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29-01-07, 08:18 AM
i have got a guy coming to weld my nova project this week! ATLAST!lol
Anyway when welding it in should we just weld round the edge of the new panel onto the car. Is there any other way? A better way?
Also when welding the crossmember to the chassis legs is it a good idea to put plates round where it has been welded on or should we just weld round the edge of new crossmember onto the chassis?Should i put plates for more strengh anywhere after the crossmember has been welded? I am seam welding the bay, a tiny plate needs to be put on next to the brake servo on the inner wing and splash gaurds will be getting made aswell.
Any help/advice you guys can give me will be much appreciated as this is the first time i have ever had anything to do with welding cars really.:D


29-01-07, 08:20 AM
pics of front panels/crossmembers being/welded in, will also be helpful. Thanks


29-01-07, 11:46 AM
can someone help. Please! The guy is coming to start on it tonight. :thumb:

29-01-07, 07:04 PM
Hello mate im not to sure mate, ive also just bought my first project nova i need to do the same thing lol. i work in a bodyshop doing all the welding myself. i believe you need to seam weld wherever the spot welds are mate hope that helps lol

29-01-07, 07:18 PM
using the origional spot welds as a guide, plug-weld in the same spots, then stitch-weld every panel join.

tom reid
29-01-07, 08:49 PM
I cut off the lip from the botton of the chassis on the drivers side leg, then plate over it, makes getting to ANY bottom pulley a whole lot easier.