View Full Version : Tax Petition

11-01-07, 10:31 AM
The Government is planning to introduce a new scheme of "road pricing" - you will have to pay a fee depending on which roads you use, at what time of day you use them, and for how long you travel. This will require you to fit an electronic GPS tracking device into your car which will record and transmit details of where you are driving and when.

The tracking device is expected to cost around ?200. A recent study from the BBC found a rural florist would have been charged a minimum of ?28 a month, whilst a delivery driver would have paid a minumum of ?194 a month. A non-working mum who only used her car to take her kids to school would have paid a minumum of ?86 per month. Bear in mind these figures were calculated from data collected by the GPS devices and proposed rates for the roads travelled, as this was only a trial the subjects didn't actually have to pay the fees.

Whilst many of us will agree that charging motorists per mile is a fairer mode of taxation than having flat rates based on emissions and/or engine capacities, you'll note that from the smallest fee above - ?28 a month - represents a ?336 yearly tax charge. This is a gross rise in tax; The Government is hiding the true cost of this new scheme by promoting how each road can cost as little as 1p per mile. From the BBC study, its easy to see how these "minor" costs add up. Also note that this has been described as a "new" scheme - no mention of it replacing current road tax and fuel tax systems, so these may well still remain in place.

Not only will this operate as a further "stealth tax", you will also have to buy and install (most likely have installed professionally) a GPS tracking device in your vehicle. Your car will be tracked 24/7, the device will record exactly where you go and when. Not only is this a massive intrusion of privacy, anyone will current GPS SatNav technology will know the units will probably be capable of recognising the speed limit on the road you're travelling (and if my experience with a Garmin device is anything to go by, its not always 100% accurate). How long til automatic NIPs are sent from this data?

The Government hosts an online petition website. There is currently a petition online against the above road pricing proposals, which can be signed here. (http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax/) You may want to consider signing it if you care about your privacy and wallet!

11-01-07, 10:36 AM

Watched that documentary, was shocking how biased the BBC was in favour of introducing this tax!!! Everyone stop voting Labour, they're retarded!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

11-01-07, 10:42 AM
Everyone stop voting Labour, they're retarded!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
You're implying the Conservatives aren't? lol

I saw the BBC thing too, remember thinking at the time it was a little positive about the whole thing!

11-01-07, 10:47 AM
Its retarded and so is this country

11-01-07, 10:48 AM
There is already a PERFECTLY good system in place to charge people by the distance they drive and how they drive, and that's with the taxation on fuel. The tracking system is an un-necessary expense to the public, and to the government when they come to start running it.

If they were to add 1p per litre to the price of fuel, that would probably create a similar income stream, and would remove all that "this is a breach of my privacy and my human rights" mallarky.

That said, presently, i dont have a car ... and i live a 30 minute walk from work, so this legislation would have NO effect on me WHATSOEVER. The wife may suffer a little though lol but lets face it, this wouldnt come into effect for a good few years, and when it does, we'll probably have had kids and she probably wont be working full time, so less travel, so less cost.


Come on people - if you want to get the government to do a U-Turn on their latest "good idea" you have to come up with a valid arguement, or a better idea. Just saying "it costs me more" wont work, they already know that and deemed it an acceptable expense that the people WILL pay.

11-01-07, 10:51 AM
You're implying the Conservatives aren't? lol

I saw the BBC thing too, remember thinking at the time it was a little positive about the whole thing!

Not at all they're all as bad as each other, BUT Labour have had enough time do fcuk things up, so maybe its time everyone gave another party a chance at it....

11-01-07, 10:56 AM
I agree there. We should have a 3 term maximum on the governments so that one party can only be in control for 12 years.

Over a decade is PLENTY of time to put process in place to fix the previous governments mistakes, put things right you want to do, and set up new stuff that will hopefully follow on into the next government.

A party being in control for over a decade is more than enough. What if the conservatives et al were unable to produce a worth-while leader, or someone good looking enough lol for 100 years? our system would have become a joke and essentially a one horse race every 4 years. By excluding the dominant party from the election every 4th time around you'd make the whole thing better as the other parties would have to come up with better ideas etc.

11-01-07, 11:20 AM

a) the petition WONT be listened to
b.) The taxation thing wotn be introduced jsut yet as the implementation costs are astronimical..... yes "we " would have to pay for the boxes, but think how much the tracking stuff will cost, plus the infrastructre to bill etc etc etc. its going to take a very long time before there is capability to even trial it properly let alone actually implement it into the public domain.

