View Full Version : Top Mounts

nova ian
12-01-07, 06:43 PM
Just wondered if I could get some info on the diferences and or benifits of both eccentric and concentric top mounts??

obvious difference I can see and understand is that eccentric mounts enable adjustment and therefore alter the camber, but what does a concentric top mount enable you to do as there doesnt appear to be any means of adjustment to do.

Im a novice when it comes to this sort of thing hence why i'm posting to try and gain some knowledge!!



12-01-07, 07:25 PM
Consentric mounts are basically standard, hense why theres no adjustment.

Eccentric mounts not only enable camber adjustment, but also castor which can help with turn in or oversteery tendencies.

craig green
13-01-07, 06:22 PM
Do you need to have camber bolts on the lower stut bolt or will the eccentric top mounts do this on their own?

Also is there a factory position you can set eccentic TMs to. Bit of a pain in the harris if it must be laser aligned after they are fitted. Might not be able to afford it or another reason.

13-01-07, 06:34 PM
I just set mine by eye, asked a few folk who had them fitted where they had theres set to and just went off that, handles well and doesn't scrub tyres so they can't br far out !!
Might have access to all the gear to get it all aligned, set up & corner weights set with my new job ... we'll have to see if i can blag them !!


13-01-07, 09:22 PM
Do you need to have camber bolts on the lower stut bolt or will the eccentric top mounts do this on their own?

Also is there a factory position you can set eccentic TMs to. Bit of a pain in the harris if it must be laser aligned after they are fitted. Might not be able to afford it or another reason.

Nope, no need for the wobbley bolts Craig.

Unfortunately, every time you play with the top mount, it will play with the tracking settings. Thats why i always carry two bits of wood and a tape measure lol

nova ian
14-01-07, 11:14 AM
So eccentric TM'S are definatley the way to go then, are most of the ones that are available compatable with the Avo coilovers, as im sure ive seen people on here saying that when they come to bolting the strut to the mount it doesnt pair up and have had to start having them machined.

I'm definatley getting the avos and if I were to get some eccentris TM's I'd rather them fit straight away without having to mess around with them, so if anyone can shed some light on this or a way round then that would be good.

Thanks for the replies.

14-01-07, 05:10 PM
Not sure if its the same with all Adjustable top mounts, but i got mine off Ebay and had to get them machined to allow them to fit into the shock turret propperly.

I had to get the bit that sticks up machined down, think it was 7mm across the diameter that was removed.
