View Full Version : Am I a m i n g e r for picking mould out my rolls and eating them?

08-01-07, 12:59 PM
Just sat down and started tucking into my ham rolls.. just noticed a patch of mould on the bottom, 3 or 4 dots approximately 3mm diameter.

Question is.... am I a m i n g e r for picking the mould out and eating them?

08-01-07, 01:03 PM
i do the same BUT theres a burgo option

08-01-07, 01:07 PM
You picked the mould out and ate the mould, or you picked the mould out and ate everything apart from the mould? :wtf:

08-01-07, 01:08 PM
lol ate everything apart from the mould.

Maybe I should elaborate on it further... the ham is from the deli counter... Smoked country so not just some cheap crap wafer thin stuff.

08-01-07, 01:09 PM
Good. lol I guess that's acceptable.

08-01-07, 01:09 PM
I do that. No point wasting the whole sandwich. It wouldn't do you any harm if you ate a bit anyway... might even boost your immune system lol

08-01-07, 01:10 PM
ive done it with cheese i found in the fridge aswell lol was a few days before pay-day and i was bloody hungry !!

08-01-07, 01:11 PM
happens with cheese all the time, just chop the bad bits off and eat what's left.

08-01-07, 01:11 PM
No point wasting an entire roll just for some small spots of mould.

Its the ones you didn't spot you should be worried about lol

08-01-07, 01:14 PM
Wisewood... have you been messing with my poll lol..

08-01-07, 01:16 PM
lol no. Just public opinion mate

08-01-07, 01:17 PM
whatever gave that away lol

08-01-07, 01:18 PM

08-01-07, 01:18 PM
LMAO the public has spoken.

08-01-07, 01:22 PM
PMSL... good job I'm the only one at work... I'm in stitches.

craig green
08-01-07, 02:37 PM
Ive done the same in the past.

Bit worse spooning the mould from a tin of beans & then having them.

Bit of Penicilium never hurt anyone!! LOL

08-01-07, 03:26 PM
You pik your mold, boy! lol

08-01-07, 03:43 PM
LMFAO @ nobody thinking its disgusting. can't you just tell the women haven't been on yet.

08-01-07, 03:56 PM
Bit of Penicilium never hurt anyone!! LOL

ummm, it might kill me, but i doubt theres enough on a sandwich to do that.

Cheese is fine, because it on the outside and you cut it off, bread - it could be anywhere, just eat the ham.


08-01-07, 03:59 PM
Bit of Penicilium never hurt anyone!! LOL
Actually.......it would and has nearly killed me ;)lol

LMFAO @ nobody thinking its disgusting. can't you just tell the women haven't been on yet.
And I don't think it's disgusting...I do the same! lol

08-01-07, 04:57 PM
I do that. No point wasting the whole sandwich. It wouldn't do you any harm if you ate a bit anyway... might even boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooost your immune system lol

What psi does it operate at? lol

08-01-07, 05:02 PM
lol @ the poll, 102 'votes' for "homo" yet "No, I'd do the same" is the winning option with 8 votes... and 8 + 6 + 102 + 2 = 118 apparently lol

08-01-07, 05:07 PM
and 8 + 6 + 102 + 2 = 118 apparently lol

Maths not a strong point? ;)

08-01-07, 05:10 PM
ROFL yeah sorry, I thought it said "108" lol

08-01-07, 05:12 PM
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. lol

08-01-07, 05:58 PM
It is 118?
8 + 6 = 14
102 + 2 = 104
Or am I missing something

08-01-07, 06:04 PM
Yes, it's 118. There's no doubt you're University material lol

08-01-07, 06:25 PM
Yes, it's 118. There's no doubt you're University material lol


08-01-07, 06:29 PM
Was I missing something? :(

08-01-07, 06:39 PM
No comment lol

08-01-07, 07:29 PM
I fear Jack has edit'd his post to make you look stupid? lol If not then I dont know. Plus there is nothing wrong with the previously meantioned.

08-01-07, 07:37 PM
yeh theres nout wrong with piking the mould off, i do the same lol

wouldnt want to waste a sandwhich would you!!!

Kinky Monza
11-01-07, 10:43 AM
Eeewwww!!!! that is gross!!!

11-01-07, 11:50 AM
Hang on, Matt eats mouldy roll... now is off work sick?

Connection? lol