View Full Version : people with welders please help

13-01-07, 09:37 PM
right iv got a mig welder, it takes one of them real small gas canaster things, well iv noticed that when i turn the gas on at the regulator i can here it at the handle, like i can here it hissing, is it ment to do that or does it sound like its leaking?

anyone got one like this that takes them smaal canasters?

help appriciated as iv got a lot of welding to get done soon so need to know if iv got a problem with the welder or not, cheers lew

13-01-07, 10:23 PM
sounds like it's leaking, gas should pass through the nozzle when you press the trigger.

13-01-07, 11:04 PM
Yeah, check the trigger's not sticking a bit.

13-01-07, 11:06 PM
yeah sounds like a leak, maybe its the swan neck.

what welder is it? I had a snap-on turbo mig 130 and you can hardly get parts for them! :confused:

Got the good ole Clarke 180 now - hope you bought from somewhere you can get parts / service mate!

14-01-07, 04:12 PM
If you've got a bit of welding to do then get a tankofArgoshield Light from BOC beter gas for automotive workand is about 1000% cheaper than small bottles.

14-01-07, 05:57 PM
ah right! yeh i can hear the gas come out the nozzle when i press the trigger but i can hear this hissing all the time when the gas is on, thats not right is it??

also i checked it again earlier and when i squeeze the handle i can hear it change note of hising if you know what i mean lol, also it does go throught them bottles f**king quick!!!!

14-01-07, 09:29 PM
right just been to investigate, luckily its just a small plit in the gas hose were it joins the brass thing.


its the clear one in the middle, the hose pushes on to the brass thing, and the split is mostly were the hose sits on the brass bit, would i be ok just to cut the bit with the split off and then just push it back on etc, i'd need to cut of about 10mm, so not alot, so it shouldnt make to much difference and itd be ok? what you think?

15-01-07, 12:32 AM
Is it a new welder? If not got for a torch refurb kit, it'll include the gas hose, torch liner (essential of rusty wire has gone through) tip and shroud.

Use 0.6 wire and a gas flow of 10L/min should see you getting on well. If you need any help or contact infor for parts etc then give me a shout.

15-01-07, 01:37 PM
The old clarke pro 90 I was using last year had the same problem, I just trimmed it down a bit and all was fine. That welder is now about 15 years old and belongs to my cousin, so I finally went and bought my own a couple of weeks ago, the difference in power on the same model is amazing, but those diddy bottles of gas are bloody crap.

15-01-07, 07:04 PM
ah right cool, least i know i can cut it down and put it back on.
yeh them bottles are! im getting a conversion kit so can use bigger ones etc

cheers bump will be intouch if i get any trouble!

cheers lew