View Full Version : hyabussa engine in a nova?????????

shy witness
12-01-07, 09:09 PM
has anyone done this yet?????????

seen one in a mini in a magazine today there................so i went on a we hunt round the internet

there seems to ba few in minis with the engines in the back....and they look spectacular

seems ya can get up to 500bhp out of the engine when fully tuned and turbo'd:thumb:

pretty expensive ahen your up to that spec though...........but sureley the same could be doen to a nova.......

and if it hasnt been done..............then what keepin some of ya's lol lol

theres enough talented people arround....goin from the look of some of these rebuilds thats goin on

12-01-07, 09:23 PM
whats stopping you ??

shy witness
12-01-07, 09:32 PM

i'm a full on budget bager amn myself..........and cant even manage to get any of my two novas built never mind something like this.....

i just think it would make a class project...............and to be honest i thought that some one may have tried it and all............

thats why i was enquiring

12-01-07, 09:58 PM
the mini's you've seen are probably by a company called z-cars... my mate has designed a complete spaceframe for a mini to run a bike engine in the back, have asked him to make a nova one, but he's flat out now. landed himself a job at nitron racing as a result of it...

12-01-07, 10:59 PM
in germany there's a smart with a hayabusa engine, i'll see if i can find a movie of that thing.

12-01-07, 11:05 PM
I swear I remember seeing a Saxo with a hayabusa engine in the rear too...? Will try and dig out some information.

Edit: http://www.migweb.co.uk/forums/vauxhall/car-talk/264828-jma-hayabusa-saxo-new-pics.html?highlight=hayabusa+saxo


12-01-07, 11:25 PM
mental! I'd love a go in that!

wonder whats under the bonnet? just a big hole?

any of you heard about beardy's twin let'd corsa on corsasport?

12-01-07, 11:30 PM
there was a vtec rear engine saxo at the autosport show, with supercharger options. still had all the standard rear trim...

shy witness
12-01-07, 11:35 PM
yeah....thats the sort of thing im talkin about there

thanks for the link mate

some nice enginering there i have to say

it would b nice to see a nova done in a similar way

12-01-07, 11:51 PM
I know some people whore fitting a bored out saab 9000 turbo engine into the back of a nova, bas been bored to a 2.5 litre, has some big ass turbo, think its a KKK thing or something like that and I was just stood staring blankly at them as they listed what has been done to the engine... is running an F28 to give it RWD and the engines mounted long ways... dunno if that gives any power gains or not but it looks cool! They said its not leaving the shop till its doing at least 400bhp and recon it'll now be pushing more of 600+ once it leavs and I've somehow banaged to blag myself a go in it once its done... has no interior bar a single carbon fibre seat, a steering wheel, handbrake, gear knob and a tacho! will be for track days only but is a monster of a car and can't wait to have a go in it!
May be able to sneak a few spy photos next time I go down their unit and they have it out and working on it

13-01-07, 12:02 AM

there's the saxo, a z-cars special. 400bhp option lol

13-01-07, 01:22 AM
my mechanic was mad to put a hayabusa engine in my nova,i decieded against it because the car wouldnt be road legal if it was done, or so i was told anyway

13-01-07, 09:58 AM
I know some people whore fitting a bored out saab 9000 turbo engine into the back of a nova, bas been bored to a 2.5 litre, has some big ass turbo, think its a KKK thing or something like that and I was just stood staring blankly at them as they listed what has been done to the engine... is running an F28 to give it RWD and the engines mounted long ways... dunno if that gives any power gains or not but it looks cool! They said its not leaving the shop till its doing at least 400bhp and recon it'll now be pushing more of 600+ once it leavs and I've somehow banaged to blag myself a go in it once its done... has no interior bar a single carbon fibre seat, a steering wheel, handbrake, gear knob and a tacho! will be for track days only but is a monster of a car and can't wait to have a go in it!
May be able to sneak a few spy photos next time I go down their unit and they have it out and working on it

now, im no mechanic and only a semi-competent engineer BUT surely if the engine was in the back then they wouldnt need to mount the engine lengthways as it would then power the front ?? and a F28 doesnt make it RWD, its just a 6-speed box ?? i smell bull in this post but im sure ill be corrected if wrong ???

13-01-07, 11:58 AM
is running an F28 to give it RWD and the engines mounted long ways... dunno if that gives any power gains or not but it looks cool!

Yes running a longitudinal engine adds 30 bhp......lollollol

An F28 is a 6 speed box and does not add RWD. Mounting the engine Longitudinally means that linking the engine to a back axle (and RWD configuration) is straightforward.

13-01-07, 12:05 PM
can't find the busa smart, but i found this VW polo...

what happens when you put 2 suzuki gsxr engine's in a polo...


movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkqP0smO4H4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkqP0smO4H4)

13-01-07, 12:07 PM
my mechanic was mad to put a hayabusa engine in my nova,i decieded against it because the car wouldnt be road legal if it was done, or so i was told anyway

And why would it be illegal?? Engine conversions arent! this is just an engine!!

Bike engined kit cars arent illegal!!

As for the Longitudinal mounted LET< if your running an F28 its pointless, how u gonna drive the rear axle without a prop shaft, and how u gonna convert the F28 to run RWD and not FWD/4WD??

13-01-07, 12:33 PM
i was to that here in ireland a bike engine in a road car was ilegal?? i duno if its true or not, how would you go about gettin reverse as a matter of interest??

13-01-07, 12:37 PM
you can buy stuff from quiaffe IIRC to enable the car to reverse

13-01-07, 02:34 PM
you wouldnt want to drive it in the rain!

13-01-07, 05:17 PM
seen a fue novas with em in at the autograss club but aint ever seen one on the road

14-01-07, 11:22 AM
found the smart with the bike engine


craig green
14-01-07, 01:55 PM
Trouble with bike engines is they have little torque, so they need to be screamed at 1200rpm to go. So to combat that, you need a lightweight car or a motorcycle. Thats why they work well in kit cars. There was a 'Blade engined 205 at Eurofest at Combe in September, Ive got pics.

It was front engined, rear wheel drive which is the best way I'd imagine. I dunno what the fascination is with rear engined conversions other than its out of the ordinary.


It was nowhere near as quick around the track as it should have been IMO. It was very quick at certain points & corners but when it had to climb some of the rises & the uphill exits of a couple bends you could hear the engine screaming at 14k rpm but it wasnt coming into view or making progress as quickly as it sounded.

Best left to kit cars I reckon. Hats off to the brains behind the workmanship though.

craig green
14-01-07, 02:02 PM


Nice track car, dont you reckon?

14-01-07, 03:24 PM
lol them engines are crazy!! theres one round here in just a roll cage thing its pissed all over a loads of cars and a Nissan GTIR and they are the basically same enigne as a skyline? and a twin turbo right?? maybe single (correct me if im wrong?) nuthing touches it for s h i t!!! :thumb:

lee coley
14-01-07, 04:14 PM
A bloke that i no builds kit cars using 1000cc fireblade engines,its weird to see a car that sounds like a motor bike,Hes also built a mini with the 600cc fireblade engine in the boot!sorry its nowt to do with a nova!!


14-01-07, 04:26 PM
that looks like a westfield 2 me ^^^^

14-01-07, 04:27 PM
that looks like a westfield 2 me ^^^^