View Full Version : trouble wiv bonnet lifters

01-07-01, 05:04 PM
i went to the scrapy today and got some bonnet lifters off a metro hatch i also i noticed that the new metros lifters r slighly bigger so i went for the older metro which r smaller was these the one to go for also i went to fit um today put all the ball jints on then snaped all the lifters in place the went to shut the bonnet and the top corners of the bonnet stick up and it looked shit i first put the fat end off the lifter at the top tryed it like that and then vice versa but it was still the same can any1 help cheers

01-07-01, 06:02 PM
ermm lol i used nova hatch lifters when i done mine

mine did the same i used to push down the back corners but i soon dented my bonnet to fuck so i took em off

my mate has the proper jamex lifters and his does the same

the best way to fit would be to weld the actual ball joint onto the front most bonnet to hinge bolts

this would stop the lifter pivoiting the hing instead ov the bonnet (does that make any sense at all??? lol)

Micky@novaload.net :)

02-07-01, 10:08 AM
do you think he re-reads his posts? if he does he must have to take a really deep breath.

02-07-01, 10:32 AM
My Jamex ones did the same, thats why I got em for a tenner off of my mate. All I had to do was bend back the lip of the wing where the self tapping bolts go in coz the lifter pushed against it when the bonnet was closed. Problem solved.


Whoopass! :D

02-07-01, 04:26 PM
i ad enough of punctuation at school i didnt use it then so sod usin it now lol