Im actually looking at a company who run limited trials for road charging amongst other things they do... should be intresting if i can get in there :D

11-01-07, 11:25 AM
I aint even gonna attempt to read all this thread the way i look at it is if its goin to be introduced theres nothing i can do to stop it!!! Goverments pick and chose there laws like i pick sweats differnt evey time!! rant over ignore me!!

11-01-07, 11:25 AM
lol power to the people.

11-01-07, 11:26 AM
Its retarded and so is this country

im with you on this! lol

lol get in there stu. will be intresting

11-01-07, 11:42 AM
They'd probably bodge it onto the existing GPS satnav network lol

Bear in mind, the Government and MPs may change, but the civil servants don't, and most of the time its them who come up with/implement the methods. I'd bet an MP dictated the road funding methods need review, and one of the civil servants in the DoT came up with the idea, which the MP then presented back to Parliament. Doesn't matter what party is at the top of the tree, the people who (supposedly) do the work don't change...

When I worked in Education at the council, the local councillors told us what they wanted to do, and we told them what we could do. They then adjusted their policies to suit lol

11-01-07, 12:25 PM
on the other hand, your forgetting that the majority drive nova's, cars that are easily taken apart and seam to break all the time lol

whatever "they" install, i shall be un-installing post haste

11-01-07, 12:30 PM
i will guarentee that if you do that and are found to be driving without it heavy penalties shall ensue. It'll be the same as driving without a tax disc, only worse as they'll make more money out of it... so heavier penalties.

Come the time when its all up and running, police cars will end up having trackers, so they tap in your Reg number and it shows where you are, if you dont appear on the map right in front of them as expected as they follow you down the road, they stop you - you get bummed lol

11-01-07, 12:40 PM
i reckon within 3 months of the box being on the market someone will have a mod which means you dont get charged, ill just reverse the polarity so the government owe me money lol

11-01-07, 12:48 PM
i reckon within 3 months of the box being on the market someone will have a mod which means you dont get charged, ill just reverse the polarity so the government owe me money lol


i garantee that someone will come up with a crack for them anyway

11-01-07, 12:49 PM
i will guarentee that if you do that and are found to be driving without it heavy penalties shall ensue. It'll be the same as driving without a tax disc, only worse as they'll make more money out of it... so heavier penalties.

Come the time when its all up and running, police cars will end up having trackers, so they tap in your Reg number and it shows where you are, if you dont appear on the map right in front of them as expected as they follow you down the road, they stop you - you get bummed lol

This kind of shizzle costs mega cash to implement. Hell look at Tetra, thats taken nearly 15 years or so to get going properly and that msut have cost a fortune, and it dosent interface with "people" so the development for that would take even longer lol

craig green
11-01-07, 01:07 PM
I'll just stop driving. PERIOD.

I cba'd with all this rubbish. The UK is fast going down the pan. I predict we will be a 3rd world country in 30 years. What with all the debt everyone is in, the fact that all our services (water, gas etc) are all foreign owned, not to mention all th banks & lenders anyway. The road network & the way transport infrastructure is retarded.

I shall be getting out. probably move to some country experiencing massive economic growth. I predict....................

IRAQ! lol

11-01-07, 01:18 PM
30 years is optimistic!! This country isn't self sufficient any more, imagine if something like WW2 happened again (I know it wouldn't, but hypothetically), we'd be screwed as we import so much of our now everyday consumables and don't produce anything useful in-house.

If you want a country with economic growth, go for China. Crap human rights record, but a rather large international market force. And hey, with the millions you make there, you can bribe the local authorities when they try to arrest you for looking up Tianamen Square on google lol

11-01-07, 01:19 PM
I predict that eventually the government will HAVE to step in and write off the debts of the nation, because it will get to epic proportions and the whole population would be without a roof over their head and a shirt on their back, and will not be able to afford to pay their taxes (most important!).

So, rack up the debts now, and get it all paid for you in (possibly) 20 years time.

