (6months or 12) then take it to the post office with the stuff you need and your money and then you have your tax and good to go, well thats what i done last time and doing next week

30-01-07, 03:22 PM
unless it's been marked as scrapped by the previous owner (where you dad got it from.)
If its the white one, it was marked as scrapped? But un-scrapped iirc lol

30-01-07, 03:32 PM
Can't see there being any problems... unless it's been marked as scrapped by the previous owner (where you dad got it from.)

Are you sure he's not just trying to make you get rid of it. lol

oh, it has got a scrap marker onit !