View Full Version : Next time someone sits next to you on a train/bus etc...

19-01-07, 09:16 AM
The next time you find yourself on public transport or an aircraft, sitting next to someone who cannot resist chattering to you endlessly, I urge you to quietly pull your laptop out of your rucksack, carefully open the screen (ensuring the irritating person next to you can see it), and hit this link (http://www.thecleverest.com/countdown.swf).

Sorry if this offends anyone.

19-01-07, 09:23 AM

I'm going to add it to my intranet at work. I've already installed a "time bomb" so that if i dont log on for 4 weeks it dumps the contents of the database and emails a backup to me at home lol

19-01-07, 09:27 AM
Would be better if you added an explosion sound affect too... (unless its already got one, i dont have sound at work lol)

19-01-07, 09:37 AM
That was great. didnt expect it to be that.

19-01-07, 09:45 AM
I'm going to add it to my intranet at work. I've already installed a "time bomb" so that if i dont log on for 4 weeks it dumps the contents of the database and emails a backup to me at home lol
The database I made for AH had an automated user login system which checked your network name to a list of approved logins - basic, but it worked well and nobody there had the brains to get round it. All well and good until I left and realised I hadn't added anybody else to that list except for me... had to go back and reconfigure it to allow a few other people in to use it lol

Been back quite a few times actually, that thing was so full of bugs it was unreal. Should have charged a consultancy rate.

19-01-07, 09:52 AM
Yeah, mine has an approved users list and MD5 passwords, with authority levels for each user. When you log on, it sticks a timestamp against your username ... if my username doesnt get updated for over 4 weeks, or gets deleted... bish bash bosh lol

I only get 20 days annual leave, so 4 weeks is the max i would be off work for. There is an over-ride that i can initialise though, if i were to become ill or something lol

19-01-07, 03:36 PM
lol lol brilliant! I wonder how done you could get lol

19-01-07, 04:15 PM
In an airport... i reckon you'd get proper shafted.

19-01-07, 07:58 PM

20-01-07, 12:29 PM
Good Stuuf