View Full Version : Widness hates me...

24-01-07, 10:01 PM
and i hate Widness. on the way to xXx_Nova_xXx's place, should have taken me half an hour there half an hour back. i managed to go over the runcorn bridge four times, go throught the centre of widness god only knows how many times, untioll i realised i had actualy driven past his place. damn, blast and bugger! so sod widness! evil place...

or is it just that i'm really good at getting lost where ever i go?

25-01-07, 12:31 AM
no mate, iv lived there 13 years and i still get lost lol

got lost on my way home from school once, took me an hour to find my house lol

it is a tricky place tho, with all the back streets and all that lol

cheers tho matey, next tie ill come to you lol

25-01-07, 09:44 AM
Buy a SatNav.... I'm good at getting lost but never again now.

Well worth the ?200 or whatever it was.

25-01-07, 11:10 AM
I worked for Help The Aged doing collections and Widnes was part of my patch for about 4 months ... didn't find it hard to get around there at all, Runcorn is much worse.

25-01-07, 11:34 AM
MK now there's a difficult place to navigate without a map.

25-01-07, 11:36 AM
how, its all one big grid. Someone gives you directions its sooo easy.

Of the motorway roundabout left, roundabout straight, roundabout right etc.

Kinky Monza
25-01-07, 11:47 AM
Even i managed MK!!! lol

25-01-07, 11:49 AM
Went to pick up a snake from someone.... no directions, no maps and I'd never been there before lol .... that was pre-sat nav and was the main reason we bought one.

25-01-07, 12:22 PM
Pish, try Cornwall. There's millions of little lanes that never seem to go anywhere. I've got a good handle on the Lizard and that area but still manage to end up miles away from where I thought I was sometimes lol

25-01-07, 12:26 PM
spent loads of summers in cornwall as a kid. Whenever my mum drove, no matter where she tried to go, we ALWAYS ended up in Falmouth.

25-01-07, 03:37 PM
lol you guys should try central london on a weekday!!! so many oneway systems, one way streets, roads that used to be open that are now shut at one end or are now pedestrian!! i had a job as locksmith that involved lot of london driving so got used to it a bit, anywhere else is so easy in comparison! even parking is nightmare, most places are resisdent permit or 2hour max (?4 per hour) and no return for hour and nop meter feeding. its hell!! oh and cos of the huge buildings sat nav dosent always work lol

25-01-07, 05:50 PM
MK now there's a difficult place to navigate without a map.
LOL mk is teh easiest place in the world its all roundabouts which is pretty annoying when it comes to chavs and your learning to drive its full off them they should name it milton chavs lol

25-01-07, 06:06 PM
lol you guys should try central london on a weekday!!! so many oneway systems, one way streets, roads that used to be open that are now shut at one end or are now pedestrian!! i had a job as locksmith that involved lot of london driving so got used to it a bit, anywhere else is so easy in comparison! even parking is nightmare, most places are resisdent permit or 2hour max (?4 per hour) and no return for hour and nop meter feeding. its hell!! oh and cos of the huge buildings sat nav dosent always work lol

Totally, London sucks big time. I actually charge 200 quid extra if Im wanted in london, which covers parking, CC charge and me for the added stress levels!

25-01-07, 09:22 PM
Cornwall Is realativly easy once you've lived there for more than two years lol

London is easy but slow, MK has to be the easiest place in the world to get round.

Bristol is a pain at the min as it's as congested as London, and the council have dug up half the roads at the same time. So no one knows where anywhere goes.

I'm glad I walk to work.

25-01-07, 09:30 PM
i hate london !! the getting round, congestion charge, cocneys i hate evrything about london lol

and sat-nav ?? real men get lost lol

sat-nav is only good to find exact streets imo, use a map to get to th erough area then switch on sat-nav. When i worked for a recovery firm the amount of drivers that used sat-nav and spent double the time on jobs was comical

26-01-07, 10:08 AM
sat-nav is only good to find exact streets imo, use a map to get to th erough area then switch on sat-nav. When i worked for a recovery firm the amount of drivers that used sat-nav and spent double the time on jobs was comical

I use the gf's sat nav from start of journey to the finish.
It's much more relaxing... and you can enjoy driving without worrying about taking a wrong turn.

She's got a NavMan... fairly recent model and its an absolute diamond... hasn't put a foot wrong yet.

26-01-07, 05:14 PM
but sat-navs dont teach you directions, i bet if you drove somewhere with sat-nav and then did the journey a week later without sat-nav you wouldnt get there as easily but if i used a map first time id get there the following week more or less the same way/time

ive also got a good sense of direction which helps :thumb:

29-01-07, 09:43 AM
but sat-navs dont teach you directions, i bet if you drove somewhere with sat-nav and then did the journey a week later without sat-nav you wouldnt get there as easily but if i used a map first time id get there the following week more or less the same way/time

ive also got a good sense of direction which helps :thumb:

lol I'm the opposite... I've got a ****e sense of direction.
I still don't know my way through Oxford city centre properly... I'm **** with street names too.

29-01-07, 09:56 AM
I can learn a route from following sat-nav. Proved it to myself a couple of weeks ago.

I'd got no idea where my sister lived, somewhere near Rochdale is all i knew. So took the sat-nav with us the first time we went, punched in her postcode and found the place no bother.

A couple of weeks later I went up to see her again, this time i forgot the windscreen mount for the sat-nav and it doesn't get a signal unless its mounted properly for some reason, so was useless all the way there. Still managed to find her house at the first attempt without getting lost or going the wrong way anywhere.

It's all down to how you use your sat-nav. If you just drive along and listen to the instructions you go into autopilot mode and don't concentrate on where you are or what you're doing - but if you look at the maps on teh display, and when it tells you to turn you double-check the road sign says the same as the display tells you it should ie Junction 19 or whatever, then you'll have a better chance of recalling the info later.