11-01-07, 01:22 PM
So, rack up the debts now, and get it all paid for you in (possibly) 20 years time.

i know people who already are doing that, getting ?10,000 loans at 20-21 blowing it and not paying back etc, or buyinga car at yes car credit and all these other "guranteed credit" places and selling it for cash then defaulting :roll:

craig green
11-01-07, 01:26 PM
i know people who already are doing that, getting ?10,000 loans at 20-21 blowing it and not paying back etc, or buyinga car at yes car credit and all these other "guranteed credit" places and selling it for cash then defaulting :roll:

Thats not very clever! :confused:

craig green
11-01-07, 01:28 PM
the whole population would be without a roof over their head and a shirt on their back, and will not be able to afford to pay their taxes (most important!).

Brazil? lol

11-01-07, 01:30 PM
Thats not very clever! :confused:

actually it is. at that age, you get yourself a CCJ and 6 years later its gone.

By the time you are *cough* my age you're clear to get proper finance etc again and buy yourself a house - meanwhile, you've had an amazing time with several thousand pounds in cash. Free money.

11-01-07, 01:32 PM
I aint even gonna attempt to read all this thread the way i look at it is if its goin to be introduced theres nothing i can do to stop it!!! Goverments pick and chose there laws like i pick sweats differnt evey time!! rant over ignore me!!

Go to a former IRA friendly training camp get skilled in guerilla warfare. Then build your revolutionary army from the disheartened north.

11-01-07, 01:33 PM
"rage against the machine" they cant stop us all! lol

11-01-07, 01:46 PM
I just applied to Northern Rock to swap my loan from Cahoot (as the latter suddenly almost doubled my interest!)

I don't think I'll bother paying it back then lol

11-01-07, 01:54 PM
Think about it, if you've got less than the national average debt, you're missing out on money - there are people out there with something you don't have!

11-01-07, 01:57 PM
id rather have my own house tho tbh

11-01-07, 02:06 PM
get a mortgage = more debt. Jump on that band wagon too.

Get a self cert mortgage if you can, lets you borrow more, leaving you with MORE debt.

11-01-07, 02:11 PM
Can I sell my soul to the devil for more debt?

Or does paying taxes to Mr Blair & Mr Brown constitute the same action?

11-01-07, 04:46 PM
im sick to death with what this country is becoming! more and more tax and it feels like big brother!

11-01-07, 05:08 PM
Fight the power!!

11-01-07, 06:01 PM
i was discussing this with dad t'other day, i said im moving to either Italy or Australia, in which he replyed Italys got a corrupt government and Australia is full of convicts. Great. Iraq is sounding fav atm lol


11-01-07, 06:06 PM
Right, the logic of this road pricing is to charge more if you are using a motorway, & less if you are buzzing about round town etc.
I just did a 4 hr return Mway trip in the family car & returned 40+mpg,
round town it only does 30mpg
So you get charged more when the car is running economically, and less when it is guzzling fuel.
About 15 years ago in Oxford (where the speed hump was perfected) they proved a speedhump caused emissions to go up tenfold compared to a flat road.......
Congestion is caused by traffic management. Try driving round in a power cut, see how fast you get there.

11-01-07, 06:19 PM
About 15 years ago in Oxford (where the speed hump was perfected) they proved a speedhump caused emissions to go up tenfold compared to a flat road.......

lmfao, all i have to say really

11-01-07, 06:56 PM
Congestion is caused by traffic management.
It is, and the Government don't deny it. They purposefully put certain traffic control mechanisms in to slow the traffic down.

Bus stops for example. Ever wondered why buses now stop in the road and don't pull over in designated laybys like they used to? To disrupt the traffic and slow it down.

11-01-07, 07:19 PM
http://www.novaload.net/forum/new3.5/statusicon/post_new.gif Today, 12:40 PM #15 (http://www.novaload.net/forum/showpost.php?p=603899&postcount=15) draper-midlands (http://www.novaload.net/forum/member.php?u=11591) vbmenu_register("postmenu_603899", true);
shelfstakker veteranus

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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ilkeston, Occupation: professional dosser drives: none, but im doing a good impression of it
Posts: 3,221
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i reckon within 3 months of the box being on the market someone will have a mod which means you dont get charged, ill just reverse the polarity so the government owe me money lol
best idear yet............ but how long will it take you to get money from them? like insurance companys they want of you fast enough but when table is turned it takes forever to get anything back

11-01-07, 07:25 PM
im sick to death with what this country is becoming! more and more tax and it feels like big brother!

it pretty much is mate, cctv fcukin everywere, if u just come of the boat u get everything free..................complete joke mate