View Full Version : time off on full pay!!

16-01-07, 09:28 PM
Ive been signed off for 1, poss 2weeks on full pay. Industrial injury, me and my boss were adjusting a plate glass door on thurs when wind caught it, corner hit concrete wall and glass blew! door was 8ft by 4ft and inch thick toughened glass!! toughend glass breaks into very small pieces as not to cut you which is great but the Steel top section with pivot and maglock obviously doesnt, it fell and hit my arm and hand, ive had to have 2stitches in my wrist and 9in my finger(after plastic surgeon checked nerves etc) side of thumb and fingertip stll numb! plastics guy had to fold flesh out of way and stitch to fingertip to keep it out way while lookin at nerve! will try post pics i took on phone while layin in hosp bed.

16-01-07, 09:29 PM
I forsee a massive compensation claim here lol

16-01-07, 09:45 PM
here's my wrist, not big but is deep, down to nerve:


finger with flesh in place:


and finger with flesh etc sewn to finger to keep out the way, metal thingy is in way of the hole in my finger lol which is holdin rubber glove tight as a tornicay to stop blood flow. check out the lump of flesh!!


16-01-07, 09:55 PM
mmmmmmmm yummy, hope you get a good claim and regain the feeling in your fingers mate.

16-01-07, 10:17 PM
nice one:thumb:

16-01-07, 11:30 PM
pfft, its only like slipping wit a spanner ina n engine bay - you wuss lol

hope it heals ok mate, i smashed my elbow when i was 14 and im staring to get really bad pins and needles that go away when i massage the nerves around the elbow and in the winter it aches pretty bad

17-01-07, 12:17 AM
same here, i made a rather large hole in my arm coming off a bike and now i cant feel the lower half of my lower arm and my two smallest fingers sometimes, really weird. Hope it heals good, lol despite all my injures i still can't look at anyone elses.


17-01-07, 12:33 AM
Looks painful mate, hope you feel better soon. How long before you can drive and make painless gear shifts?

17-01-07, 12:36 AM
can drive now, was practicing driftin the beemer round some quiet wet roundabouts today, thumb hurts to realese handbrake so doin it with right hand instead.

17-01-07, 06:43 AM
Those pictures are horrible!! lol
No offence!
When I was about 12 (don't ask how) but I fell of a oil drum, onto some old electric fence batteries and into some barbed wire and stingy nettles...lol
And luckily other then a few cuts and bruises, I only had one serious cut across the side of my elbow. Has left a lovely scar, and if anyone brushes up against it, or if someone were to run their finger across it, there's this horrible tickeling but painful feeling...where I think I must have damaged a nerve.
All good fun hey!

17-01-07, 08:30 AM
Those picks are sick !

17-01-07, 09:31 AM
ooooohhh I love a bit of Gore... the more blood the better as long as it doesn't obscure the muscle and bone.